Monthly news & updates for Direct Difference, Inc Abstractors
July 2019
Happy Birthday!

Angie West - July 4
Candice Legan - July 10
Tatiana Rodriguez- July 23
Nicole Iacopino - July 31


Data Abstraction / Registry Management / Consulting Direct Difference is the nation's leading health care management consulting firm. We're also the first company to specialize in the field of data abstraction and core measure for health care....

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You can get $100 referral bonus for referring someone to Direct Difference. You can get another $500 if they sign a contract with us. WOW!

Did you know we provide abstraction services for core measures, non-core measures, registry, OPPE-FPPE, NHSN, peer review, pharmaceutical studies and others? If you know a facility that has ANY data abstraction needs please contact us for more information. All you have to do is respond to this email to get started!
How To Use Team Or Shared Drives In G Suite
Key Habits
The 13 Tools You Need to Work Healthier-Not Harder-and...

Haele Wolfe What makes a great designer or developer? Is it the right credentials, education, or tools? Or is it something less tangible, like determination or a great sense of organization? Or maybe it's even simpler than that: Success in any...

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When Life Gets Busy, Focus on a Few Key Habits

Executive Summary Extreme life events can be stressful - and lead to confusion as to where to focus your priorities. Whether it's changing jobs, taking care of a sick parent, relocating, or facing a diagnosis, disruptions in life can make it...

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Burnout is making us worse at our jobs, according to the WHO

Workplace burnout is a serious issue. So much so that the WHO has officially recognized it for the first time, outlining the three main components of the issue.

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Healthcare data breaches reach record high in April

The largest breach, which compromised data on up to 206,695 people, involved a ransomware attack at Doctors' Management Service, a company that provides medical billing services to hospitals and physician practices. Doctors' Management Service...

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Comprehensive internet technology solutions are assisting health care organizations in transitioning to a digital revolution that includes cloud networking, writes Michael Belfiore. The cloud-based networking technologies allow health providers to share data easily while securing client privacy under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
Beyond HIPAA: examining data privacy laws at the state level
While HIPAA regulates certain data security issues, it does not cover all the data that providers might have. For example, although personal health information may not be within the scope of these statutes, employee information and other information collected by providers presumably is. The  Journal of AHIMA  tells us why it's important for providers to be aware of these state privacy laws and evaluate their potential impact.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced the availability of the IPFQR Program Manual version 5.0 and the Release Notes version 5.0.

The IPFQR Program Manual provides a comprehensive overview of the IPFQR Program and measure specifications. The Release Notes version 5.0 describes changes to the manual compared to the previous version. The effective date for the IPFQR Program Manual version 5.0 is January 1, 2020, as it applies to all data that are to be reported to CMS in calendar year 2021.

All of the resources mentioned above are located on the  IPFQR Program Resources and Tools  webpage of the  Quality Reporting Center   website. These resources will be available on the IPFQR Program Resources  page of the  QualityNet  website at a later date.
Thank you for being an essential part of our success!
Excellence   Expertise   Experience
That’s how we make a Direct Difference!
Mandy Budny, RN, MSN, CPHQ | Direct Difference, Inc | 520-442-0016 [email protected]