Dear Founders,

What a blessed Sunday we had! The music was just amazing and anointed. Didn't you love the music from Taj and Louis? Whew! What a voice!

As we look to this weekend, we are also reminded of the great ministry of one of our Volunteer Staff Pastors, Rev. Steve Pieters. We may memorialize him in a way that seems final, yet his ministry continues to bring people together and shine a light on church, community, and justice - the three principles our denomination was built on. 

As you know, September is Recovery Month, and we are covering the 12-steps in a sermon series entitled, I'm Fiercely Independent, But God - Help! So far we've covered steps 1-7. We'll continue with steps 8-10 this Sunday. If you'd like to read ahead, check out Matthew 18:21-33 (NRSV).

Don't forget, our church's 55th Anniversary in coming up in less than a month! Start letting people know we'll be celebrating all weekend, Oct. 7-8. We have a concert on the 7th and something special on the 8th during worship. Don't miss a minute of it!

God bless you!

Pastor Keith

Founders MCC Lighting Project Update

"Better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness."

- William Lonsdale Watkinson

Thank you for your generosity in supporting Founders’ lighting renovation in the Sanctuary and Theater. We are hoping to complete this project before our 55th Emerald Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, Oct. 8th.

The light bulbs above represent our $8,000 goal for this project. To date, $2,135 has been given toward achieving our goal.

Thank you for your continued support. Just three weeks left!

All gifts designated for the Building Fund in the Founders app/offerings will go towards this special anniversary gift to our church. Please prayerfully consider what Spirit might have you give to share the light.

Group Therapy/Zumba Class Tomorrow, Saturday, September 16th!

Our Group Therapy and Zumba Classes (lead by Reece Whitaker) are on the first and third Saturdays of each month. Tomorrow, Saturday, September 16th the Group Therapy and Zumba Classes start at 9 a.m. in the Black Box Theatre at Founders MCC!! We hope to see you there!!

Rev. Steve Pieters Memorial Tomorrow, September 16

Rev. Steve Pieters Memorial is Tomorrow, Saturday, September 16 at UMC Hollywood at 12:30. Doors open at noon. ASAP RSVP mandatory. Please respond with number attending. 

RSVP: [email protected]

Our Guest Preacher for next Sunday, September 24th: Rev. Onetta Brooks

Rev. Onetta will be our next guest Preacher next Sunday, September 24th! Come here an amazing Spirit-Filled Word regarding the importance and significance of Prayer and Meditation in our lives. You don't want to miss her timeless wisdom. We hope to see you in person or online.

Jair Bula, One-man show,
Saturday September 30th.
Jair Bula, One-man show, Saturday September 30. RSVP via Eventbrite, accessible via QR Code in the Sunday bulletin. Flier with code and info attached as well.
Founders MCC 55th Anniversary Weekend:
October 7th and 8th. Keep the dates open. More information to follow.
Commitment Cards
Our Commitment Cards are available on-site and online throughout the year. We ask that you prayerfully consider your financial commitment for 2023.
Join us before and after worship for a time of Hospitality in the church courtyard. Martin Miny is heading a team of people to get coffee, juice, and pastries ready each Sunday. Volunteers are always welcome!
Monkey Pox Vaccine Available 
LA County now has another limited supply of Monkeypox Vaccine available. You can sign up here:
Change In Covid-19 Protocols
As we continue to cope with Covid-19, we are changing our protocols. The new protocols are in line with the rest of LA County. Until further notice, here are our guidelines:

1. We will no longer require vaccinations and boosters for church attendance, though we highly encourage them.
2. We will make wearing masks optional. Please feel free to continue wearing masks as you feel comfortable.

3. We ask people that have symptoms of (or tested positive for) Covid, flu, monkeypox, or any other easily communicable disease to please refrain from attending until they are well.

As we have from the very beginning of the pandemic, we will continue to keep in line with the advice of the LA County Public Health Department. Thank you so much for your patience as we navigate new guidelines.
Tithes & Offerings

Thank you to all who have given so generously through our online giving portal. Our church cannot function without your generosity!! Feel free to continue giving through our website (on PushPay) or simply sending a check in the mail (4607 Prospect Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90027). Again, thank you.

Grand Total For Week Ending: 9-11-2023: $9,808.00

Tithing: $3,863.00

Facility Rentals: $5,475.00

Building Fund: $470.00
UFMCC seeks applicants to join Moderating Nominating Committee.
MCC Governance Committee seeks applicants to join UFMCC Moderating Nominating Committee. Submit by September 15

Do you believe you are called to serve on the Moderator Nominating Committee to prepare for the election of a new Moderator at General Conference XXVIV, July 2025?

Dear Members and Friends,
It is with great hope and excitement that we issue this invitation to participate in the selection of the next MCC Moderator. We, the MCC Governance Committee, are beginning one of the most important tasks before us; the formation of our Moderator Nominating Committee (MNC) for the election of a Moderator at General Conference XXVIII (July 2025).
As a chartered standing committee of the MCC Governing Board, we have been given the responsibility of identifying and supporting five (5) individuals who will serve on this committee. The work of the Moderator Nominating Committee (MNC) is important to the successful nomination of qualified candidates and subsequent election of our next Moderator.

UFMCC Bylaw, Article V.C.2.a – MODERATOR states,

“MODERATOR NOMINATING COMMITTEE (MNC): The Governing Board shall appoint a Moderator Nominating Committee of five (5) persons. The responsibility of the Moderator Nominating Committee is to actively solicit candidates for the position, review any and all applications, and select up to five (5) qualified candidates. The qualified candidates shall be presented by the Governing Board to the General Conference for election.”

Members of the Moderator Nominating Committee (MNC) must have the following skills, talents, time available, and call:
●     A commitment to the continuing success of MCC around the world
●     A willingness to commit a significant amount of time to the process
●     Flexibility to work during a variety of hours (day and night) in order to incorporate the global perspectives and input of committee members around the world.
●     Ability to provide up to 20 hours per month, gradually increasing during the interview phase, for the next 15 months
●     Ability to read and write conversational and technical English language
●     Experience working on teams
●     Ability to maintain and honor confidentiality and integrity
●     Knowledge and experience leading organizations and supervising staff (optional)
●     Knowledge and experience working in the local church (optional)
●     Knowledge and experience in social justice advocacy (optional)
●     Knowledge and experience as clergy (optional)
Are you called to serve? Do you know someone who you could recommend for this service? Please get involved or send your recommendation!

If you are called to be a part of this process, let us know! Please complete the following application for service on the Moderator Nominating Committee (MNC) as soon as possible. Apply Now.

Do you know of someone in your local church who has the kind of professional background, expertise, spiritual maturity, and commitment that we need on this Nominating Committee? Invite them to apply, forward this email and link to the application to them today!

Pray for a vibrant, substantial pool of applicants, both Laity and Clergy, from which to appoint five persons to serve on the Moderator Nominating Committee. We need your support!

Application due date: 5:00 pm US Eastern time (GMT -04:00) 15th September 2023
The Governance Committee will review all applications received. The Governance Committee will review applicants and conduct interviews.
The Governance Committee will select and appoint five (5) candidates to serve on the Moderator Nominating Committee.
The Governance Committee will send out an announcement to introduce the new Moderator Nominating Committee no later than 20 July 2023.
Moderator Nominating Committee will begin work on or about (depending on schedules) 1 August 2023.

We deeply appreciate your discernment and participation in this process!
With Affection,

The MCC Governance Committee

Council of Elders Reflection
on MCC's Mission, Vision, Core Values and Statement of Faith
Core Value: Inclusion

MCC Core Value, Inclusion: “Love is our greatest moral value, and resisting exclusion is a primary focus of our ministry. We want to continue to be conduits of faith where everyone is included in the family of God and where all parts of our being are welcomed at God’s table.”

Anyone who believes inclusion is easy has likely never:
  • led a Bible Study with participants from different political affiliations
  • offered a worship service in multiple languages
  • facilitated a diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging congregational workshop
  • created a hospitality plan for children entering the church
  • ensured involvement of people with a mental health diagnosis in all congregational service opportunities
  • negotiated with a construction company to build a ramp to ensure building accessibility
  • developed a ministry for incarcerated church members
  • invested in tools to assist visual and hearing-challenged worshipers
  • provided an MCC worship service to a local nursing home
  • planned a church banquet with scholarships for members who cannot afford the ticket price
  • regularly used female language for God in church bulletins, websites, and newsletters
  • managed an interfaith event

What would you add to the list? Where have you experienced the “itch and scratch” of true inclusion? Praise God for all of the faithful MCCers seeking to grow in the depth and breadth of radical welcome.

Resisting exclusion is rarely a smooth process and our labors toward inclusion need significant prayer support, a spirit of reconciliation, a willingness to be uncomfortable, grace in abundance, along with some good humor.

In MCC, we know the gospel call to inclusive table fellowship: Jesus ate with despised tax collectors (Matthew 9:10, Mark 2:15 & Luke 5:29). We also know the prophetic call to inclusion, as God declares through Isaiah: “my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples” (Isaiah 56:7). And we are aware that Paul also shared an inclusive vision: “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer enslaved or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28).

Living out God’s vision to be the inclusive beloved community is exhilarating and demanding. It is always worth the time.

Rev. Keith Mozingo (Moderator)
Dean Coffey (Vice Moderator)
Kim Doneche (Clerk)
Ed Shaughnessy (Treasurer)
Roger Owens - Governance
Ina Serene - Trans* Unity
Martin Miny - Facilities
Parking Available
Children's Hospital has so graciously volunteered up to 10 spaces for us to park. It is a small lot off Sunset Blvd., just beyond the Metro Station entrance.
Founders Metropolitan Community Church Address And Contact Info:

4607 Prospect Ave, Los Angeles CA 90027 | 323-669-3434
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