“Open our eyes to behold your gracious hand in all your works.”

Reflecting on our vision for the 2018 Stewardship Emphasis, I see Jesus’ gracious hand at work among us. As a lifelong member of St. Andrew’s, I’ve been present during many changes in the parish. From the usual rotation of Priests and Deans to the difficult challenges of adopting new versions of The Book of Common Prayer and The Hymnal to changes in gender roles and views on sexuality within the Church.

As a young married couple, Charles and I were welcomed into the life of the parish. Like many young adults, we taught Sunday School, worked on the St. Andrew’s Bazaar, and participated in study and discussion groups. In time, we were blessed with the births of our sons, Charles and William, adding another dimension to our church involvement. 

In the summer of 1980, I was asked to organize our annual Vacation Bible School. Many moms and EYC youth generously gave a week of their summer to share stories of Jesus, complete with homemade snacks and outdoor fun. Not long thereafter, I joined the Cathedral’s staff as Director of Youth Formation, a new staff position at the time, which involved working with nursery through high school. Once again, our parishioners generously gave of their time and talent to provide spiritual growth for our young people. Eventually, my responsibilities transitioned to the coordination of lay leaders in liturgical ministries and small groups. 

As the years passed, physical disabilities limited my mobility to the point I was no longer able to drive or to serve as a member of the Cathedral staff. As those disabilities progressed and we encountered other difficulties, the very loving community of St. Andrew’s surrounded us and supported us in ways too numerous to mention. Remarkably, many wonderful friends – mostly from the parish – are taking me to exercise classes which strengthen and energize me as well as provide such pleasure through the personal visits I enjoy with them in the process. St. Andrew’s is indeed a loving, caring family!

On Consecration Sunday, October 14, we will worship together in observance of our ministries to the community and to each other. Following that service, we will all enjoy a complimentary brunch at the Capital Club where we will celebrate God’s calling us to His service. If you haven’t already communicated your attendance plans, please do that today!

~Anne Hooker