August 2021
2021-22 UCSF Presidential Chair
Camara Phyllis Jones, MD, MPH, PhD

Dr. Camara Phyllis Jones has been named UCSF Presidential Chair through June 30, 2022. As Presidential Chair, Dr. Jones will engage with UCSF partners to create an equity roadmap at UCSF guided by three principles: valuing all individuals and populations equally, recognizing and rectifying historical injustices, and providing resources according to need

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Resources for Practicing Solidarity
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Resources for Celebrating Black Excellence

On this episode of the Black Doctors Speak Podcast, Dr. Samira L. Brown, Co-Founder of Little Lives PPE and Primary Care Pediatrician, and Ms. Lakisha Culpepper, Garland Independent School District Liaison to the African American Community, discuss going back to school and the effects of COVID-19 on children. 

UCSF providers and students are invited to participate in the CULTIVATE study to determine if changes in medical education enhanced by technological innovation will improve health access and outcomes for BIPOC communities.
Book of the Month
Gloria Verdieu

This collection of essays examines the construction of a racial capitalist venture - slavery - where the histories of African, Native and working people overlapped. “Black August” especially celebrates the legacy and accomplishments of Black women.

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or events, please email them to [email protected]

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on the Diversity and Outreach site.

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