~A Wonderful 2020 to You~
* Connection ~ Love ~ Belonging *
~Bringing Home the next level of Your Medicine~
Moments in Burkina Faso
~Journey to Burkina Faso with Titiulo Malidoma Somé~
Immerse Yourself in the Wisdom of the Origin
Access Indigenous Technologies with Traditional Healers
Swim in the Dagara Culture, Mystery & Magic
August 7-21, 2020
Dagara Cosmology
Moving into the Earth Year:
Let us Remember~
2020: Earth Year
In Dagara Cosmology the element of Earth embodies both the Feminine and Masculine. The Feminine Earth Mother provides comfort, belonging, pampering, nourishment and nurturing. She holds us and comforts us. She is both tender and fierce.
Earth symbolizes the mother on whose lap everyone finds a home, nourishment, support, comfort, and empowerment. Representing the principle of inclusion, earth is the ground upon which we identify ourselves and others. It is what gives us identity and a sense of belonging. Produced as the result of the encounter between fire and water, earth represents survival and healing, unconditional love and caring. Earth loves to give and gives love abundantly. In other words, earth cares as much for the crooked as it does for the honest. Both of them are allowed to walk on her.
Earth is where we belong. She is our home. She gives us sustenance unconditionally and makes it possible for us to feel connected. Earth is where we go to and where we depart from. This means that she sees us in a way no one can. The nourishment and support of the Earth Mother grant us the feeling of belonging that allows us to expand and grow because we feel strong. Our well-being depends on this feeling of belonging, and perhaps this is why each of us fosters some type of territorial instinct, wishing to protect that which nourishes us.
An example of an Earth shrine that one can make is simply made of the earth [dirt] from where you were born, looking like a little mound- that you use as a point of entry to communicate directly with the Earth. During times of scarcity or pain, you can go there and ask Mother Earth for nourishment---nourishment of the spirit, nourishment of the body. Share from your heart with her. Feel the Earth holding you. You may also consider making an offering to the Earth: milk (nourishment), honey (sweetness), seeds (new growth, dreams & visions), flowers (beauty); or other offerings which you are guided to make. The offerings reflect that which you are seeking.
The Masculine Earth Father provides deep rootedness, an umbrella of protection, unending strength, groundedness, power, and a safe & solid container. He is both tender and fierce.
Earth's protection reflects an undivided commitment to us. We, in turn, protect the Earth. We are provided with an abundance of resources.
2020: Earth Year
-The Year of HomeComing-
It's now time to:
-Come Home to Yourself-
emotionally, & mentally.
Take care of YOU: physically, financially, relationally.
Create a Home that holds you and nourishes you; both inside & outside.
-Align with, & Bring Forth the Truth, Gift, Purpose & Medicine
that resides within You...
Surround yourself with places & people who honor, love and support you-
Welcome the experience of Belonging.
Come Home to your Family & Community:
Bring your Truth, your Signature Frequency &
your Gifts home to Your Family, Your Village & to the World.
Allow yourself to receive support and be:
grounded, held, nurtured, and honored.
The World needs You now, more than ever.
2020: Upcoming Opportunities with Elder Malidoma
~Thank you for taking the time to review our latest newsletter!
Below please find information about the upcoming opportunities to connect with Elder Malidoma via:
*Private Divinations: Santa Barbara, CA (February 20-22)
*Yearlong Cowry Shell Divination Certification Training-
NEW 4-session Series
(become a Certified cowry shell diviner sanctioned by Elder Malidoma)
(March 12 -March 15: first session of four)
*Private Divinations: Asheville, NC (March 16 & 17)
*Indigenous African Spirit Technologies: 5-Day Intensive:
Talismans and Indigenous Tools of Protection
(March 18-22, 2020)
*Indigenous African Spirit Technologies: 5-Day Intensive:
(April 22-26, 2020)
*Private Divinations: New York City (May 8, 9, 10)
*Private Divinations: Boulder, CO (June 28, 29, 30 & July 1)
*Gathering of the Men: 4-day Ritual Intensive
(July 9-12, 2020)
*Indigenous African Spirit Technologies: 5-Day Intensive:
(July 15-19, 2020)
*Journey to Burkina Faso with Titiulo Malidoma Somé (August 7-21)
*BEYI Ritual: The Taste of a Name!
(October 9-11, 2020)
*Kontomble 5-Day Immersion: Initiation & Divination
(November 11-15, 2020)
*Journey to Burkina Faso with Titiulo Malidoma Somé (January 8-22)
~We're grateful for your life and for the Medicine that you gift to us all.
Remember: You either live your Medicine or your Medicine lives you.
AUDIO Recording by Elder Malidoma:
The Art of Cowry Shell Divination
-A Year-long Certification Training Program
with Elder Malidom
~With Over 30 Years of Bridging this World with the Otherworld~
(Training begins March 12 - 15, 2020~ details below)
*To honor the nature and focus of this training, Registration for this Year-long Certification Course is limited. Please apply early to secure your
"You have been thrown into the belly of the
beast to awaken people who are living other people's dream."
-Malidoma Somé
Upcoming Private Divinations with
Elder Malidoma
***Please Register at your earliest convenience as sessions fill quickly.
Register for your Private Divination
February 20, 21, 22 & 23, 2020
please contact
for additional details~ or to Schedule your
Private Divination
Asheville, North Carolina!
Register for your Private Divination
please contact
for additional details~ or to Schedule your
Private Divination
Register for your Private Divination
please contact
for additional details~ or to Schedule your
Private Divination
Register for your Private Divination
June 28, 29 & 30, & July 1, 2020
please contact
for additional details~ or to Schedule your
Private Divination
Experiencing a personal divination with Elder Malidoma
is a beautiful, empowering and healing manifestation of Spirit. It is an opportunity to hear direction from the realm of the Ancestors and to connect, more deeply, with what you know "in your bones".
Elder Malidoma utilizes Cowry Shell Divination
for his sessions. You will be asked to spread a pile of shells, bones, stones, and other implements on a special "divination cloth". This spread is what Malidoma will read and interpret to bring a message about your life and purpose for being on the planet at this time. The message will also be about finding balance with the Elemental Spirits of Earth, Water, Fire, Nature and Mineral.
for additional details~ or to
Schedule your Private Divination
Fee: $350 USD
(pre-paid & non-refundable)
**NEW **
The Art of Cowry Shell Divination
A Year-long
Certification Training
~Bridging this world with the Otherworld~
Beginning: March 12- March 15, 2020
Asheville, North Carolina
to Listen to Elder Malidoma describe more about this upcoming Training
A program designed to bring you up to date on the interpretation of symbols and elemental geomancy. This program comprises four sessions. Each session is a milestone on the journey to mastery of this skill.
~Conversation with the Other World~
***Become a Certified Cowry Shell Diviner sanctioned by
Elder Malidoma
is an effective tool for tackling the crisis of the human psyche in modern time. Divination clarifies the meaning of the soul's quest and shed light to the obstacles to overcome on the way to successful living. In other word, divination does not just tell you what is going on in your life; it tells you what you need to do in order to flow into your gifts and fulfill your purpose. Divination provide a positive spin on human challenges by emphasizing gifts and purpose.
Understanding the Elementals
Understanding the Symbol and
its Position on the Cloth
The Art of Prescription and Ritual Healing
Deepening of the Practice and Certification Ritual
**Each onsite session
will include an experiential indigenous radical ritual for the future diviner. This provides personal experience with healing through African Spirit Technologies which, in effect, will deepen the diviner's ability to confidently prescribe certain healing prescriptions during the divining process.
***Register Soon for Discounts
The Art of Cowry Shell Divination
Asheville, NC
Understanding the Elementals
June 4-7, 2020
Understanding the Symbol and its Position on the Cloth
September 17-20, 2020
The Art of Prescription. Divination and Ritual Healing.
December 3-6, 2020
Deepening of the Practice and Certification Ritual
*There will also be 4 one-hour "live" webinars with Elder Malidoma in between onsite sessions an
practice sessions with group
For Additional Details/Registration
"The time has come for you to adorn yourself
in the new clothing of receiving and deservedness."
~Malidoma Somé
~Embody Your True Nature~
~Indigenous African Spirit Technologies~ -Talismans and Indigenous Tools of Protection & Manifestation-
March 18-22, 2020
~in the Beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains
surrounding Asheville, NC~
The alchemy of this Indigenous Tools of Protection & Manifestation
intensive provides an opportunity for us to gather nature's medicine, and co-create with natural energies --to make talismans, amulets, power objects, and align with protective frequencies.
In constructing and activating objects of power and protection, we arm ourselves with spiritual protective mechanisms to insure the safety of ourselves and others and thus save our energies for what is most required of us - the fulfillment of our purpose.
During these times in which we live, the forces of Nature want to support us in taking a stand---- for our gifts, our purpose, our Medicine and our ability to have a positive impact on ourselves, our family, friends and the world.
While the forces of adversity and the obstacles appear to be increasing,
we become armed with this ancient technology: the Wisdom of the Origin -and neutralize the less than optimal impact upon us and the world in which we live.
*Join us as we show up with dedication, devotion and priestly commitment for the sustenance and continuity of life.
For Details and Registration Packet, please e-mail
Indigenous African Spirit Technologies
photo credit: Craig Tracy
**At this time
this 5-Session intensive training with Elder Malidoma is open for new students.
This is an exquisite opportunity to connect deeply with ancient wisdom, powerful african spirit technologies, internal empowerment, remembering & healing within the container of a dedicated community.
The time for a vigorous act of devotion to, and embracing of the wisdom of indigenous Africa has come. After centuries of silence and in hiding, the powers and wisdom of the ancestors are rising up to lead the world into the next level of consciousness and spirituality. As we know, the continent is not just the birthplace of mankind, it is also the repository of profound unseen powers and technologies on standby to contribute to a radical healing change much needed in the world today. This calls for some militant initiative on the part of those in whose heart ancient Africa speaks, to check in for this exciting and compelling journey home where they can expect to find how much of the old in them has been waiting to burst in service of the world's need to heal and to transform.
This experiential program is offered in response to that call.
*Join us as we show up with dedication, devotion and priestly commitment for the sustenance and continuity of life.
Indigenous African Spirit Technologies
is a 1-2 year program that encompasses a series of
intensives- each lasting for 5-days.
The teachings of each session are described below.
#1. Elemental Medicine- Experiential Merging
(Earth Ritual, Water Ritual, Fire Ritual)
*NEW SERIES (April 22-26, 2020)
#2. Ancestralization
(July 15-19, 2020)
#3. Talismans and Indigenous Tools of Protection
(October 21-25, 2020)
Session # 4 (pre-requisite session 1-3)
& Session #5 (pre-requisite session 1-3)
***Be sure to Register Early for REDUCED FEES
**At this time, Sessions #1 and #2
and #3 may be taken within the series of five;
or as "stand-alone" sessions. Fees will vary.
For those of you who have previously experienced this 5-day Intensive with Elder Malidoma- if you are eligible & interested in returning to do this powerful work (as a stand-alone session), please contact the office for the registration paperwork. Elder Malidoma is now offering a discounted tuition fee for the RELOAD experience as a stand-alone session.
Join Elder Malidoma for a 5-Day Ritual Intensive
Indigenous African Spirit Technologies:
April 22-26, 2020
A Return to:
Earth: Home & Belonging
Water: Peace & Reconciliation
Fire: The Realm of the Ancestors
April 22-26, 2020
~in the Beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains
surrounding Asheville, NC~
~The Indigenous African Spirit Technologies Program consists of a Series of 5 Intensives.
Each intensive is 5-days long.
This is the first session of five sessions.
It may be taken as a "stand-alone" session.
July 9th- July 12th, 2020
During this 4-Day ritual intensive, men will join together in brotherhood
to journey into and through ancient indigenous Dagara wisdom- remembering that we are, each of us, going somewhere purposeful in life.
Through the healing interaction of ritual with men in community~ combined with the power of indigenous technologies, there will be an opportunity to open ourselves to the release and reconciliation of those thoughts, emotions, issues, obstacles and energies- that have created a numbness, tension, or paralysis for us.
Through this ritual process, we will invite and allow the life force and strength of our
Purpose and Gift to, once again, flow through us- unobstructed. We will support one another in our ability to receive support and affirmation as we begin
Manifesting our Dreams and Visions on this planet.
Register Early for Reduced fees!!
For Details and Registration:
Save the Date!!
~a Time to Deepen your Connection and Dialogue between You and Your Ancestors~
July 15-19, 2020
Asheville, NC
For Additional Details and Registration.
Save the Date!!
For Information & Details, please contact
Please enjoy this short clip
with Elder Malidoma
The entire film is now showing on Netflix!!