In addition to XR's enabling technology today, what's its market size tomorrow? Investment KPIs include unit economics, recurring revenue, and total addressable market (TAM). How do these metrics stack up for AR and VR today?
One of mobile AR’s top use cases is visualizing in-home furniture placement. Embraced by big names like IKEA and Amazon, it’s a utility that goes beyond AR novelty. This is where RoOomy plays, but it brings real estate into the mix. We talk to the company to find out how.
HTC has abandoned plans to build a standalone Google Daydream headset. One theory is price competition from Oculus Go. At $199, Go is priced to bring higher-end VR to a greater swath of the mainstream public. But can others compete with that loss-leader pricing?
AR adoption among enterprises is still relatively low at 10 percent. But on the bright side, it has lots of headroom to grow: 24 percent of enterprises report intent to invest in AR over the next three years. How will that break down?
Lots of mobile AR apps are “hammers searching for nails.” It's a question of if AR accomplishes something unique and additive, versus functionality already found in mobile apps. And it's a question of how to avoid this trap.
With emerging tech, history has taught that it's all about finding openings for business opportunity and gaps in the value chain. And that process is all about having a knowledge position. Against that backdrop, we offer
ARtillry Insights.