Every year we set aside a special day of recognition for a group of some of the most important and influential men in our lives, our fathers. This year, Father’s Day falls on June 18th, and on that day you may be tempted to present your father with that new tool he’s been so excited about, or you may take him out to dinner, or maybe even buy him flowers to brighten his day. For many years now, the Northmont congregation has been encouraged to consider an additional way of honoring our fathers, by making a gift, on behalf of our fathers, to the men of the Pleasant Valley Shelter. This emergency shelter for homeless men of our community is a mission of the Northside Common Ministries and provides temporary accommodation and food for men who are down on their luck and need a place to stay. The Pleasant Valley Shelter has capacity to serve 25 men and has one of the highest occupancy rates of any shelter in the area. By contributing to this worthy mission, you not only honor the beloved men in your lives, but you also provide invaluable support and relief for some of God’s less fortunate souls.
So, this year, as you seek ways to communicate your affection and appreciation for the fathers in your life, please think of the homeless men who could use a helping hand and consider dedicating a contribution to the Pleasant Valley Shelter. You can make a gift by using a pew envelope or your regular pledge envelope for either cash donations or for checks made payable to NORTHMONT and marking the memo line for “Pleasant Valley Shelter”.
On behalf of the homeless and needy men of Pleasant Valley Shelter and the honored men in your life, we thank you for your kind generosity.
Your Mission Ministry Team