Oh, to grace how great a debtor daily I’m constrained to be!
Let thy goodness, like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to thee:
prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, prone to leave the God I love;
here’s my heart, oh, take and seal it, seal it for thy courts above.

Come, thou fount of every blessing
In preparation for the Together in Hope Ministry Fair coming October 3rd (more information soon!), we'll be featuring one or two ministries each week. Check out today's featured ministry after the news in this email!

Amanda Fulton, Communications Team
Got a question or a tip for the eNews? Email me here!
We recently released new worship guidelines as we continue to respond to the COVID crisis. Read the update here for information on new worship times, safety protocol, nave construction updates, and a special announcement about this year's SUPER Sundae Sunday!
The Blessing of the Backpacks...again! Knowing that some children are beginning school this coming week, we wanted to make sure they received their blessing too!Join us this Sunday for a blessing during the service! Students, bring backpacks - we'll pray for students as they start (or continue, depending on their district!) the school year.
Resources for Dismantling Racism: The Gospel of Mark, Part 1 
Imagine a sacred, ancient text that addresses the problem of religious nationalism, economic inequality, and racial/ethnic prejudice. These are all central concerns in the Gospel of Mark! Starting September 15th, join us at St. Columba's or on Zoom on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 for this class led by the Rev. Joshua Daniel. Register here.
Volunteer with the Refugee Response Ministry

The Refugee Response Ministry (RRM) is looking at possible options for compassionate, intentional engagement in the crisis surrounding our Afghan brothers and sisters, including possibly working with the diocese in some capacity. Please listen for more details coming out from the RRM soon.

If you’re interested in volunteering in the future, please complete this form and a member of the RRM will reach out to you shortly.
We need you! As part of our ending family homeless initiative, we have provided lunches to Friendship Place guests, twice a week since last December. This is a great way to get involved, have an impact, get the whole family engaged, and do it all safely and socially distanced.

For more information or to sign up to volunteer, visit this page or contact Cami Caudill.
Sacred Ground classes are again being offered at St. Columba’s this fall. This powerful program consists of 10 meetings which supports the church’s commitment to racial healing and justice in our personal lives, parish, and society. To learn more, visit our website here or register here.
In-person and Zoom music rehearsals for all ages begin in September! Our long tradition of musical excellence is continued in our singing choirs, handbell ensembles for youth and adults, and chamber orchestra.
We encourage each of you to engage with us in our community of music makers by singing or ringing with one of our choirs. You can find out more about our music program by visiting our website or emailing Anne Timpane. All are welcome!
The St. Columba’s Anti Racism Taskforce would like to invite you to take a short, anonymous survey. Even if you participated in a small group discussion, we invite you to fill out the survey. No more than 10-15 minutes long. Access the survey here.

Should you have questions about the survey, please send an email to AntiRacismTF@columba.org.
Ministry Spotlight: Water Ministry
The Water Ministry is a place to both nourish and be nourished; a meal is served to guests and volunteers often partake, but we are also fed by the Holy Spirit present in all of us. Service at the Water Ministry – indeed, most any form of service – can enrich our Sunday worship as we reflect on what it means to be a Christian seven days a week.

For many, the Water Ministry is our opportunity to love and serve the Lord in a real and tangible way. Volunteers shop for food and prepare hot meals for 25-35 guests, four times a week, 9 months of the year. We sign in guests, manage the schedule for showers, dispense towels and toiletries and do several loads of each day.

The Water Ministry is currently opened with limited services at decreased capacity due to COVID. Volunteers are still needed as we begin to increase service. Want to get involved? Contact Shari Villarosa.
Courtyard Sundays

8am Service without Music
9:15am Wee Worship
10:30am Service with Music

Looks Like Rain? Grab Your Umbrella!

St. Columba’s will now hold Sunday worship services outside, rain or shine! It will be pared down in order to spare our audio equipment, but if you’re willing to withstand the elements, we’ll be there to worship with you. Don’t prefer the rain? Join us for our Sunday services online!

Sermons, Daily Breads, and Faith Stories are available as podcasts on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Listen and subscribe!
Our pastoral team is here to help with everything: emergencies, spiritual guidance and direction, and conversation. Visit this page or contact the Pastoral Team for more information.
Weekly drop-in Bible studies

Sunday Bible Study

9:00 am – with David Griswold - via Zoom or in-person in room 212.
Contact the session leader for more information.

Wednesday Bible & Book Study - 10:00am - with David Griswold. Always open to new or periodic participants. Contact the session leader for call-in instructions.

Thursday Morning Bible Study - weekly at
9 am via Zoom. Contact Jon McBride for call-in instructions.

See our other prayer groups and Bible studies online at our website!

Learn more at Columba.org

How to Find us Online
Need a crash course in finding things online?
Here are some helpful links ...

Prayer Groups Find our daily/weekly/monthly Prayer Groups here.

How to Connect during the coronavirus crisis?

Click here for an archive of #ColumbaDailyBread inspirations or find them on St. C's YouTube Channel. #PassTheBread and join the conversation by including #ColumbaDailyBread in your social media posts.

Instagram Download the Instagram app on your phone, go to St. C's on Instagram at @stcolumbas.dc and follow us.

St. C's Nursery School
For live events, go to the Nursery School's Facebook page.

Zoom Video Conferencing When looking to join a Zoom meeting, contact the meeting leader by email and ask for the meeting link and meeting ID number. Passwords may be required. Note: You may opt to join the meeting via telephone also, by using the call-in telephone number.