january 2018
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Best wishes for a healthy and happy new year!
Breast Implants - 5 Things You Need To Know
Which is better: saline or silicone? There is no right or simple answer.  A saline breast implant is placed completely empty inside the sculpted, customized pocket surgically created for it - then filled directly from an IV bag (i.e. IV saline) - sort of like building a ship in a bottle. This allows for a very small insertion incision and for fine adjustments in the fill volume to get better symmetry when one breast is larger than the other.

Botox...For Children???
Botox injections can benefit children suffering from chronic migraines, according to a recent study coming from the American Society of Anesthesiologists.  Read more...
Lyle M. Back, M.D. Cosmetic Surgery Center
of Cherry Hill

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