CSN eNewsletter
March 21, 2018

Safe Medication Storage Resources from Safe Kids Worldwide
Safe Kids Worldwide has released a new report and infographic about storing medication safely. Unintentional medicine poisoning is preventable, especially by parents and caregivers. While people know the importance of keeping medicine up and away and out of sight, not everyone is storing their medication safely. Every 12 days, a child under age six dies of unintentional medicine poisoning in the US. 
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Injury Prevention published our peer-reviewed manuscript that captures learning and progress from cohort 1 of the CS CoIIN.  Building the Child Safety Collaborative Innovation and Improvement Network: How does it work and what is it achieving?  is publicly available on the Injury Prevention website.
Bullying Prevention

Fall Prevention

Pedestrian Safety

Safe Sleep

Suicide Prevention

Traumatic Brain Injury

Youth Violence Prevention

This project is supported by the  Health Resources and Services Administration  (HRSA) of the  U.S. Department of Health and Human Services  (HHS) under the Child and Adolescent Injury and Violence Prevention Resource Centers Cooperative Agreement (U49MC28422) for $1,197,709. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.