Mayor Bonnie Crombie Responds To Israel Now And Condemns The BDS CD4HR Sign "Palestinian Holocaust made by the Zionists"

 Mayor Bonnie Crombie Responds To Israel Now And Condemns The BDS CD4HR Sign "Palestinian Holocaust made by the Zionists"

STATEMENT: Mayor Crombie Responds to Incident at Canadian Palestinian Professional Foundation Community Event

August 7, 2022

“Yesterday, while attending an event hosted by the Canadian Palestinian Professional Foundation at Our Lady Queen Croatia Park to raise funds for the Credit Valley Hospital and youth scholarships, I was approached by two individuals asking my opinion on current events taking place in Israel and Gaza.

I replied that I oppose violence and call upon all sides to cease hostilities. Recent events that have threatened Israel’s security only reinforce the need for both parties to de-escalate tensions and work towards a peaceful solution that prevents any further loss of civilian lives. People have the right to live freely and without fear of violence no matter who they are and where they choose to call home.

The statement issued by the Canadian Defenders for Human Rights on social media does not accurately reflect my views.

The photo taken of me was done without my knowledge or consent and I certainly take exception to the sign displayed in the background and its message. Any comparison to the Holocaust diminishes the memory of the victims of that tragedy in human history.

I want to reaffirm that I am committed to a peaceful resolution between Palestinians and Israelis, and a two-state solution, which can only be accomplished through peaceful negotiations and a joint commitment to a path forward that is free from violence.”

-Bonnie Crombie, Mayor of Mississauga

Israel Now Email Complaint Re: Mayor Bonnie Crombie Posing For Pictures With A Sign "Palestinian Holocaust made by the Zionists"

To the attention of Mayor Bonnie Crombie:

It has come to my attention that you recently posed for pictures and video with a BDS leader who has a history of targeting the Jewish Community. In this picture, this BDS leader was holding a banner "Palestinian Holocaust made by the Zionists" This is extremely disturbing to the Jewish Community. I am demanding that you apologize to the Jewish Community.

Please take action,

Meir Weinstein

Director Israel Now


Speaking about the #lebanese gas that is in danger of being plundered by the illegitimate @stateofisrael and that they should be worried about reaching their hands too far without punishment. #lebanon has strong hands inside that will deal with the thieves in the best manner. #firasalnajim #cd4hr #presstv @presstvchannel

Israel Now Success Against The BDS CD4HR-The CD4HR Website Donate Page Is Inactive And Will Not Accept Donations

This is the website for CD4HR:

Here is the donate page that is inactive:

Targeting The Ner Israel Yeshiva in Thornhill:

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