Bells in Fall

Glastonbury Abbey e-Newsletter

16 Hull Street, Hingham, MA 02043

TEL:  (781) 749-2155

November 2013 

Glastonbury Abbey Tower  

Worship Schedule   

Monday  Saturday

6:30 a.m.    -    Vigils

7:45 a.m.     -    Lauds

12 noon       -    Mass

5:15 p.m.     -    Vespers

7:45 p.m.     -    Compline


Sunday, as above, except:

9:30 a.m.     -    Mass

12:45 p.m.   -    Midday Prayer



November 11 - Veterans Day

Regular schedule except:

No Vigils

8:00 a.m.    -    Lauds

12 noon       -    Mass

[Office Closed]


November 24 - Solemnity of Christ the King. Annual installation of liturgical ministers.  Sunday Supper.

Regular schedule except:

4:30 p.m.     -    Sunday Supper

7:00 p.m.     -    Vespers


November 28 - Thanksgiving Day

No Vigils

8:00 a.m.     -    Lauds

11:30 a.m.    -    Mass

6:00 p.m.     -    Vespers

7:45 p.m.      -    Compline

[Office Closed]


November 29

8:00 a.m.       -   Lauds

9:30 a.m.      -    Mass

6:00 p.m.      -   Vespers

7:45 p.m.       -   Compline

[Office Closed]



The Monks of Glastonbury Abbey invite you to pray with them for vocations to the monastic life.


The monthly Hour of Adoration for vocations will be held on Monday, November 25th, integrated with Compline at 7:45 p.m.

Glastonbury BookstoreBookstore/Gift Shop 



Monday - Saturday

9:00 a.m.     -   5:00 p.m.



12 Noon        -   5:00 p.m. 


Mass Guild


The holidays are a beautiful time of year to give family and friends 

the gift of prayer with a lovely 

enrollment card.  Enrollees, living

or deceased, are included in the daily Mass, Liturgy of the Hours and all the Monks' prayers and good works.


Also available: Sympathy, Healing, 

Special Occasion Cards, Five Year Enrollments,  and Perpetual Enrollments. 


Custom printed cards now available online (as well as in our Abbey Bookstore)!


Please visit:  

(Click on Mass Guild tab)


For information, questions, or

suggestions, please contact Kathleen:  

781-749-2155, x.242

Quick Links
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To Securely Donate Online:
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Join Our Mailing List

TEL: 781-749-2155, x. 243

Dear Friends of Glastonbury Abbey:


Autumn is an appropriate time to be grateful for our abundance. Your response to our Glastonbury Abbey Institute programs has been both humbling and gratifying.  We thank you for coming to our classes, films, retreats and lectures, and we are grateful to the presenters who share their wisdom.


We believe that these Institute programs are reaching people at a deep, spiritual level and that there is a genuine hunger within us to grow in our faith life. 


We are grateful to you, our friends, who make it possible for us to live our lives of prayer and hospitality.  Bless all of you as we move toward the liturgical new year and the season of Advent.


With peace, blessings and gratitude,

The Benedictine Monks of Glastonbury Abbey                       

Spiritual Enrichment - Talks & Discussion
All Spiritual Enrichment Programs are held on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Abbey Conference Center [lower level].  No reservations are required.  Seating is on a first-come; first-seated basis, up to the room capacity of 30 people.  Suggested donation is $20 per session.
November 12, 19 and 26:  "Diving Deeper, Explore Spirituality through the Window of the Twelve Steps Program."  Br. Dan Walters, OSB, MA, and Annabelle Wallace, Ph.D., LICSW.  Classes will be in lecture and discussion format.  Based on Richard Rohr's "Breathing Underwater" - 12 Step Spirituality.
   November 12:  Surrender to God
   November 19:  Moral Inventory and Accountability
   November 26:  Living for God's Will                           

Faith and Film Series

November 14:  The Painted Veil (2006)(125 minutes)
Based on Somerset Maugham's 1925 novel, this dramatic tale allows a glimpse into a strained marriage and the challenges of British expatriates in China at a turbulent time in history.
Facilitator:      Judy Dwyer, M.A.
Location:         Abbey Conference Center (Upper Room)
Time:                6:30 p.m. - light refreshments
                           7:00 p.m. - film, followed by discussion
Cost:                  Free.  Donations gratefully accepted
Upcoming Retreats
Registration is required to attend any retreat.  Please call (781) 749-2155 x 200 or e-mail  Suggested donations include costs of overnight stays in our retreat house and meals.
1.  November 15-16:  Images of God
Exploring and expanding the images we hold of God can enrich our life of prayer and allow us to experience more fully the God who loves us.  During this weekend, we will tap into our individual memories, reflect on some images from scripture and listen for images in the Liturgy of the Hours.  Personal time apart for quiet will be encouraged and the opportunity for Spiritual Direction will be offered.
Facilitator:                       Catherine Burbank, M.A.
Suggested Donation:     $200.00 
2.  November 22-24:   The Way of Transformation (Daily Life as Spiritual Practice, Part II).
How do we create the conditions of possibility that open us to the gift of transformation?  During this weekend, we will continue our exploration of Meister Eckhart's teachings on the way of spiritual practice, drawing from the insights of modern psychology and the insights of the great spiritual traditions.
Facilitators:                   Martin Mullins, M.Sc., and
                                         Br. Daniel Walters, OSB, MA
Suggested Donation:   $180.00  

Lecture Series - Listening to Other Voices -- Sister Simone Campbell - November 21, 7:15 p.m.
The 15th year of the Abbey's acclaimed lecture series continues its Profiles in Spiritual Courage theme with social justice activist Sister Simone Campbell. 
This gathering will be held at the Abbey Conference Center at 7:15 p.m.  Please note that  seating is limited and on a first-come, first-seated basis.  Early arrival is advised for this renowned speaker.  This talk is free and open to the public, but donations are gratefully accepted.  
Sister Simone's talk is entitled  "Stories From the Bus."  In 2012 and 2013, Sister Simone led fellow sisters, the "Nuns on the Bus," across the country, spreading the message for social justice as part of her work with NETWORK, a progressive Catholic lobby for justice and peace.  She found people "with amazing courage working for justice in all parts of the country."  She reports they nourished her faith and strengthened her efforts to work for the "kingdom that Jesus speaks of in the Gospel." She will share with you their stories, the Gospel challenge and what we can do together to be faithful to our call to the common good. 
Sister Simone is a religious leader, attorney and poet who has been a tireless advocate, speaker (including the 2012 Democratic Convention) and writer on public policy issues.  In 2013 she was recognized by President Obama at the White House for her social justice work.
Feed the Hungry
November 24:  Sunday Supper.  Monthly supper for those living alone or in difficult circumstances.  Abbey Conference Center, 4:30 p.m.
December 1:  Monthly food collection for the hungry.  Please bring canned and/or dry goods to Mass.  We deliver the food to either the Hingham Food Pantry or Wellspring in Hull.

Advent Day of Reflection on Dec. 7


December 7:  Advent Day of Refection -

                             What Are you Waiting For?  
A common theme for Advent has been waiting -- waiting in patient expectation.  Join us for a day of prayer, reflective writing and sharing to discern what is the big picture that this season offers for your life.
Date/Time:                 Saturday, Dec. 7th, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Location:                     Abbey Conference Center
Cost:                             $20.00 donation requested (includes light
Facilitator:                   Denise DiCenso, M.Div.
For reservation or further info, please call (781) 749-2155, x. 200, or e-mail

Jay Parini, Author, at Cohasset Library on  December 8


On Sunday, December 8, at 4 PM, the Cohasset Library's Sunday Authortalks series will host writer Jay Parini, who will speak about his upcoming book "Jesus: The Human Face of God."


Poet, novelist, biographer, critic, and professor of literature at Middlebury College, Professor Parini has written a powerful little book-straightforward, reverent, and scholarly-about a real person who lived in time and whose life has resonated in the hearts and minds of human beings over the last 2,000 years.


In his search to discover the truth about Jesus and what certainties can be known about him, Parini harkens back to ancient Palestine and the Judaic ideas that both shaped the culture and inspired Jesus' reinterpretation.


The book will soon be available in our Abbey Bookstore and copies will be available that evening. Admission is free, but seating is limited.


       Atlantic Symphony Orchestra, Dec. 8
Join your Glastonbury friends for an Atlantic Symphony Orchestra Choral Consortium production of The Messiah
Where:  Thayer Academy,
                Center for the Arts
When:    Sunday, Dec. 8
Time:      Wine and snacks at 3:15
                 Concert at 4:00
Tickets:   $40.  Call Joanne Thayer to sign up: 781-383-0804.