In this time of rising calls for racial and economic justice, Elders Climate Action is proud to announce the completion of the
Vision for Equitable Climate Action (VECA)
, a comprehensive set of policy proposals,
expanding on the Green New Deal,
developed by the U.S. Climate Action Network for ending the Climate Crisis. Over the past 2 years ECA has worked with over 100 other organizations to develop targets and financing strategies for each economic sector that contributes to carbon emissions – such as transportation, agriculture, health, buildings and energy efficiency, manufacturing and power generation.
VECA’s goal: acting equitably and ambitiously, to
achieve the GHG reduction targets described by the IPCC for keeping global temperature below 1.5 C: zero emissions by 2050 with half that reduction by 2030. Meeting these targets will exceed the U.S. commitments in the Paris Climate Agreement.
We believe that climate policy must address structural racism, economic injustice, and exploitation. VECA acknowledges that those least responsible, and least able to protect themselves, are hit first and worst by climate harm, and should be the first to be protected
: indigenous communities, communities of color, immigrants, the poor, people with disabilities, children. And VECA also requires solutions that protect displaced fossil fuel workers and their communities. We ask each of you to answer VECA’s call to act on our moral obligation to each other and to future generations. It will require action at scale, the transformation of our economy, to build the world we envision for our children, and all children.
What you can do:
We ask each of you to answer VECA’s call to act on our moral obligation to each other and to future generations.
Take the time to
read VECA
, and embrace the great changes that will begin to unfold around you. Take action – demand that all new federal, state and local legislation, and all corporate actions, be evaluated against VECA. On our website you can find
form letters to send to your representatives
introducing them to VECA and urging them to use it as a resource for policy and as the baseline for equity in building our future.
~The ECA Communications Committee
Your donation allows us to continue to build a movement of Elders taking action on the climate emergency.
Donate Now
John Robert Lewis: February 21, 1940 –
July 17, 2020
Before an audience of 250,000, John Lewis, just 23, was the youngest speaker at the 1963 “March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.” He was considered a firebrand, arrested at least 45 times, risking his life to help his beloved country realize its promise of liberty and justice for all. On “Bloody Sunday” in March 1965, leading a peaceful march for voting rights, he was severely beaten, left unconscious with a fractured skull. Yet as an activist and 17-term member of Congress, he will be remember the will be remembered not for anger but for his abiding love and respect for all of us and for the just society we are struggling to build. We at ECA also remember that the League of Conservation Voters gave his lifetime voting record a score of 92%. He understood the connections among climate change, health and economic justice; he supported the Green New Deal. The passing of John Lewis is a reminder that each of us has a personal obligation
to do more than hope for the best
; instead we must
give our best
, as he did, for what we believe in.
ECA Joins the ShoeStrikes for Climate, Watch the Slideshow (click video)
The ShoeStike, or SkoStrejk began in Sweden earlier this year, and has now spread across the globe.The first US ShoeStrike was held on July 25. Using shoes and signs, ECA members held small scale ShoeStrikes in their neighborhoods and some joined larger displays. ECA's Arizona Chapter participated in strikes across Arizona, in Flagstaff, Sedona and Phoenix.
ShoeStrikes provide a safe way to protest during the pandemic and
will continue on the last Saturday of each month across the globe through 2020. ECA endorses the ShoeStrikes and we encourage our chapters and members to participate. Contribute your shoes and signs to a local event or create your own ShoeStrike on a street corner, in your neighborhood park, or in front of your home. See the
Getting Started Guide for helpful tips.
Check the
Map (red marker indicates a ShoeStrike) to find or list a ShoeStrike in your area. Ask your neighbors and family to join you and contribute their shoes and signs!
Share your ShoeStrike photos
on Social Media (use hashtag #ShoeStrike29August), send photos to elected representatives and local media, and send them to ECA so we can share with our members!
Have you been taking climate action? Send a 150 word (max) summary of what you've been doing and we'll share it in a future newsletter. Send to
Elders Stand for Fair Elections (ESFE) is a campaign led by Elders Action Network to ensure that all eligible voters can safely vote in November, free of COVID risk and confident that their votes will be counted. We must prevent the problems we saw in the 2020 primaries (e.g. Wisconsin, Georgia, Texas), where voters faced long lines, reduced numbers of polling places, restrictive vote-by-mail rules, and faulty voting machines. This work is volunteer-powered and we need you.
Please complete the volunteer contact form
. More info at:
or contact
Elders Promote the Vote is ECA’s partnership with the Environmental Voter Project (EVP) to reach out to strong environmentalists who are not consistent voters. The data show they can readily be persuaded to vote if we just contact them. ECA members have been trained, and are hard at work texting and phone banking to encourage voting and provide information about how to vote safely from home or at an early voting location. More info at
Climate Reality Leadership Corp UPCOMING TRAININGS
Due to the public health emergency, Climate Reality will replace its in-person 2020 training schedule with a virtual format, with the second virtual Climate Reality Leadership Corps Global Training to be held
August 28–September 3, 2020.
Sign up to participate here.
Many ECA members have attended these free, informative and motivating trainings, and we encourage all of become a trained Climate Reality Leader.
"This training gives you the immediate recognition of your understanding of and your commitment to the Climate Reality for the road ahead, along with the tools to share it with future generations. It's a must do!" - Jeff Haverly, (Indiana)
Did you miss the ECA July National Call?
Vision for Equitable Climate Action
with Rev. Michael Malcom and David Arkush
Elders Promote the Vote: Elders Calling Elders
Phone Banking
Weekly Phone Bank sessions - no experience necessary
Elders Declare a Climate Emergency
Demands that governments to adopt an emergency response to the climate crisis.
Elders Stand for Fair Elections
launched by our parent Elders Action Network demands vote by mail and accessible options for all voters.
ECA National Call
4th Tuesday of Each Month
August 25
7 PM (ET) | 4 PM (PT)
Join for
Equity Considerations in Large-scale Renewable Energy Siting: Lessons from New York with Special Guest Roberta Nilson
to receive a link to join the call
Everyone who registers will receive the call recording within 24 hours.
Join Us for
Climate Tea & Talk
Enjoy casual talk with other Elders about the climate issues, solutions and strategies that matter most to you.
Second Tuesday of Each Month
6:00 PM (ET) | 3:00 PM (PT)
We've added an additional Tea & Talk Friday, Aug 28, 3 PM (ET) | 12 PM (PT)
No Registration needed
Join Us for an ECA 101 for New Members Call
Learn more about the mission, vision and action opportunities at Elders Climate Action.
Fourth Wednesday of Each Month
5:30 PM (ET) | 2:30 PM (PT)