November 2021
UCSF Anti-racism Town Hall V

Please join UCSF leaders and colleagues for a town hall focused on UCSF’s Anti-racism Initiative. The purpose of the anti-racism town halls is to provide an ongoing forum whereby members of the UCSF community can learn about anti-racism work across the campus and UCSF Health. All members of the UCSF community are encouraged to attend and participate in the discussion. 

Your Voice Leads to Change

Now until Nov. 30, 2021, UCSF faculty, staff, and learners are being surveyed to get perspectives about the campus climate.
Check your inbox for an email from the survey vendor, Emma White, and answer the confidential survey to help us build a climate of greater inclusion and belonging at UCSF. 25 respondents will be randomly selected each week to win a $50 gift card or one of three iPads* at survey close.
*iPad cost or value exceeds non-taxable limit, therefore, the entire amount is subject to withholding as income for tax purposes.
Engage and Attend Events
Resources for Practicing Solidarity
Listen, Learn and Participate
Resources for Celebrating Black Excellence

The latest episode of the Anti-racism in Medicine podcast series features leaders in economic policy and health inequity, Mr. Richard Rothstein and Professor Fernando De Maio, PhD, in a discussion on racism, redlining, and the path towards reconciliation.
Book of the Month

Deirdre Cooper Owens

“Working at the intersection of race, class, gender, and health, Owens presents a crucial platform for future researchers. This an intensive and sometimes uncomfortable read."
― Sarasota Herald-Tribune

To prepare future nurse leaders to address the challenges COVID-19 has exposed in the U.S. health care system, the UCSF School of Nursing is blending hands-on clinical opportunities in underrepresented communities with a master's curriculum that focuses on understanding and advancing health equity. Read more.
Contribute to the conversation:
If you have suggestions for resources
or events, please email them to

Learn more about our current activism
on the Diversity and Outreach site.

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