MAS Weekly Legislative Recap Newsletter

March 21, 2025

Regular Legislative Session

The Eleventh week of the 2025 Regular Legislative Session has passed. The deadline for original floor action on appropriation and revenue bills originating in other house has passed. The deadline for Final Adoption of conference reports on appropriation and revenue bills and the deadline for conference reports on general bills and constitutional amendments to be filed is Monday March 31st

** TIP: Text in blue, bold and underlined is hyperlinked.

House Chamber Concurs on Senate “Strike All” Language to

House Bill 1


On Thursday, March 20th the Mississippi House of Representatives voted to concur on the Senate “Strike All Amendment” change to their original House Bill 1 by a vote of 92 to 27. It was then held on a motion to reconsider and on Friday, March 21, the House tabled the motion to reconsider. House Bill 1 is now headed to the Governor’s desk.

Please see the following bullet points to get a general overview of the key provisions in House Bill 1:

  • Income Tax Elimination: HB-1 proposes to eliminate the 4% income tax by reducing it by 0.25% annually from 2027 to 2030 and eventually lowering it to 3%. After 2030, it will further be reduced depending on the health of state revenue.

  • Gasoline Tax Increase: HB-1 proposes to increase the gasoline tax by 9 cents over a three years raising the tax from 18.4 cents to 27 cents. NOTE: Additional future increases would be (Indexed) or tied to road construction costs.

  • Grocery Tax Reduction: HB-1 proposes to reduce the sales tax on groceries from 7% to 5%.

  • Public Employee Retirement System (PERS) Changes: HB-1 proposes that from and after March 2026 for new members to the system that there will be hybrid of a defined contribution plan and defined benefit plan. In addition, after March 2026, the State Legislative Supplemental Plan will be dissolved.
House Bill 1

Key Measures that are in Conference Committee


Senate Bill 3095: (Tax reform bill) On Friday, March 21, the Senate denied to concur on the House strike all amendment and invited conference.

This measure now will head to conference.

NOTE: Senate Bill 3095 currently contains the House's strike-all amendment.

***Please click the bolded, underlined blue text to view current language.


Senate Bill 2835: This measure addressing E-911 funding from a comprehensive perspective.

NOTE: This measure increases the communication device surcharge that counties receive.

This measure has been sent to conference.

Senate Bill 3041: This measure provides reimbursements for the homestead exemption.

NOTE: This measure provides homestead exemption reimbursement at $94 million. This represents a $2 million increase from last year.

This measure has been sent to conference.


Senate Bill 3033: This measure provides funding for the Beaver Control Assistance Program (BCAP). This program is level funded at $1.1 million from last year.

This measure has been sent to conference.

Senate Bill 2802: This measure will provide addition funding for county and municipal fire funds.

This measure has been sent to conference.  

Weekly Legislative Recap Zoom Call

Next Friday, March 28, 2025

Please join us next Friday, March 28 at 10:30 am for our weekly legislative recap Zoom call.

Zoom Link:


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Then Enter Meeting Id Number:

Meeting Id Number: 385 229 9667

Zoom Link

Helpful Technology

Download the Mississippi Legislature Roster to your iPhone. or Android by visiting the App Store on your phone and search “ECM Legislative Roster”. (This App is provided by the Electric Cooperatives of Mississippi).

Mississippi Association of Supervisors

793 North President Street

Jackson, MS 39202

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