Paid for by your OCWM Contributions| May 11, 2022
Message to the Conference
Members and friends of Penn Central Conference,

I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “See, the home of God is among mortals. God will dwell with them; they will be God’s peoples, and God will be with them and be their God; will wipe every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; mourning and crying and pain will be no more, for the first things have passed away.”
And the one who was seated on the throne said, “See, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this, for these words are trustworthy and true.” Then he said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water as a gift from the spring of the water of life." Rev 21 selections from 1-6

I like a little bit of mystery. I read Nancy Drew and watched Scooby-Doo. I appreciate the methods of Father Brown and Angela Lansbury. I want answers as much as the next gal, but when it comes to faith, well, I think a little mystery is what makes me able to repeatedly turn to hope.

Reading and studying the book of Revelation reminds me of that mystery. Eastertide points me toward comfort in the mystery of resurrection. Spiritual mystery and comfort are one thing, but here lately I need a little less real world mystery and a lot more real world hope.

In the lectionary text from Revelation this week, we read about the former things being no more and God doing new things. I'm about ready for this. The former things are getting old. I don't want any mystery here and I want to write this out plain and true: this season of COVID is awful, I'm over it, and I am ready for this new thing that God has promised! No more mystery, or waves, variants or mutations. I've been running low on hope and I am so thirsty for this new thing to be tangible and available right now, preferably in the Super Big Gulp size.

Last week I gathered with about 90 clergy from Penn Central, Penn Northeast and Pennsylvania Southeast Conferences. We were discussing the contemplative life and looking to mysticism and the movement of the holy to quench our thirsty souls as we rise like the phoenix from the ashes of COVID life. Byron from Hearts and Minds Bookstore gave book talks. Cindy Garis August lead us in silence and meditation. Nick Pence asked us when we knew we had been in the presence of the holy. And in the midst of the chaos, my spirit stilled and I was drawn to the a new thing that God promises, the not yet known that I hope for. In the hug of a friend I found hope in the moments that seemed most bleak. And I knew that God is still here working mysteriously among and through us. I didn't just think God might be bringing something new to life, I knew it and felt it. My thirst was quenched.

Hope is a mystery. Where have you found it recently? How do you see God moving beyond the former things and doing an absolutely new thing, tangibly or mysteriously? This passage tells us of John's vision where God dwelt with people in the New Jerusalem. That might be mystery for us literally, but how does God dwell with us today? How about in this moment as you sit at your computer reading?

Find hope in the promise that God is working something new right now. Find comfort in that mystery and truth.
Rev. Dr. Nora Foust
Associate Conference Minister
Penn Central Conference
Moravian and Mercersburg Traditions: Can These Two Walk Together? - May 23 & 24, 2022
In the light of the consolidation of the Moravian and Lancaster Seminaries this convocation will highlight the living heritage of each tradition.
Co-sponsored by the Mercersburg Society, Lancaster Theological Seminary and Moravian Seminary on the campus of Lancaster Theological Seminary. See the full schedule and list of presenters in the brochure here. Registration deadline: May 15th
The Virtual Choir invites you to join us for a virtual anthem for the Penn Central Conference annual meeting. We'll be singing the Podd Brothers' arrangement of More Love, Somewhere, which was actually arranged for Virtual Choir. You don't have to be a regular member of the choir to join us for this piece. If you want to sing at the annual meeting, email Julie Holm,, or call her at (814) 349-5515.
Scheduling notes:
May 15 - Salem UCC, Dover - Rev. Dr. Carrie Call preaching
May 22 - Quentin UCC, Quentin - Rev. Nora Foust preaching
May 22 - Colonial Park UCC, Harrisburg - Rev. Dr. Marisa Laviola preaching
Printable eNews are available. Pastors and secretaries, please feel free to share with your congregation members that don't get this weekly email. Download and print this PDF with the weekly message to the conference, prayers for Penn Central and brief list of events.
Prayers for Penn Central Conference
Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. Ephesians 6:18 (NLT)

This week, we pray for each other as we continue to live into God's calling...

Jacob's (Reeds Station) UCC, Paxinos
St. Peters UCC, Paxinos
Salem UCC, Pillow
Trinity UCC, Dalmatia
The call to the Sixtieth Annual Meeting of the Penn Central Conference of the United Church of Christ will convene via Zoom
"Mission In Focus"
"See, the former things have come to pass and new things I now declare; before they spring forth, I tell you of them." - Isaiah 42:9
June 6 - 11, 2022

Outdoor Ministries

Watch for Rev. Nora Foust's emails on Thursdays for links to register for Outdoor Ministries events and a taste of the summer camp curriculum. Read last week's here or on our Facebook page. If you aren't getting these emails, contact Paul to be added to the mailing list.

Coming events:

  • SUMMER CAMP programs from June-August To learn more about and to register for youth camp summer programs, visit here.
  • To learn more about and to register for family camp summer programs, visit here.

  • To learn more about and to register for elder camp, visit here.
HC Spirit Week - What's in a Name?
"Naming and Claiming Who God Made Us to Be"
Saturday, August 6
through Friday, August 12
Camp Mt. Luther

See the full brochure here for all the details!

Register online here or mail your registration form to the PCC offices.
Local Church
It is with gratitude that I send you this report on the CWS Hygiene Kits which were recently assembled by St. Paul’s UCC, Stoverstown. Our goal was to be able to complete 72 kits. In promoting the kits we had a bit fun by creating a mascot, Holy the mole, who shared the plight of people in need and ways to help give them hope. Members of our Stewardship and Missions Committees purchased the kit supplies in bulk, which further stretched the generous donations we received from our members, friends, and of course the kit matching grant from the UCC Disaster Ministries. I am delighted to report that we exceeded our goal by completing 108 kits! The kits will be delivered to the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Maryland.
On behalf of the congregation of St. Paul’s UCC, Stoverstown, I would like to once again thank the UCC Disaster Ministry for their support. It is our prayer that these CSW Hygiene Kits will be a blessing to those who receive them in their time of need. In working together we are able to share God’s love further and wider than our local community. 
Grace & Peace,
Barbara J. Senft,
Stewardship Chair

Permission has been granted by the adults and parents of the youth in the photographs.
Christ Church UCC, 200 S White Oak St, Annville, (on 934) is hosting an outdoor Flea Market on Saturday, June 18 from 8am - 2pm. Rain or Shine - Food for sale too! Call 717-867-1641 to reserve a spot ($10) or for more information. We look forward to having you to sell, shop & eat!
Association Events
May 15 - 3:00PM - Mercersburg Association Spring Meeting
Clergy Events
PCC has launched a new monthly email just for clergy, with news, events and clergy transitions. If you did not get this month's email on Tuesday, please let Paul know.

We will be including some items in the eNews (see below), but please check out the full email here for more events and news!
Small Church Workshops - May 14 & 21
There are still openings for the Small Church Workshops in Central/Northern Associations on May 14 and in Gettysburg/Mercersburg Associations May 21. Please contact Marisa Laviola as soon as you can to receive information and to reserve a spot:

These workshops are for any church that self-identifies as “small.” Small refers to size and not importance or robustness!
Building a Just Peace in an Unjust World:
Learning with and from Our Anabaptist Colleagues
Pastoral Colloquy 2022
Sunday, 24 July, through Friday, 29 July, 2022 - Learn more and register here.
Ministerial Excellence Forums

May: The Spring sessions will conclude on May 17th with Rev. Richard Jorgenson of the Lower Susquehanna Synod ELCA as he discusses his recent book Becoming a Hybrid Church.

May 18 10am - Retired Boundary Training (Contact Nora if in person is needed)

See the rest of the winter/spring educational opportunities here.
UCC Webinars

These webinars are designed to help you enhance your local church ministries. Most are free to attend. Check out the calendar here.

Living Out Contemplation and Action - May 19, 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Matching Gift Challenges - May 25, 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Make Visible II: Queer Singers Unite! - May 26, 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
From our friends and partners
Children’s Disaster Services Volunteer Workshop on May 13 - 14, 2022.
The Church of the Brethren Disaster Services (a VOAD partner with the UCC) will present an in-person Children’s Disaster Services Volunteer Workshop on May 13 - 14, 2022. The event will begin on Friday at 4:30 PM ET and conclude at 5:30 PM on Saturday. The event will be held at the Lititz Church of the Brethren, 300 Orange St., Lititz, PA 17543. The CDS Volunteer Workshop is a comprehensive 25 - hour workshop that uses applied, experiential activities to help the participants integrate their learning. The workshop will train you to understand and respond to children who have experienced a disaster. Participants will experience a simulated shelter, sleeping on cots and eating simple meals. Once the training is completed, participants have the opportunity to become a certified Children’s Disaster Services volunteer. Learn more on the attached flyer. Register.
14th Annual Commonwealth Interfaith Service
Prayers for Justice & Peace
May 23, 2022. 6:00PM
Market Square Presbyterian Church
20 S. 2nd St, Harrisburg

Register here. Parking will be free for those who attend in person in the Market Square Garage next door to the church.
Buddhism and Christianity via St. James Episcopal Church in Lancaster - May 19 - June 23

Dr. Randall Zachman (Professor Emeritus, University of Notre Dame) will be teaching the second round of the Mercy Seminar’s study of Buddhism. In this round, we’ll examine how Buddha discovered, and then taught, the way by which human beings could free themselves from the realm of suffering by living according to his teaching. Those who did so sought enlightenment for themselves, so that they might escape the realm of rebirth, suffering and death and attain Nibbana.

In these new sessions of the Mercy Seminar (available live on Zoom or recorded) we start again with “beginners mind” to explore the elements of the life of the Buddha and his teaching about mercy and compassion. In each of the six evening sessions we’ll study short texts from the Mahayana Buddhist tradition, and we’ll also have periods of reflection and discussion to help us discern insights and gain understanding. No prior experience or knowledge is necessary to participate.

"As long as space abides and as long as the world abides, so long may I abide, destroying the sufferings of the world," says the Buddha.

Join us this spring as we study The Way of the Bodhisattva, so that we can come to a deeper understanding of the vision of wisdom and compassion in the Mahayana Buddhist tradition. All are welcome!
Sessions are entirely on Zoom. Participants also have access to every Zoom session recording. Register here.
Pennsylvania Academy of Ministry (PAM)
Personal and Spiritual Development, May 24–June 28, Tuesdays, 7–8:30pm. This Ministerial Institute class is taught by PCC Conference Minister Carrie Call. Participants will learn about spiritual disciplines, congregational systems, and vocational discernment. Appropriate for lay leaders, clergy, and MIDs. $325. Register by May 18.

50% Scholarships available for PCC clergy and MIDs - mention "PCC Scholarship" in the comment field and pay only 162.50.
Evangelical & Reformed Heritage Sunday - June 12

As we prepare to celebrate Heritage Sunday in the coming weeks we should take a moment to reflect on our beginning, traditions, and memories as moments from the past are part of our story and that is a story that future generations will look back on and write the next chapter. The mission of the Evangelical and Reformed Historical Society is to preserve the past, educate future generations and continue building a renewed interest in our legacy.

We are thankful for your generosity. Prepare for your Heritage Sunday Celebration with a renewed excitement for your faith. If you would like to make a gift online click here to support the Evangelical and Reformed Historical Society.
Forty Days: A Pilgrimage of Peace
July 15 - August 25
Louisa, Virginia USA
For more information email Br. Stefan at
Songs of Desire: New Music for the Churches
Saturday July 9, 2:00Pm - Sunday July 10, 9:00PM
Suggested Donation: $50 including accommodation and meals.
For more information email Br. Stefan at
Employment Opportunities
United Church Of Christ: Director of Marketing & Communication; Application Deadline: May 13, 2022

The Director of Marketing & Communication is responsible for the development of all marketing and communication strategies to increase public awareness of the United Church of Christ, energetically engage audience, and inspire philanthropic support. The Director of Marketing & Communication will build and manage brand identity and all aspects of marketing communication to raise awareness of the organization and its ministries, engage the global community, and lead the effort to curate the story that is the United Church of Christ. Read more and apply here.
Accompanist Position Available
We are searching for an Accompanist to bring their gifts to our church where we appreciate a blend of contemporary and traditional music.

General Responsibilities:
In support of the vision of the church, this year-round, part time, salaried position will provide music for worship and other events in a manner that enhances the spirit of worship and enriches the congregation's appreciation of music.

The current music ministry of HPUCC consists of one volunteer choir, as well as instrumental and vocal soloists.

For more information, please call the church at 717-397-9791 or email: If interested, please mail or email resume to: Hamilton Park United Church of Christ, Attn: Search, 1210 Maple Ave., Lancaster, PA 17603
Audio/Visual System Operators Needed
Church of the Apostles, United Church of Christ in Wayne Heights is looking for two people to operate our Audio/Visual system during Sunday morning worship services at 10:45 am (summer worship at 10 am, beginning the first Sunday in June and ending with Labor Day weekend). Other services would include weddings, funerals, Lenten services and Christmas Eve. These are part-time, independent contractor positions; paid per service. Responsible teenagers will be considered. Training will be provided. Read the full description here.
Position:     Music Director
Effective:   Immediately
As a part of the United Church of Christ denomination, we at Hamilton Park UCC seek to provide a welcoming, inclusive, and caring environment where people of all backgrounds and from all walks of life can experience the support of a community where they are valued and loved and where they can experience the love of God given by Christ.
General Responsibilities:
In support of the Pastor and the vision of Hamilton Park United Church of Christ, this year-round, part time, salaried position will coordinate the total music ministry program of HPUCC, to include playing instruments, such as piano, organ, guitar, etc. in a manner that enhances the spirit of worship and enriches the congregation's appreciation of music.
Primary Responsibilities:
The Music Director plans and oversees a diverse musical program that enhances the total worship programming of the church that includes worship services and special events.
If interested, please mail or email resume to: Hamilton Park United Church of Christ, Attn: Search, 1210 Maple Ave., Lancaster, PA 17603.
The Schuylkill Association of the PA Southeast Conference, UCC, has a ministry opportunity for a part-time chaplain at Locust Lake State Park near Tamaqua, PA. If you are a Christian (Clergy or lay) who can function in an unstructured situation and who has a love of God, God’s creation, and God’s people, then this might be the opportunity for you.

The chaplain represents the church as a Christian presence and quiet witness among those who camp at this beautiful state park. The responsibilities of the chaplain include:
·        Conduct campsite visitation weekly.
·        Provide informal, inspirational weekly worship services.
·        Provide availability to park/campground staff and campers for crisis situations.
·        Provide informal programs such as campfires, hymn sings, special musical events, and activities for children, as needed.

Training and ministry support and resources will be provided by the PA Council of Churches Chaplains in the Park program and the Locust Lake Committee.
You can learn more about this ministry opportunity, including compensation, at Or you can contact the Locust Lake Ministry chair, the Rev. Maureen Duffy-Guy at or cell (570) 952-5474. To apply for this position go to Make sure that you click the box for Locust Lake on the application. The application will be open until the position is filled.
St. Matthew’s UCC (Carlisle) is seeking a part-time
church administrative assistant. Starting pay 15.00 or higher
based on experience/credentials. 10-15hrs/week. Read full description here.
If interested, please contact Pastor Tim Dugan
Preferred contact phone number: 570-428-4290.
Preferred contact email:
Rev. Dr. Carrie Call, Ph.D.
Conference Minister
Phone: 717-433-3196

Rev. Dr. Nora Driver Foust
Associate Conference Minister 
Phone: 717-433-2587

Rev. Dr. Marisa Laviola, Ph.D.
Associate Conference Minister
Phone: 717-433-3564

Rev. Rick Luciotti
Coordinator of Care to Clergy & Clergy Families
Phone: 717-433-6306
C. Paul Keller
Office Manager
Phone: 717-652-1560
If you have future eNews stories, please send them to C. Paul Keller
Contact information: C. Paul Keller | email: | phone: 717-652-1560