Conroe Mayor and City Council Create a Proclamation That April 12, 2023 is Montgomery County Women’s Center Day!

We are SO EXCITED to report that in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the Mayor and Conroe City Council created a proclamation that April 12, 2023 as Montgomery County Women’s Center Day!! 

To all to whom these presents shall come, Greetings: WHEREAS, service to others is a hallmark of the American character and central to how we meet challenges facing our cities and nation; and WHEREAS, the Montgomery County Women's Center has been in Conroe for over 40 years, leading the effort in preventing domestic violence and sexual assault through crisis intervention, assistance, advocacy, empowerment, and social change; and WHEREAS, they provide a 24-hour crisis hotline, safety planning, advocacy, crisis intervention, counseling, financial coaching, legal services, emergency shelter, transitional housing, public education, community outreach, and transportation to hospitals, law enforcement offices, and courtrooms; and WHEREAS, in 2022, there were 47,674 crisis calls answered, 1,056 victims accessed emergency shelter, 1,173 received legal representation and advocacy, 819 survivors received medical accompaniment, and 1,291 dedicated volunteers donated 27,050 hours; and WHEREAS, the Montgomery County Women's Center is to be commended for their assistance and aide to the citizens of our city and community.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CONROE, TEXAS, that April 12, 2023 is hereby declared as: "MONTGOMERY COUNTY WOMEN'S CENTER DAY" in the City of Conroe, and we urge all citizens to extend their appreciation for this wonderful organization for their dedication and commitment to Conroe.

Montgomery County Speaks In One Loud Voice

"We Stand With Survivors"

This April we were proud to host our First Annual “Turn The Town Teal” campaign to promote sexual assault awareness. In 2023, we were focusing on the ripple effect. Whether you were walking or driving in Downtown Conroe, you probably saw teal ribbons lining the streets and in the front of buildings and stores. We hope they made people curious, supportive of the campaign and help us lend a voice to say "WE STAND WITH SURVIVORS IN OUR COMMUNITY". Thank you to all of the Montgomery County businesses and organizations that participated!

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Montgomery County Women’s Center was proud to partner with so many amazing businesses, organizations and individuals for GO TEAL DAY in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month!! April 4th across the country community organizations and individuals wear teal (or teal ribbons) to show their support of sexual assault survivors in their communities!

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The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office seized all the stolen cleaning products as evidence in this case. Texas Code of Criminal Procedure mandates that seized evidence must be returned to the rightful owner or destroyed if an owner cannot be identified. Sheriff Henderson recognized that the destruction of such useful items would be a shame and therefore petitioned the Montgomery County Commissioners Court to sign an Order and Resolution to allow the seized items to be donated to the Montgomery County Women’s Center. The Commissioners Court unanimously voted in favor of this resolution and the donation of the items. 

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We can only accomplish our mission and operate our agency with the help of our dedicated community and volunteers. These caring individuals give from their hearts as they assist us with a myriad of activities. Please enjoy some of the highlights from this month.


Our Outreach Department shares a message of safety and hope within the community. Often thought of as a private issue, domestic violence (DV) is, in fact, a social, business, and health priority that impacts our entire community. Our Community Education program uses storytelling, lectures, and interactive lessons to change societal attitudes and beliefs, end the stigma associated with DV, and help communities learn to identify and support victims.


94 Victims Accessed Emergency Shelter

55 Received Legal Representation & Advocacy

32 Transitional

Housing Residents

204 Received Individual

& Group Counseling

146 Presentations Reached

27,516 Community Members


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