March 5, 2018

The Grand Gala is quickly approaching! If you have not gotten your tickets YOU will MISS out on a wonderful evening.
See below for the details.

If you have purchased your Gala Tickets
See you this Saturday, March 10th, doors open 6:30. 
President Message -  Jack Mercica
March 2018

This month we celebrated President's Day, Valentine's Day and for Christians the start of Lent.
Reflecting on this we have so much to be grateful for.
1st. A President of our USA who really cares about our safety, our prosperity and our civil rights .
2 nd. The love of our families, and friends.
3rd. Our deep abiding faith.
As a political force namely the Mountain View Republican Club, I would like to reflect on government as we celebrate President's Day. In particular I would like to reflect on the status of trust in our government or the lack of trust. Over the past decade we have seen so much to give us pause about how much we should trust our own government, both national, state and local. We have seen:

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March 12, 2018 Meeting
March 12, 2018 Meeting

Candidate for Attorney General   - Judge Steven Bailey

Judge Steven Bailey is a retired judge of the Superior Court of California who has a proven record of enforcing our laws according to our Constitution. He's seen the impact on our  neighborhoods and homes of current criminal justice policies. California needs a new Attorney General, one who is committed to protecting California families.

March 12, 2018 Meeting

Candidate for 31st Congressional District - Sean Flynn
Sean Flynn has grown businesses, taught college students, and even become a champion martial artist: now, America's leading economic educator has dedicated his life to public service and to bringing hope, growth, and opportunity to the Inland Empire.

From My Prospective - Carolyn Gonzales
Gun Control: The Conning of America
"Why do we have such violence in our classrooms and in our society, surely, we must control the guns. We must stop the shooting of innocent people, it is time we take action."
Yes, my friends, we must take action, but that action is not in controlling or banning the guns; the problem lies not with guns, but with the purposeful indoctrination of a generation upon which the very basis of American society has been systematically damaged, it has been fundamentally changed.
Let us, for a moment, reflect on a time when respect was expected; when rules were meant to be followed, when laws were enforced, and when, as a society, we embraced the principles and teachings of our Creator. So much so, that in our very Constitution, it is written: "...endowed by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights...".
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SAVE THE DATE  - March 10, 2018
Join the Mt. View Republicans 
At the Biggest Social Event in the Region
Honoring Our Armed Forces and Veterans

Saturday, March 10, 2018
6:30 PM to 11:00 PM

Dinner, Dancing, Entertainment, Raffles 
Enjoy The Comedic Genius of Evan Sayet
$50.00 Per Person
Eventbrite is Closed
 Inquiries, contact Carolyn Gonzales
Hosted Table's Include
Preferred Table Location at Gala
Recognition in Event Program
Complimentary bottle of Chilled Champagne & Sparkling Cider
To purchase a Hosted Table
Contact Carolyn Gonzales at 626-224-1169 
Imagine That Ballroom
1318 W 9th Street
Upland, CA 91785

San Dimas H.E.R.O.S. -The Wall that Heals 

The Wall That Heals
 - Press to Play

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Replica Wall and Mobile  
Education Center spreads healing legacy of The Wall and educates about the impact of the Vietnam War  
The Wall That Heals, a replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, along with a mobile Education Center, is
coming to San Dimas, California on March 22 through
March 25, 2018 at Lone Hill Middle School, 700 S. Lone Hill, San Dimas and will be open24 hours a day and free to the public.
Unite IE Conference - Save the Date
Unite I E 2018

5th Conservative 

April 8, 2018

Special VIP
Luncheon Speaker
Sebastian Gorka

Lunch 11:30 AM
Table of 8 $640.00

General Admission
1:00 PM

If you are interested in putting together a table, please contact MVRC 909-305-3717
Price for a table of 8 is  $80.00 each

Monthly Meeting Information
Please RSVP     (909) 305-3717   
830 W. Bonita Ave, Claremont, CA 91711
(Southwest corner of Bonita/Mountain)
Social: 5:30 p.m.;  Dinner 6:00 p.m
Meeting: 6:40 p.m.  
Speaker begin: 7:00 p.m.
Dinner included with the meeting 
$15.00, Members  
$20.00 Non-Member

Attending meeting ONLY (Starts at 7:00 pm)
Member $5.00 
Non-Member $10  
MVRC Future Meetings
In This Issue
State Races

Travis Allen for Governor

John Cox for Governor

David Hernandez
Lt. Governor

Judge Steven Bailey Attorney General

Meuser for Secretary of State 2018

Jack Guerrero
State Treasurer

Local District Races

Tim Donnelly 8th CD

Toni Holle 52nd AD

Andrew Kotyuk
42nd AD

Sean Flynn, 31st CD

Bob Lindsey,
Los Angeles County Sheriff 

CA State Incumbents

Edmund G Brown Jr.
Lt. Governor
Gavin Newsom
Attorney General
Xavier Beccera

Secretary of State
Alex Padilla
State Treasurer
John Chiang

U S Senators

Republican Party
State and Local

The Republican Party of California

Republican Party of Orange County

San Bernardino County Republican Party

Local Clubs

California 48th District Republican Committee

Chaffey Community Republican Womens Federated

Chino Tea Party

Corona Act For America

East San Gabriel Valley Republican Center, Inc

La Crescenta Valley RWF

Republican Club
of the Foothills

Republican Party,
49th AD

Redland Tea Party Patriots

Training for
Future Leadership

Patriot Academy Training Champions to Change the World

Young America's Foundation


Pacific Justice Institute

Online Voter Registration

SOS-Registration Filing Dates

President 2018-2019
Jack Mercica
 Vice President
Linnie Drolet
Frank Murray
Deborah Scott-Toux  
Judi Neal
Hayden Lening
Wendy Gish
Fund Raising
Ly Kou
Jon Hart

Student Scholarships

High School and College students are eligible for yearly paid membership as long as they are in school and willing to participate in election canvassing, petition signature gathering and phone banking.

Also, available for High School and College students is the Margaret Scott Reagan Ranch Scholarship.  Participants are required to submit a full page essay on "What being a conservative means to them."  If you know a student who meets this criteria, please have them contact MVRC for contest requirements.

Petitions & Bills

Stop the Top Two
April 1, 2018 due date

April 9, 2018 Meeting 

April 9, 2018 Meeting
Guest Speaker Mike Noriega 
Come listen to this young Patriot speak about what he is learning at  Patriot Academy. 
Training Champions, to CHANGE THE WORLD

Patriot Academy is an elite leadership training program specializing in applied civics with a Biblical, Historical, & Constitutional foundation. Students of all ages develop leadership strategies, life purpose plans, public speaking and advanced communication skills, campaign techniques, and a founding fathers' philosophy of government. PA is the premier political leadership training ground in the nation, with the most realistic simulated-legislative session available.
Visit Patriot Academy website

Conservatives Meet Here - Membersh ip Information

MVRC, P.O. Box 1536, Claremont, CA 91711

Members: $25.00
Seniors: $20.00 (60 & up) 
Couples: $40.00
Students: $10.00
Active Duty Service: Free

The Mountain View Republican Club makes every effort to bring to its members, speakers who are knowledgeable on a variety of topics.  It does so solely with the intent of broadening its members knowledge.  
Some topics may be controversial, and there may be differences of opinions, however, the Mt. View Republican Club will not censor information that is relative to today's headlines, or political conversations.
If a member finds any speaker objectionable, please contact us at 909-305-3717.