Municipal Messenger Monthly/November

November Meetings

View our website's Agenda Center for each respective meeting Agenda. Meetings are in-person at the Municipal Building), 50 Woodland Avenue and via Zoom (unless noted otherwise).

Wed, Nov 1: Cannabis Advisory Committee, 6:30 PM- Final Meeting

Wed, Nov 8: Township Committee,

7 PM (click here) to view the Township Committees agendas, minutes, videos, & emails)

Mon, Nov 20: Planning Board, 7 PM

Mon, Nov 27: Senior Citizen Advisory Committee, 3 PM

Mon, Nov 27: Board of Adjustment, 7 PM

Thurs, Nov 30: Historic Preservation Commission, 7 PM

Planning Board & Board of Adjustment only: If you wish to participate by asking questions, supporting, opposing or making comments you must attend the meeting in person. Any member of the public logged in via zoom will not be able to ask questions or comment on the applications.

November Department of

Public Works (DPW) Dates

No Large Trash or Metal Items will be collected in the month of November. Public Works crews will be dedicated to leaf collection. Please find additional information about curbside leaf collection below.

Thurs, Nov 25:  No Collection, please review the schedule below

In observance of Thanksgiving Day, November 23, 2023 the Department of Public Works will be closed, and no collection services will take place. Below you will find the trash and recycling schedule for the week of Nov 20-Nov 24.

Mon, Nov 20: Monday Trash & Recycling 

Tues, Nov 21:  Tuesday Trash & Recycling 

Wed, Nov 22: Wednesday Trash & Recycling

Thurs, Nov 23:  No Collection

Fri, Nov 24: Thursday Trash & Recycling 

Curbside Leaf Collection

The annual Leaf Collection Program is provided from October to December. The Township is broken up into three(3) sectors for this service; Click here to find your sector. We cannot predict specific collection days for your street(rotates thru the sectors Oct-Dec) but updates are sent out through the Municipal Messenger, the website's "News Flash" and Department of Public Works Calendar

Acceptable Materials and Guidelines for Curbside Placement:

-All materials must be placed along the curb line, not in the street, and kept 10 feet from all storm drains

-Only leaves, grass, and plant vegetation may be combined in a pile together

-All materials should be placed loosely along the curb (no bags, paper or plastic)

-Do not place brush in leaf piles

Unacceptable Materials:

-Brush, dirt, logs, tree parts, tree stumps, & tree trunks

Remaining Holidays:

Thurs, Nov 23: Thanksgiving Day

Mon, Dec 25: Christmas Day

Thurs, Nov 23: Thanksgiving Day, Municipal Offices Closed, No Collection Services

Fri, Nov 24: Day after Thanksgiving Day, Municipal Offices Closed, Thursday's trash and recycling will be collected today

Property Taxes Due Nov 1

Property tax payments may be made by mailonline, or in the drop box located outside the front door & middle entrance of the Municipal Building, 50 Woodland Avenue.

-Notify Me (Main Calendar/ Property Tax & Sewer)


-Payment online using Edmund’s WIPP allows you to make a one-time payment or create an account to schedule payments at a future date

Nov 7 General Election

Tues, Nov 7: Polls Open from 6 AM- 8 PM

-Early Voting Locations (Oct 28-Nov 5)

-Drop Box Locations (Morris Township Municipal Building, 50 Woodland Avenue, rear middle entrance) 

Additional Info

Attention: Morris Township Housing Rehabilitation Program

Morris Twp. would like to announce the opening of the Morris Twp. Housing Rehabilitation Program for low and moderate-income persons in the municipality who are in need of upgrade of their homes for health and safety improvements & code violations. Additional Info...

2023 Township Committee Office Hours

Do you have questions, concerns, or suggestions you’d like to discuss with Township Committee members? If so, we invite you to join us the 1st Wed of each month, 6-7:30 pm at Town Hall, 50 Woodland Ave or by Zoom (click here)

Township Committee(TC) Meeting are typically held the third Wednesday of the month, unless otherwise noted. Click here to learn how you can participate in a TC meeting.

Morris County SHIP & Health Dept. Presents "Understanding Medicare"

Date: Fri, Nov 10, 1 PM

Location: Municipal Building, 50 Woodland Ave


Program on Medicare Part A & B, Medigap, Prescription Drug Plans, Medicare Advantage Plans and NJ SAVE a program to help individuals SAVE money on Medicare premiums, drug costs and living expenses. 

Rabies Vaccination Clinic

Morris/Harding Township

11/4, 9 AM- 11 AM

New Vernon Firehouse

22 Village Road, New Vernon

Questions? Call 973-326-7390

List of Morris Co. Rabies Clinics

Daylight Savings Time Ends- Nov 5

Set clocks behind 1hr. and test your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide (CO) detectors Nov 5 -- replace batteries if needed.

Also, review this Smoke Alarm Checklist after you adjust your clocks back for daylight savings. Find out how Morris Township Fire Dept. can help.

Hillside Hose Co. Annual Christmas Tree Sale!

November 25- December 24

Trees, Garland, and Wreaths

Hillside Hose Co., 132 Western Avenue

Check FacebookInstagram, or Website for hours & updated information.

Veteran's Day Service

Sat, Nov 11: Veteran's Day. Honoring all who served. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. 

Twice a year, the members of the Memorial and Veterans Day Association of Morristown and Morris Township lay wreathes at veteran’s memorial across the Town and Township. Residents are invited to join the Association, along with members of the governing body, on Veterans Day (Sat, Nov 11th) at 7:45 am at the Municipal Building. Transportation will be provided. Sign up by emailing:

Following the wreath laying, residents are invited to attend the annual Veterans Day service at the Municipal Building at 10:00am followed by a service on the Green at 11:00am.

Hometown Heroes

Wed, November 1, 8 AM/ Municipal Building: The install of the Hometown Heroes banners will begin. Morris Township partnered with American Legion Post 59 and the Morristown Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution to recognize, honor and pay tribute to our local veterans and servicemembers through the Morris Township Hometown Heroes Program. Learn more here.

December Parks & Rec Events Preview...

Holiday Light Tour NYC: Come on a bus with us to see the holiday lights in NYC. December 10, 2023. $35.00 per person.

Holiday Lights Contest: If you have the most festive house on the block, we would like to know! It’s completely free to enter! Decorations must be installed by the participant. No professional installations will be accepted. Please Register on CommunityPass by December 8th.

Fall & Winter Brochure

Youth: Tennis; Pickleball; Soccer; Multi-Sport;

Adult: Yoga; Line Dancing; Men's Basketball, Men's Indoor Soccer; Tennis; Pickleball

Senior Recreation Activities: club; balance, strength and stretch; holiday party; funercise; zumba; Qi-Gong; sewing, card parties, and arts and crafts!


Register online:

'19-'23 Outstanding Historic Preservation Winners

May is National Historic Preservation Month and each May the Morris Township Historic Preservation Commission honors historic property owners who have adhered to the highest standards.

Check out the winners since 2019 here: Poster

These places matter.

Like the poster? Contact 973-326-7440 for your very own(11" x 17"), while supplies last.

Volunteers Needed

Morris Minute Men(MMM) Emergency Medical Services members have been made up of high school students, college students, parents, retirees, town employees and business professionals looking to provide service to their community. 


Currently, 75 active members cover over 2,600 emergency 911 calls: 24/7, 365 days a year.

MMM is a volunteer organization, where new members are always needed and welcomed- get started TODAY!

Where Stormwater Flows, Everything Goes...

WHY SHOULD YOU CARE ABOUT CLEAN WATER? Stormwater pollution is one of the greatest threats to NJ's clean water supply. Did you know more than 60% of water pollution comes from things like motor oil, fertilizers, pet waste, and detergents? By sharing the responsibility and making small, easy changes in our daily lives, we can keep common pollutants out of stormwater. Check out our Stormwater page, it's a work is progress.

Environmental News You Can Use

Read the latest Environmental Commission newsletter:

or subscribe to receive their newsletter directly to your inbox:

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