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More Than a Meal

So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’   (Matthew 6:31)

Chris is a quiet man, about 30 years old. It was a Monday morning when he saw the Living Stones sign in front of the church and asked if anyone was allowed to come in. He was welcomed warmly into a room abuzz with conversation and activity, but chose to sit in a corner alone and eat. He didn’t want to talk or participate in any of the programs. He was simply hungry. He left, but returned in time for lunch, then came back a third time to eat again.

Unlike Chris, Sharon is well acquainted with My Monday Thing! and has it marked on her calendar every month. “I never want to miss!” she exclaims exuberantly. “I come for the crafts, and I always have a snack — usually chocolate! I love making everything, but I can’t keep it all, so lots of times I give away what I make."  

My Monday Thing! volunteers are blessed to witness many tender moments as they serve. Cassie and Carolyn had just gotten coffee when they recognized one another from time they had spent together in a homeless shelter. Carol, a neighbor who attends regularly, walked throughout the room happily giving bookmarks she had made to anyone who would take them. A mother faithfully brings her two adult special-needs sons, one to have his hair cut by patient, caring stylists, and the other to participate in whatever craft is being offered. “Herman loves the craft times,” she says. “He won’t let me forget to bring him. He reminds me constantly.”

Stories like these abound, which helps explain why My Monday Thing! continues to grow in popularity and service. Created to provide our neighbors with opportunities for food, fellowship, and support beyond Sunday meals, the program was designed – and named – anticipating that it would change and evolve along with the needs and interests of those who come. And it has.

Our meal ministry is the very heart of who we are and what we do, so we knew there had to be food and table fellowship. We began with light breakfasts, which quickly grew into hot breakfasts, lunches, and snacks. 

After a few months, many people were lining up for haircuts so it wasn’t long before we needed more than the original two stylists. Today, we have six wonderful stylists who generously donate their time. 

Our clothing closet, which began with clothes roughly folded on wooden shelves, has grown into a bright, boutique-like space with racks of clothing beautifully displayed and sized. 

Craft times, which attracted small numbers at first, are now an eagerly anticipated time of fun, fellowship, and sharing as volunteers and neighbors happily work together creating treasures they never thought possible. And for those who are more interested in games than crafts, we have those, too. 

This is a glimpse of My Monday Thing! as it exists today. We believe it is a work in progress and, as it grows, we will continue prayerfully seeking to discern God’s will for what He has in store next. Seeking to live into the will of God is always exciting and sometimes surprising. We embrace both as we eagerly look to the future.

Come to the Table


Second Sunday of every month

Brentwood Presbyterian Church

3725 Brownsville Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15227


Third Sunday of every month

North Way Christian Community Church

Corner of Espy Ave. & Potomac Ave.

Dormont, PA 15216

Across from Potomac Avenue T stop

Last Sunday of every month

Fairhaven United Methodist Church

2415 Saw Mill Run Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA 15234

My Monday Thing!


Breakfast, Lunch, & Snacks




Fellowship & Prayer

Chats with Community Health Worker

Third Monday of Every Month

10:00 am - 2:00 pm

North Way Christian Community Church

Corner of Espy & Potomac Avenues

Dormont, PA 15216

Across from Potomac Avenue T stop


Celebrating 10 years of being God's

hands and feet!

To support the work we do, simply scan a code below or make a check payable to

Grow Living Stones and mail it to

GROW Living Stones, PO Box 13077, Pittsburgh, PA 15243

Thank you!

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Email us today at [email protected]

Contact Us

GROW Living Stones fosters the cultivation of relationships with neighbors who join us for meals at Living Stones tables. As relationships develop and deepen, GROW Living Stones volunteers come alongside those individuals and families to assist them in navigating the challenges in their lives and encourage them to find hope in Christ as they learn to trust Him.

"Won't you be my neighbor?"

Fred Rogers