Throughout 2021, I have witnessed the results of dedicated professors, research scientists, and staff successfully pursuit grant opportunities that are innovative, life-transforming, and timely. I celebrate them in this edition of “On The RISE” for growing Prairie View A&M University’s (PVAMU) research and innovation enterprise.
In this newsletter, you will also learn about the Division of Research & Innovation’s (R&I) Inaugural Student Researcher Cording Ceremony. This will be an intimate gathering to honor undergraduate and graduate students who have been actively engaged as research assistants through their matriculation at Prairie View A&M. I created the ceremony as a separate program from other commencement activities that will allow the researcher to share in a special moment with his/her student.
For our undergraduates, many arrived at PVAMU with no idea about academic research. But their involvement in the Faculty-Research & Innovation for Scholarly Excellence (Faculty-RISE) proved to be life-changing. And for the graduate students selected for our FACULTY-RISE assistantship—the program I established provides them funding—they can focus more on their research pursuits and academic success.
This holiday season PVAMU and R&I have a lot to celebrate as an emerging research institution, where research & innovation and the development of research scholars are “On The RISE!”