Exploring The Intersection of

Domestic Violence and Mental Health

May was Mental Health Awareness Month. We took this opportunity to explore the relationship between domestic violence and mental health. Domestic violence is a serious problem in the United States, affecting nearly 10 million people each year. It is estimated that one in four women and one in nine men are victims of domestic violence. Domestic and family violence encompasses child abuse, intimate partner violence and elder abuse. The effects of domestic violence have far-reaching implications, not only for the victim, but also for their family, friends or other loved ones who may be exposed or aware of the abuse. Abuse can affect the way we feel about ourselves, the way we take care for ourselves, and how we interact with others. Beyond that, domestic violence can also have a profound impact on our mental health and sometimes lead to serious and/or chronic mental health conditions. The relationship between domestic violence and mental health is closely intertwined – cyclical, even. You see, persons with an existing mental health disorder are far more likely to find themselves the victim of domestic abuse than those without. In turn, domestic violence victims without a prior mental health condition have a high risk for developing one.

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Celebrating Mother's

Thank you to everyone who chose to celebrate our mothers in May. You have no idea the impact something this simple can make in someone’s day. These mothers (and their children) have left their entire lives behind to escape the abuse they have suffered at the hands of someone who was supposed to love them— to build a better life for them and their children. Often they are left to wonder why they have to leave their home, their belongings, their job, their school, their friends/family, their life, to hide in secrecy— when THEY are the victims. And, to them, their abuser if left seemingly unscathed. It’s utterly heartbreaking. There is no doubt these thoughtful gifts added a bit of happiness, hope and normalcy to the day. You are incredibly appreciated!

"I would just like to say…there is still good in the world and I would like to show it a lot more. Today I took the opportunity to volunteer with some fellow target peers from 2 different stores!!! It was a very fun and eye opening experience and I would definitely do it again!! My group ended up being able to make 1000 meals for family’s in need!!!! Aubrey and I also were able to take flowers that were donated and pass them around our community. We took it upon ourselves to stop at the Montgomery County Women's Center, so the moms out there could be able to get some flowers for Mother’s Day!! I hope y’all know even the smallest of effort could really brighten peoples day! The amount of smiles I witnessed today truly brought me joy!" - Kacie Lynn

Our friends from TWO MEN AND A TRUCK stopped by to donate 1,776 items that they received during their #MoversforMoms campaign! Giving back to the community has been a long tradition at TWO MEN AND A TRUCK. In fact, it’s been a focus since the company began in the 1980s. Movers for Moms is TWO MEN AND A TRUCK’s national giving program aimed at assisting moms in need. TWO MEN AND A TRUCK locations nationwide collect donations to deliver to women’s and family shelters each spring. Franchises partner with various organizations to collect these items to make Mother’s Day special for all moms, regardless of their circumstances.


We can only accomplish our mission and operate our agency with the help of our dedicated community and volunteers. These caring individuals give from their hearts as they assist us with a myriad of activities. Please enjoy some of the highlights from this month.


Our Outreach Department shares a message of safety and hope within the community. Often thought of as a private issue, domestic violence (DV) is, in fact, a social, business, and health priority that impacts our entire community. Our Community Education program uses storytelling, lectures, and interactive lessons to change societal attitudes and beliefs, end the stigma associated with DV, and help communities learn to identify and support victims.


121 Victims Accessed Emergency Shelter

116 Received Legal Representation & Advocacy

13 Transitional

Housing Residents

204 Received Individual

& Group Counseling

94 Presentations Reached

4,012 Community Members


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