March 2024


Updates and information for current members of the

International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS)

ISQOLS Updates

Dear ISQOLS members,

We have finally met our goal of 500+ *active* (dues paid) members! Your membership dues help us create engaging events and promote your good work around the globe. THANK YOU!

In addition to our annual conference in Malaysia (June), we have just announced our 1st Regional conference in Africa (October).

As members, we invite you to enjoy our expanding ARQOL journal, consider enrolling in one of our many certification programs, participate in a webinars, and engage in our members forum. Please also take time to read our most recent Working Paper Series paper (Sarracino & Slater) and consider submitting your own paper for publication.

We love highlighting our members. Please be sure to notify us if you have published an article or earned an award so we can share that with our community. Congratulations to the 2024 Ruut Veenhoven Award Recipient, Anthony Lepinteur!

Thank you for letting ISQOLS support you in your QOL research and career. As always, reach out if you have any questions, ideas, or suggestions.


ISQOLS Member Numbers

Our "active" member count is up to 506 (as of March), representing 63 different countries. 

Welcome NEW ISQOLS members in the month of March:

JIAYI WANG (China), Kannika Niticharoenpong (Thailand), Maria Florence (South Africa), Rui Yao ((United States), Ewa Palikot (Poland), Hua-I Hsu (Taiwan), Siok Tambyah (Singapore), Phillip Rowles (Japan), Sarah Zimmerman (United States), George Ward (United Kingdom), Shu-Chen Wang (Taiwan), Thuchapon Uttraporn (Thailand), Maja Tadic Vujcic (Croatia), Shu-Fen SU (Taiwan), YI HSUAN SHEN (Taiwan), Xiulin Qiu (Taiwan), Narada Olaranont (Thailand), Stavros Drakopoulos (Greece), Chiu-Ying Chen (Taiwan), Sui Yu Yau (Hong Kong), Arbnora Shala (Germany), Taehyun KIM (Korea, Republic of), WENBIN DU (China), Ying Zhou (United Kingdom), Alberto Prati (United Kingdom), Maria Alcestis Abrera-Mangahas (Philippines), Colleen O'Neal (United States), Michael Gebel (Germany), Ruoyu Zhao (China), Budhi Singh Yadav (India), Yue Chang (China), Fengrui Hua (China), Youngsook Lee (Japan), Richard Burns (Australia), Meng Xie (Hong Kong), Cheng Peng (China) Tarin Ong (Singapore)

We invite members to CONNECT with our other members via our DIRECTORY


ISQOLS 2024 Annual Conference, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia

"Human Happiness and Wellbeing in an Uncertain World", 25-28 June

Authors: If your abstract has been accepted for presentation, you must register by 15 April to be included in the program.


ISQOLS 2024 Regional Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa

"Well-being and Happiness in a Democratic World"

3-5 October

The Well-being for Africa Conference stands as a beacon of hope for addressing the diverse well-being challenges faced by the continent. This gathering, marked by international interactions and collaboration, serves as a platform to catalyse transformative change and promote a happier Africa underpinned by higher levels of well-being and strong democracies.


ISQOLS Upcoming Webinar

ISQOLS Webinar, "An Encyclopedia for the Digital Age"

Wednesday, 17 April

9:00am PDT/11:00am EDT/5:00pm CEST

Presenters: Hilke Brockmann, Roger Fernandez-Urbano 

We tell the story behind the writing and editing of the New Encyclopedia of Happiness, Quality of Life and Subjective Wellbeing. It is the story of an interdisciplinary and diverse group of researchers who have all set themselves the universal goal of collecting the puzzles and new insights of happiness research. 


ISQOLS 2024 Ruut Veenhoven Award Recipient

Congratulations to the

2024 Ruut Veenhoven Award Recipient: 

Anthony Lepinteur

Research Scientist in the Department of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences of the University of Luxembourg

Learn more

ISQOLS Working Paper Series

Working Paper No. 4: The Trust Paradox by Francesco Sarracino and Giulia Slater (March 2024)


ISQOLS Working Paper Series: Call for Papers

Paper submissions are welcomed for the ISQOLS Working Paper Series (WPS) on Quality-of-Life (QOL). The goal of the ISQOLS WPS on QOL is to collect and distill the best ideas from the ISQOLS community. All ISQOLS members are welcome to submit.


ISQOLS Journal, Applied Research in Quality of Life

Applied Research in Quality of Life

Volume 19, Issue 2

4 open access articles. ISQOLS Members Journal Access:

Please visit this link read instructions on how to access the online articles.*If you have any issues accessing these articles, email [email protected]


ISQOLS Self-Paced Certificate Programs

*NEW* ISQOLS Certificate: Work-Life Balance

*NEW* ISQOLS Certificate:

Linking Sustainability and Happiness

*NEW* ISQOLS Certificate:

Key Actors in Public Policy Making for Quality-of-Life Certification

ISQOLS Member Support and News

Member Highlight: 

Hossein Mousazadeh

Postdoctoral Research Assistant at Purdue University Honors College

"I am truly thankful for the opportunities ISQOLS has provided me to expand my knowledge and connect with fellow researchers from diverse backgrounds."


ISQOLS Call for Papers: Frontiers

ISQOLS 2024: Well-being in Asia

In the lead up to the 2024 Conference, The International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS) and Frontiers in Psychology: Positive Psychology are collaborating on this important Research Topic to highlight Wellbeing in Asia. 

The Positive Psychology section of Frontiers in Psychology focuses on a 'life worth living'. Specifically, it focuses on understanding the individual, group, organizational and societal conditions that lead to improved quality of life, wellbeing, and optimal functioning. 


Watch recording of our recent webinar:

"FAITH AND SPIRITUALITY IN LEARNING CITIES: Empathy & Sympathy of Human vs AI Moral Advisers in Cities"


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Congratulations to the authors (many ISQOLS members) of the 2024 World Happiness Report!


ISQOLS PhD Student Support and Mentorship Program

ISQOLS members, PhD Mentors Heidi McGowan and Dr. Peggy Schyns, invite you to join our PhD mentorship program. They allow doctoral candidates to present their work at length, and to receive personalized, in-depth feedback in an informal setting. If you're a PhD student who's interested in participating, or would like mentorship opportunities with more senior members, please fill out the intake form and an ISQOLS volunteer coordinator will get in touch


ISQOLS Member Discussion Forum

MEMBERS ONLY: Quality-of-Life Focus Groups Discussion Forum.

Please SUBSCRIBE to any or all of these forums by visiting

We are looking for "Forum Topic Coordinators" to manage each individual forum. The responsibilities of the forum topic coordinator are simple: post QOL/Happiness/Well-being articles, events, videos, journals, books, etc. related to your forum topic. In exchange for your commitment in this role for one year, we will provide you with a free annual membership to ISQOLS. If you are interested in serving in this role, please contact Jill Johnson at [email protected].

Your ISQOLS membership helps advance our mission to promote and encourage research in the field of quality-of-life (QOL), happiness, and well-being studies. 

If you have any questions, concerns, ideas, comments, suggestions for improvement, please send those to Jill Johnson (Executive Director) at: [email protected].

International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS)
PO Box 118
Gilbert, AZ, USA 85299

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