#NASPAA2018 Recap
2018 NASPAA Conference: Examining and Celebrating Public Service in a Disrupted World!

681 people from over 200 different universities from 24 countries attended the 2018 NASPAA Annual Conference in Atlanta, GA, October 10 - 13th, making it the largest conference in NASPAA history! The important theme, Making A Difference: Good Governance in Disrupted State(s), was explored. There were  95 panel sessions, 6 pre-conference workshops, 22 committee and section meetings, and 4 keynotes, totaling over 400 unique presenters.

In Case You Missed It - Conference Highlights
Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz Soto Speech
Carmen Yulin Cruz, Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, delivered Friday night's powerful keynote at the Georgia Railroad Freight Depot. As a Master of Science in Public Policy & Management (MSPPM), she connected education and her career as a public servant amid the disruption and aftermath of Hurricane Maria.
Watch her speech

Opening plenary keynote, Yascha Mounk, (left), writer, academic, and public speaker discussed his latest work on the rise of populism and the crisis of liberal democracy. Conference chair, Chris Koliba, (right), joins Yasha for an interactive discussion where the NASPAA audience participated in a live poll.

Andrea Young , Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia, spoke at the NASPAA Awards Luncheon on Thursday. She shared her perspective growing up in Atlanta and her current work promoting policies to defend and extend civil and human rights.

At the Pi Alpha Alpha Awards Luncheon,
Raphael Bostic,(3rd from left), spoke about his work as President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. His keynote was followed by a discussion with Catherine Ross,(2nd from left) GA Tech professor.

Social Media Coverage
Check out the #NASPAA2018 coverage here.

Conference App Reminder
Any slides or handouts provided by presenters to NASPAA are posted in the conference app. You can access the app on your desktop here. If materials were provided, they are posted within the specific session.

Congrats to  all the 2018 NASPAA Award 
Winners  honored at Thursday's and Friday's luncheon. See full list of recipients here.
View Photos
See images from the conference panels, luncheons, awards, networking events and more   here .


Spotlight Award Winner
Congrats to our Alumni Honoree Mandy Elder from Portland State University.
Watch her video
  Spotlight Award Winner
Congrats to our Alumni Honoree  David Toland from University of Kansas.

Panels of note
Moving from Diversity to Equity and Inclusion - Planning, Crafting and Implementing a Thoughtful, Measureable, and Effective (Diversity) Plan Workshop
Tia Sherèe Gaynor and Brandi Blessett, from the University of Cincinnati, put together the
Tia Sherèe Gaynor and Brandi Blessett, 
University of Cincinnati
Moving from Diversity to Equity and Inclusion - Planning, Crafting and Implementing a Thoughtful, Measureable, and Effective (Diversity) Plan . The facilitators, who are published in the areas of equity, diversity, and inclusion, gave workshop participants access to evidence-based strategies to develop foundational knowledge for the planning and implementation of equity and inclusion plans. Over 20 attendees from universities around the globe engaged in dialogue on the specific challenges faced by their programs and classrooms when preparing diversity plans. The workshop materials can be found  here , as well as on the  NASPAA Accreditation Resources page .

University of Kansas wins second annual Voinovich Public Innovation Challenge at NASPAA
During the conference, the University of Kansas (KU) School of Public Affairs & Administration was the winner of the Second Annual Voinovich Public Innovation Challenge, sponsored by Ohio University's Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs, in conjunction with NASPAA.
Shannon Portillo,  a professor in the KU School of Public Affairs & Administration, presented the
Shannon Portillo, KU, and Jason Jolley, OU 

innovative winning project, "Collaborating with Community Colleges in Pathways to Public Service," in the pitch competition and was selected for the top prize of  $3500 to advance the project. The judges included  Robert Grimm, director of the Do Good Institute part of the  University of Maryland School of Public Policy and winner of last year's inaugural Voinovich Innovation Challenge.
The other three competition finalists were:
  • Carnegie Mellon University Heinz College, which pitched the Heinz Policy Lab, a graduate course aimed at addressing real-world policy issues;
  • George Mason University's Schar School of Policy and Government, which partnered with the consulting firm, The Berkley Group, to create a public-private partnership that addresses challenges of continuity planning in Virginia local government;
  • University of New Hampshire Carsey School of Public Policy, which pitched their master's program, "Creative curriculum to promote applied work in community development."
This year's theme, "Collaborative Partnerships," was chosen in recognition of the late Sen. Voinovich's deep commitment to cross-sector collaboration as a powerful tool for producing effective, efficient public services.

Congratulations to the participants of the 2018 Class of NASPAA NEXT

Leadership development is crucial to future viability of NASPAA as an organization. Therefore, we are pleased to report on the third successful class of NASPAA NEXT at the 2018 Annual Conference in Atlanta, GA. The four-hour workshop was held on Wednesday afternoon, October 10 and provided emerging leaders in their departments or programs practical tools that will enable them to become more engaged members of their campuses and communities.  Participation in NASPAA NEXT was by invitation only and invitations were based on recommendations from deans and other senior faculty, professional reputation and scholarly research, as well as participation in NASPAA activities.
We would like to thank the School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA) at Rutgers University - Newark for being the organization sponsor for the 2018 Class of NASPAA NEXT.  Specifically we would like to thank Professors Madinah Hamidullah, Lindsey McDougle, and Stephanie Newbold for facilitating and Dean Charles Menifield for a very warm welcome.  The title for this year's NASPAA NEXT was: The Path From Mentee to Mentor: Professional Development Strategies for Success in Academe.  THANK YOU SPAA Rutgers-Newark for a great workshop and congratulations to the participants of the 2018 Class of NASPAA NEXT!  We expect big things from you!!
It's not too early to begin thinking about nominating someone to next year's workshop.  Stay tuned for next year's topic and the call for nominations to be announced in the spring of 2019.

Panels dealing with data science issues were particularly popular this year in submissions, acceptances, and conference session attendance. Some of the most highly attended panel sessions were:
  • "Data Revolution" & Public Service Research: Training Students on Nontraditional Approaches to Analyze & Obtain Data, convened by Susan Miller, University of South Carolina
  • Big Data and Beyond: Reexamining NASPAA Curriculum Standards on Technology, convened by David Van Slyke, Syracuse University
  • Client-Based Capstone Projects: Facilitating Critical Public Service Skills Through Lived Experiences, convened by Maja Holmes, West Virginia University
  • Community-Engaged Programs at Urban-Serving Universities, convened by Richardson Dilworth, Drexel University
  • Data Analysis and Visualization Skills: Selecting Pedagogical Approaches and Software, convened by Eric Zeemering, The University of Georgia
  • Data Analytics and Policy Analysis: Preparing Students with Novel Analytical Tools (Deans'3), convened by Varun Rai, The University of Texas at Austin
  • Engaging with Local Governments -- Promises and Pitfalls, convened by Sherry Glied, New York University
  • Information and Data Literacy for Good Governance in the MPA Curriculum, convened by Scott Fritzen, University of Washington
  • Integrating Public Service Values and Ethics in Public Affairs Curriculum, convened by James Svara, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • MPA and MPP Program Branding Across the Spectrum: The Why and How of Strategic Brand Management in the 21st Century, convened by Anthony Campbell, Tennessee State University
  • New Frontiers of social equity, diversity, and inclusion in MPA programs, convened by Sean McCandless, University of Illinois at Springfield
  • Politics, Polarization & Loss of Trust in Public Institutions: How We Move Forward as Policy Educators (Deans' 1), convened by Matthew Auer, The University of Georgia
  • What I Wish I Knew: A Conversation with 4 Seasoned Deans and Directors, convened by Rosemary O'Leary, The University of Kansas
  • Women Leading in Tumultuous Times: Developing Department Cultures of Equity in the Time of #MeToo, convened by Shannon Portillo, The University of Kansas
Committee and Section Meetings
Most NASPAA committees and sections met at the 2018 conference. They are a meaningful way to network with peers, share developments and best practices in your area of interest, work with NASPAA leaders, and help shape future NASPAA projects in a particular area.  All Individuals from NASPAA member schools are always welcome to attend committee and section meetings, and are encouraged to engage in any that fit your academic interests or program role.  If you are interested in getting involved, don't be shy: for sections,  let us know and we will add you immediately  to the section list and listserv. (For committees, while everyone is welcome to attend meetings, to become a voting member of the committee, you will need an appointment (for a three year term) by NASPAA's president. So please let us know, and we'll let the president know you are interested in being considered.) 

International Committee
The International Committee has been notified that the Council is altering its structure, to reflect NASPAA's growing global membership. The International Committee will restructured into two working groups, one to focus on Sustainable Development Goals, and one to support the planning of regional conferences in different parts of the world. Currently in the planning stages is the 2019 South Asia conference to be held in New Delhi.

A question to all NASPAA members:  NASPAA has received a proposal from interested member schools who would like to formally propose the creation of a new, Global Public Affairs Educators Section . The focus of the Section will be on providing a space for representatives of non-US programs, as well as representatives of US programs who do work outside the US, to discuss common concerns and share ideas. The Section might examine issues of faculty and student exchanges, challenges of accreditation, contextually-relevant curriculum design and research, among other topics. The Council has approved the creation of this section, but that is contingent on a bylaws requirement that sufficient interest from ¼ of all member schools be demonstrated.
If you would like this section to be created, and would like to participate in it, please send a message with a sentence expressing interest along with your name and contact information with subject heading "NASPAA Global Public Affairs Educators Section" to naspaa@naspaa.org . Thank you!
Diversity and Social Equity Committee
Members discussed the need for a repository or clearing house of diversity resources.  NASPAA will investigate if the new NASPAA website will be able to house these items. Additionally, the NASPAA Standards Colloquia were discussed as they relate to diversity and social equity.  Committee members were encouraged to participate. There was also a recap of the Wednesday workshop "Moving from Diversity to Equity and Inclusion -- Planning, Equity and Implementing a Thoughtful, Measurable, and Effective (Diversity) Plan.

Local Government Management Education Committee
The Local Government Management Education (LGME) Committee met, with Robert Blair (University of Nebraska at Omaha) chairing, and welcomed thirteen members and interested faculty at the meeting. The committee supported a couple of key action items for the coming year. One subcommittee will be working with the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) to have student chapters engage in some data analytics at the 2019 annual conference. The other subcommittee will be drafting a self-directed certification program for MPA students aspiring for careers in local government, based on the competencies developed by a joint group of NASPAA and ICMA members. The competencies can be found on the NASPAA website under the committee page for LGME.  Professor Blair can be reached at rblair@unomaha.edu.
Health Care Management Section
Members conversed about the role of the section as there has been tremendous upheaval in the university location and purpose of specializations in this field.  They also discussed finding out how many programs have healthcare specializations, and NASPAA staff noted this request. The creation of a Health Care Section Listserv was proposed, and those interested in joining it should watch for the announcement.
Nonprofit Management Education Section
Members discussed that 59% of NASPAA member schools have nonprofit specializations and one-fourth of graduates pursue nonprofit careers.  Members also deliberated on how nonprofit management programs fit into NASPAA accreditation and standards.
Comprehensive Schools Section
Members addressed several issues of keen interest to the largest NASPAA schools:
  • One aspect of the discussion was around defining NASPAA standards. There was broad agreement that we should not be too much of a club, but should embrace public service education where it is taking place, while maintaining high standards everywhere. 
  • One possible way to frame some of the standards would be in reference to the UN's sustainable development goals (SDGs). Members of the committee noted that making a connection between NASPAA standards and SDG16, which focuses on building strong institutions of governance, could be a way for Schools in countries that have signed on to the SDGs to align their internal and University policies with NASPAA standards.
  • The section discussed whether the sector should grow by growing the MPA/MPP or by annexing/incorporating the peripheral subject areas of public service? 
  • The section discussed the role data analytics might play in our curricula. One conclusion was that teaching careful causal inference will be more vital than ever in future.
  • Members of the section concluded that we will need to train students to manage the changes in government brought on by technology and suggested that NASPAA might do more to help support the development and inclusion of coursework on this in the MPA/MPP.
  • This could include, for example, NASPAA sponsoring online courses, or webinars on critical topics, of longer-than-an-hour thematic workshops for deans of programs where there is need and resources to expand curriculum in this area.
NASPAA Standards Colloquium Task Force
The task force discussed the many in-person colloquium sessions conducted over 2017-18. Based on this feedback, the task force identified the 5 primary areas of discussion moving forward, which it presented at the public town hall later that day. The areas include: better defining of shared values while maintaining flexibility for programs, increasing the transparency of public information about final accreditation decisions, and sharpening competency domains around cultural and global competencies, managing in a time of rapid change, and working across boundaries (cross-sectoral and others). Next steps for the task force include evaluating the big field survey and incorporating the feedback from various NASPAA sections, committees, and Executive Council. Any changes to standards will likely be presented in October 2019 for a vote by representatives of accredited programs at the NASPAA Business Meeting.

Thank you to Local Host Schools!

Thank y ou to All Our Sponsors!
Platinum Sponsors:
  • American University, School of Public Affairs
  • Syracuse University, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
  • University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs (GSPIA)
  • University of Southern California (USC) Sol Price School of Public Policy
Gold Sponsors:
  • The American University in Cairo, School of Global Affairs and Public Policy
  • City University of New York, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
  • Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs
  • Indiana University, School of Public and Environmental Affairs
  • New York University (NYU), Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
  • Texas A&M University, The Bush School of Government & Public Service
  • The University of Texas at Austin, LBJ School of Public Affairs
  • University of Washington, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance 
Silver Sponsors:
  • IUPUI, School of Public and Environmental Affairs
  •  Ohio University, Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs 
  • The Ohio State University, John Glenn College of Public Affairs 
  • University at Albany, SUNY, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs & Policy 
  • University of Baltimore, College of Public Affairs
  •  West Chester University, Department of Public Policy & Administration
Bronze Sponsors:
  • Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Public Policy
  • The George Washington University, Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration
  • Old Dominion University, School of Public Service 
  • West Chester University, Department of Public Policy & Administration
Copper Sponsors:
  • Arizona State University, School of Public Affairs
  • Brandeis University, The Heller School for Social Policy and Management
  • Auburn University, Master of Public Administration Program
  • Penn State University, School of Public Policy 
  • University of La Verne, College of Business and Public Management
  • Virginia Commonwealth University, L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs 
Pewter Sponsors:
  • George Mason University, Schar School of Policy and Government
  • KDI School of Public Policy and Management
  • Rutgers University, Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy 
  • University of Southern California (USC) Sol Price School of Public Policy
Conference Supporters:
  • Carnegie Mellon University, Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy
  • Cleveland State University, Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs
  • Duke University, Sanford School of Public Policy
    Georgetown University, McCourt School of Public Policy
  • Northern Illinois University, School of Public & Global Affairs
  • Oregon State University, School of Public Policy
  • University of Arizona, School of Government and Public Policy
  •  University of Colorado Denver, School of Public Affairs
  • University of Connecticut, Department of Public Policy
  • University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Public Administration Program
  • University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs
  • University of Kansas, School of Public Affairs & Administration
  • University of Kentucky, Martin School of Public Policy

Thank you to the 2018 NASPAA Annual Conference Committee Members for their service:
  • Christopher Koliba (CHAIR), University of Vermont
  • Jack Meek (NASPAA President), University of La Verne
  • Roger Hartley (Past Chair), University of Baltimore
  • Susan Appe, University at Albany SUNY
  • Sandra O. Archibald, University of Washington
  • Laila El Baradei, American University of Cairo
  • Erik Johnston, Arizona State University
  • Naim Kapucu, University of Central Florida
  • Jack Knott, University of Southern California
  • Kathryn Newcomer, The George Washington University
  • Karl Rethemeyer, University at Albany SUNY
  • Nadia Rubaii, Binghamton University
  • Ivan Sascha Sheehan, University of Baltimore
  • Margaret Stout, West Virginia University
  • Curt Ventriss, University of Vermont

Let us know what you think!
Did you attend the conference? If you haven't filled out the 2018 Conference Evaluation Survey, please do so here . We appreciate your feedback which will help shape future NASPAA conferences. In next month's newsletter, we will share results.

Save the Date: #NASPAA2019 
October 16-19, 2019,  Los Angeles, CA
Please mark your calendars - we are excited to see you in Los Angeles for the 2019 NASPAA Annual Conference! 

Join us at #NASPAA2019 in Los Angeles

We are looking forward to working with this stellar group of local host schools!
University of Southern California, Sol Price School of Public Policy
California State University, Los Angeles, Department of Political Science
California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB), Department of Public Administration
University of La Verne, College of Business & Public Management
Pepperdine University, School of Public Policy
The Frederick S. Pardee RAND Graduate School (RAND)
University of California Los Angles (UCLA), Luskin School of Public Affairs
California State University, Fullerton, Division of Politics, Administration, and Justice

U.S. News and World Report

USNWR have indicated they anticipate sending out the Public Affairs Survey the week of November 12th, with a deadline of December 19th.

The survey will be emailed to the contacts schools provided NASPAA. As an update this year, the survey no longer requires usernames and passwords- respondents can click directly on the survey link in the email to enter the survey. The email address it will come from is  usnews-data-collection@biz-messaging.usnews.com .  If you do not receiving a survey, please check your spam folder; if you still do not see the survey contact drudy@naspaa.org who will provide you a contact at USNWR for assistance.
If you have technical problems with the survey, please reach out to your assigned data collector. Each survey recipient has been randomly assigned to one of the Data Collectors at U.S. News. The data collector will be indicated in the body of the email that each individual receives.

Results of the survey will be made publicly available in Mid-March. 

NASPAA-Batten Student Simulation Competition

We are excited to announce that the 2019 NASPAA-Batten Student Simulation Competition season has officially begun!
The topic pertains to global migration, a pressing and controversial issue. 

The official competition website is www.nbsims.org. All information regarding the competition can be found on this website.

IMPORTANT: Student Nomination Process
NASPAA is continuing to provide the opportunity for students from different schools to come together at the simulation competition and be mixed onto a team and work together for a good result. However, for the first time in competition history, in response to some specific requests, schools have the option to field their own teams of up to five students. You can indicate on the nomination form your preference to either keep your nominated students on the same team or have NASPAA randomly assign them to different teams. Please note that students who are mixed onto teams will NOT be at a disadvantage, as they will have the opportunity to meet one another either in-person or virtually several weeks prior to the competition. At least three students are required to form a school team. However, we recommend teams to be comprised of five students to reap the full educational benefits of the simulation. If you nominate fewer than three students, NASPAA will randomly assign them to different teams. The nature of the simulation requires collaboration between teams, so teams comprised of students from the same university will have to work with students from different universities to obtain a good result. Colloboration across institutions and organizations  is a feature of the real world of governance and an important public service value!  

The student nomination process opened on October 15th and will close on December 20, 2018!
Deans, Program Directors, and Pi Alpha Alpha Advisers please nominate your students at www.nbsims.org .

2019 Competition Host Sites
We have completed the selection process for the 2019 simulation host sites. Congratulations to the following schools that will host next year's competition!: 
  • Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (Ciudad de México)
  • Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy (Washington, D.C.)
  • KDI School of Public Policy and Management (Sejong, Republic of Korea)
  • Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Public Policy (Astana, Kazakhstan)
  • North South University -- South Asian Institute of Policy and Governance (Dhaka, Bangladesh)
  • Rutgers University -- Newark School of Public Affairs and Administration (Rutgers, NJ)
  • The American University in Cairo School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (Cairo, Egypt)
  • United Nations University -- MERIT (Maastricht, Netherlands)
  • The University of Michigan -- Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy (Ann Arbor, MI)
  • The University of Texas at Austin -- Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs (Austin, TX)
  • University of San Francisco School of Management (San Francisco, CA)
  • Villanova University (Villanova, PA)
Contacting the NASPAA-Batten Competition Team
In the meantime, if you have any questions about the competition, please e-mail us at info@nbsims.org. We will do our best to get back to you within 24 hours. We look forward to receiving your nominations and connecting with you very soon!

Data Center

Trend Data about NASPAA Schools and graduates
NASPAA presents data to the membership each year at the PI Alpha Alpha Awards Luncheon.  Download this year's presentation here.

2017-2018 Annual Data Report Past Due!
NASPAA's Annual Data Report, which feeds into NASPAA's  school search and your school profile, is past due.   You can directly log in to your Annual Data Report using  this link

For more information regarding the Annual Data Report, go  here or contact NASPAA's Data Center Director, Stacy Drudy at  drudy@naspaa.org.

Also, please note, NASPAA is currently in the process of updating its website and the school search. 

Schools who do not provide data will not show up in searches in the revamped school search.

Does your school offer an Undergraduate Program?
NASPAA, on behalf of the Undergraduate Committee, is conducting a survey on undergraduate public affairs education. Please use the following link to complete the survey:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/UndergradSurvey2018. A copy of the survey is here for your reference.

Basic information from this survey such as: undergraduate major(s) offered, link to the program's website, availability of 4+1 or 3+2 options, etc. will be posted to the NASPAA website and shared on the Undergraduate Listserv.  To be added to the listserv contact wanna@naspaa.org or drudy@naspaa.org

Accreditation and Standards


As the global accreditor of public service graduate degrees, NASPAA is committed to ensuring the standard of quality set forth by the field is rigorous and globally accessible. As we embark on another decade of quality assurance, NASPAA has launched a series of Standards Colloquia to reflect on the ongoing relevance of the Standards. 

Our question: How have our accreditation standards held up?
You are invited to share your insight into the demands of public service by  November 15 :

NASPAA Participates in ARNOVA in Austin, Texas!
The conversation will be led by Dr. Chandler Stolp of the LBJ School of Public Affairs at The University of Texas at Austin:
Date: Thursday, November 15
Time: 7:30 a.m.
Place: Hilton Austin Hotel, Room 406 -- 500 East 4th Street, Austin, TX
2018 Accreditation Institute Recap
Thank you to everyone who made the 2018 Institute a success! Special thanks to our university sponsors: Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University, PennState College of Liberal Arts- Public Policy Program, and West Chester University's Master of Public Administration. We were happy to welcome more attendees than expected based on the number of registrations. The day would not have been possible without the expertise of RaJade Berry-James (North Carolina State University), and Charles E. Menifield (Rutgers University, Newark).
For handouts and information from the Institute, please click here!

2016-17 Accreditation Data Report
COPRA is pleased to release its Annual Accreditation Data Report! The 2016-17 Report provides increased insight into the public affairs field, and the faculty, students, and alumni of our accredited programs. Thank you to each NASPAA-accredited program for providing the data featured in the report.

Updated 2018-19 Roster of Accredited Programs 
COPRA has updated the 2018-19 Roster of Accredited Programs. The Roster, published annually, includes the 2017-18 cohort with 6 programs achieving accreditation for the first time! All up-to-date information can be found on the NASPAA Accreditation website.

Infographic: Faculty Salaries at NASPAA Schools

2016-2017 Annual Data Report

Career Professionals Conference

Registration Open Until November 16!
2018 NASPAA Career Professionals Conference December 5-7

Hosted by the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New York University
NASPAA's annual Career Professionals Conference is designed to provide information about career paths for students in public administration and public policy programs, allow for networking among staff and faculty leading career development efforts at NASPAA schools, and learn about programs and best practices offered by NASPAA colleagues around the country. Learn More .
Registration is $210 and open until November 16.

PPIA Program

For the first time at a NASPAA Annual Conference, PPIA held an information session during the conference in Atlanta.  Designed to expose more schools, (especially colleges and universities from the south and minority serving institutions) to PPIA, participants learned about the fellowship and how to become more engaged with PPIA.  Several schools expressed interest in sponsoring a Public Service Weekend.  Participants heard from Simone Gbolo, PPIA Executive Director and two PPIA Alumni - David Artadi, an employee of the GAO and Lena Benson, of the British Consulate - who shared how PPIA prepared them for their careers.  Additionally Peter Wilborn, a senior at Morehouse College, shared his experiences of participating at the Junior Summer Institute at The Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan.

Learn more about PPIA at https://ppiaprogram.org

ICMA  Research Fellows

ICMA Announces Inaugural Group of Research Fellows

ICMA has selected its inaugural group of research fellows, recognizing outstanding action-oriented research approaches to deal with local governments' most pressing issues. Fellowships will fund four thought leaders to study topics ranging from equity measures for managing urban performance to developing successful innovation training programs for local officials, adding to ICMA's vast knowledge base of research and leading practices in local government leadership and management. Fellows will also be able to leverage ICMA's robust network of members, local government experts, and affiliate organizations throughout the world. The work of the fellows will inform ICMA's publications, data, and information; peer and results-oriented assistance; and training and professional development activities.

The ICMA Local Government Research Fellows were selected from more than 60 proposals received earlier this year. "Local government leaders deal with a broad number of challenges. ICMA's strategic imperative is to deliver research and resources that prepare our members and their staffs to address the important trends, drivers, and issues affecting their communities," Marc Ott, executive director of ICMA said. "This initiative augments our internal staff." He added that ICMA hopes to expand the program to keep up with the blistering pace of change local government leaders face.  Read more.

Do You Have a Shot?!

We're assembling NASPAA's new website, which will be launched soon. The website will present a fresh  look and  provide many new services and opportunities for you to participate in NASPAA activities and grow as a program.  To get there, though, we're asking you for PHOTOS!  
If your photo is selected, we will use it on our website and caption it to give credit to your school. You can email the photo in almost any format (check with Monchaya if you have questions) to  wanna@naspaa.org. If it's an old photo, please scan it with a high resolution iPhone or scanner.  We would be grateful if you could provide a caption that includes the name of your school, identify any relevant people in the shot, and an approximate date of the photo if you know it.

Here are the categories, and the emphasis is on ACTION-students and faculty doing things.


Please make sure that any subjects in your photograph have given permission for you to use it.  Thank you!

© 2018 Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration.
All Rights Reserved.