www.ilovelyleback.com newsbytes

january 2016
In This Issue
Get Rid Of Those "Smoker's Lines"!
A New Treatment For Under-Eye Bags?
Drink Coffee - Live Longer!

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Notice a couple of extra holiday inches on the waist?  Our 100% non-painful, non-invasive, no downtime Strawberry Laser really works!  You've seen the amazing results on Action News - perhaps it's time to come in, try it and see for yourself!  Our average patient sees a loss of a minimum of 4 inches off the waist in just 4 weeks!

Get Rid Of Those "Smoker's Lines"!
"Smoker's lines" are those troublesome, unattractive fine lines and little grooves that tend to radiate outward from the edges of the lips and extend all around the lips and the mouth. These distracting, unappealing lines detract from the beauty of the lips, tending to make the lip border indistinct, irregular and flattened. They magnify any thinning of the lips and further contribute to an aged appearance to the face.  Read more...

Macro of a senior female face with wrinkled skin against grey background. Cropped old woman face.     Note  Shallow depth of field

 A New Miracle Treatment For Under-Eye Bags?
Popsicles, Coca-Cola, DNA, and much to Carrie Bradshaw's chagrin, the Post-it note, are all discoveries made by accident. The newest addition to the list of serendipitous success stories: XAF5. It sounds like a dope new addition to the Star Wars make-up line, and although its not, it may be just as magical. XAF5 is a glaucoma medication (like Latisse) turned eye-bag buster. Read more...
Coffee Drinking Linked To A Longer Life
Your coffee habit may be doing more than keeping you awake during a long work day. New research adds to growing evidence that coffee has protective health benefits and suggests that it may may even reduce your risk of dying from  heart disease  and other chronic illnesses. Read more...

Lyle M. Back, M.D.  
Cosmetic Surgery Center
of Cherry Hill


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DISCLAIMER : 'Cosmetic Surgery Center Newsbytes'  is for information purposes only and is not intended to be interpreted as medical advice nor to substitute as an alternative to a complete medical evaluation. Patients should be examined by and consult with a Board Certified physician for more complete and detailed information and a personal treatment plan based accordingly. Any Information appearing in 'Newsbytes' is not intended as a guarantee of results or warranty, express or implied. Links to third party websites are provided as a convenience only; 'Newsbytes' assumes no responsibility for their content.