Your Neighborhood Crime Reports

Neighborhood-specific crime reports are produced monthly by the Oklahoma City Police Department. Neighborhood Alliance would like to share the most recent crime data as well as useful information about crime prevention in your neighborhood and in our City.

February 2024 Crime Reports
View Here
Click Here to access previous reports. If your neighborhood is not included in the report and would like to be included register your neighborhood with NACOK HERE or reach out to
To see an interactive community crime map CLICK HERE.

Join Us for Neighborhood Watch Patrol Training on April 16!

Neighborhood Watch Patrol (NWP) is about neighbors volunteering to become trained observers and reporters” in their neighborhood for the local police. Join the Oklahoma City Police Department and Neighborhood Alliance to learn more about Crime Watch and Crime Patrol for your neighborhood.

*Crime Patrol program is a committee of your neighborhood association- you MUST be an organized neighborhood to establish a Watch Patrol.

Register Here!

Triad is an outreach program dedicated to bridging the gap between Oklahoma City senior citizens, Oklahoma City Police Department, and the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s office, and was established by OCPD in 1998 after seeing the senior population had specific concerns needing to be addressed. The program has an advisory group, Seniors and Law Enforcement Together (SALT), made up of members like police chiefs, sheriffs, AARP, retired leaders, emergency response services, and any other agencies or persons interested in the welfare of senior citizens. 


The program educates citizens in crime prevention and victim/witness programs for older residents. Triad also recruits and trains volunteers to help OCPD and Oklahoma County Sheriff’s department. They also serve as a forum for law enforcement and the community to share needs and concerns; work together to develop solutions and identify problem areas for seniors; and develop and implement community wide solutions. 


Triad is coordinated by civilian Sheryl Presley. Presley is “very active” with Triad seniors, who love her passion for serving their needs. She holds monthly meetings, participates in senior expos, and even does Chaplin's corner at the State Fair of Oklahoma where she provides support, snacks, and drinks for the first responders working the fair.  


In addition to holding meetings, Sheryl coordinates activities throughout the year, including their two largest events. The first is Grandparents Raising Grandkids at Christmastime, which assists the senior population who care for their grandchildren to provide Christmas joy. The second is a back-to-school event, where around 200 kids being raised by senior citizens receive backpacks and food; Triad brings in fire trucks, a helicopter, K9 officers, police motorcycles, and more for a fun day! 


For more information on Triad, Sheryl Presley can be reached at (405) 316-4336. She is available for speaking engagements on personal and home safety, current fraud and scams and identity theft. 

With experts predicting an active tornado season for Oklahoma, now is the time to start reviewing your emergency preparedness plans and checking your supply kits! OCPD, in conjunction with the City's Office of Emergency Management have put together a great set of resources called "Prepare OKC" which can be found online!

These resources include checklists, guides, and "how to's" for severe weather and other hazards that could affect OKC.

Remember: staying prepared helps you stay safe!

Prepare OKC Information
Update Information

Ready to have neighborhood conversations?

Join us in FIREFLY!

This is a private Facebook group where you can ask questions, share, and support each other in our quest to be the best neighborhood leaders we can be. United to support safe, beautiful, and healthy neighborhoods for everyone. 

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