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Dear Michael,

We have a small but urgent need in Uganda. Our Great Commission Fund supports Benard Ocowun and has been busy planting new churches on the western side of Uganda. Along with planting new churches, he cares for his wife and children, often doing manual labor when additional needs arise.

National Church Planter Benard Ocowun and family from the beginning of 2023

Over the last few months, he has been severely affected by a sickness that is causing painful wounds on his hands and feet. It has gotten to the point where he can not walk, and he must use a spoon to eat because eating food with his hands (as is typical there) causes excruciating pain as food particulates infect the open wounds. This has meant that he has been unable to do additional work to support his family.

He visited a local hospital, but they did not get clear results after tests. He now needs to go to the capital, Kampala, to a main hospital where they can run a full suite of tests to diagnose the condition and implement a treatment plan. Currently, they are estimating that the need will be around $1,350, but with the condition being undiagnosed, it could end up being more. One donor has already stepped forward to meet half the need! Would you be willing to help with the remaining $625? Any extra raised will be set aside should the final cost be more; otherwise, it will be used to help purchase him a motorcycle so that once he can move around more freely again, he can hit the road riding!

You can donate online (Select "Special Project" and then select "Benard Medical"), or mail in a check and designate it to "Benard Medical".

Thank you for your support and prayers for Benard!

[PO Box 358, Grovetown, GA 30813]


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