Issue 7 | December 5, 2020
2020 In Review
And what a doozie of a year it has been!
In 2020 we kept the PIP program alive despite the many challenges. BUT, in spite of all the challenges, we applied for grants, held two online fundraisers, started regular newsletter updates, kept you in the loop with social media, built a new website, watched expenses carefully and as a result not only are we are still here, but we have grown greatly from 2019 and plan to thrive in 2021!
The Board and Staff had a steep uphill climb after the sudden death of the PIP founder, Machelle Gaconnet, and they spent several months just trying to find files, legal records, passwords, your names and email addresses! Just when things started to get rolling, Covid-19 hit and the prison was closed to us, but we have been able to bring in and adopt out a limited number of dogs this year in spite of these setbacks. With distanced outdoor mask wearing and Ms. L's guidance, the mentor inmates and some program graduates have done their part with the care and training of our precious PIP canines. With hard work, creativity, support from the prison staff, the dedication of the Lockhart Ladies and our love for the PIP mission, we kept things going and even thrived in spite of all the obstacles! How did we do it? We relied on your prayers, financial support, and words of encouragement. Just look at the numbers in the next section. Our vow to you, our supporters, is that we will always be authentic and transparent as we continue to "save more than dogs!"
The 2020 Statistics
Yes the year was rough, but considering the program basically started over from 2019 to 2020, we are thrilled with our stats! We adopted 18 dogs and have one more we hope to adopt in December compared to 8 dogs adopted in 2019. In person events were canceled but we had 2 online fundraisers - Amplify Austin and the Cutest Critter Photo contest. Our Inmate Trainer, Ms. Laria, started a process for the inmates to obtain On the Job Training Certifications. We are so proud of the 5 ladies who obtained their certifications this year! And our total income was 52% higher in 2020 than it was last year (with one more month still left in 2020) thanks to each of you and 4 grants (Shore Foundation, Latham Foundation, Brown Foundation, and National Christian Foundation).

For you numbers folks, here's some more stats. Our new, updated website had 12,025 total visits from 1/1/2020 - 12/5/2020. Our newsletter mailing list has 455 contacts, so if you know anyone who wants to receive them, they can subscribe at the bottom of the website Home Page. On Facebook, the "Friends of Paws in Prison Inc. Support Group" page has 2,200 Total Members and the "Paws In Prison-Lockhart" page has 1,595 followers. Since we had to start over in September 2019, these are amazing numbers! If we did that well in just one year, think how much better it will be in 2021! But don't let those stats fool you into thinking we don't need your help. We want to increase the number of dogs saved in 2021 and offer scholarships to released inmates for animal welfare trade schools.

December giving opportunities still remain.
Check out the next article with more exciting news!
The other exciting news is we have an offer from a member of the National Christian Foundation to match all donations made to Friends of Paws in Prison during the month of December up to $5,000! We've never had a matching grant donation offer before, so no matter how large or small, please donate before the end of the year when your donation will be doubled! And to sweeten the pot, in 2020 the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) allows any cash contributions directly made to a nonprofit charity (like us) to offset 100% of adjusted gross income (unlike the usual 60%). So go ahead and visit our Website to donate by clicking HERE.

That Animal Rescue Show
This inspiring docuseries is available on CBS All Access. There are 10 episodes about animal rescue organizations in Central Texas, and Paws in Prison is Episode 4! We are hopeful this program inspires people who didn't know about us to help us grow the program so we can continue to "save more than dogs!"
Several of our Paws in Prison Alumni from the PIP program posed for a 2021 Alumni Calendar! Here is Mr. January - Dusty (further down is an article by Dusty's mom)!

Each month features a different dog paroled (adopted) from years 2010 through 2020. Calendars are on sale now for $20 and will make great gifts. The online store is now removed from the website, but you can still order t-shirts, bumper stickers, bandanas and coffee mugs as well as the 2021 Alumni Calendar.

For more details go to the website Merchandise page.
An Adopter's Story by Kathy S.
Pets bring so much love and fun to the family! We lost our 14 year old German Shepherd mix, Bailey, 7 years ago. We are now empty nesters with grown children and have been isolated during Covid-19, so we finally felt ready to adopt a fur baby.

One of our teenage daughters used to bring animals home quite often - a mini rabbit, a kitten, a mallard, a parakeet but one Mother’s Day we heard a noise in the bathroom. Our daughter came out with a freshly bathed young puppy wrapped in a towel, one ear up and one down.️ He was an abused and neglected German Shepherd/Black Mouth Cur mix. We intended to find him a home on Monday. My husband came home from work to find young ‘Bailey’ all cozy in the kitchen with our older dog Samantha and our rabbit. Bailey loved racing around his fenced acre out front, chasing squirrels, playing with the kids and their friends, but all of that joyful running around led to two titanium knee replacements for our Bailey boy. We even tried stem cell treatments for our valued fur family member. At age twelve our sweet boy was diagnosed with pancreatitis and skin allergies, so we cooked him 10 pounds of ground bison, 7 pounds of sweet potatoes and a box of barley every week for two years! Sadly, at age 14 he went over the rainbow bridge. 

We have spent the last seven years enjoying all of our many "grand" dogs (our children's dogs). This year I discovered Paws in Prison. The first dog we applied for already had an adoption application. I kept checking and then I saw Dusty! Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? I do. Every dog has their own personality, that is half the fun of getting a new dog. But Dusty looks just like Bailey did as a puppy! Looks aren’t everything, but they did help this time! Dusty has been with us for three weeks now and we are all doing very well together. He is chasing his tail as I write this! We are very happy to have a dog of our own again.

The training and care that Dusty received from this organization is invaluable. You gave Dusty his second chance for a happy life. We are delighted to see that he has that and to have this sweet little guy in our family! Thank you Paws in Prison and Happy Holidays!️
There's no question that your giving helped the Paws in Prison program in 2020, but what you may not realize is how much your giving has helped you also, especially in this year of struggle. Giving to causes that are important to you helps you see your life as having meaning and purpose - and knowing this reduces depression and a sense of worthlessness when we all feel a little overwhelmed by the changes in our world. When you can see the benefits of your generosity through stories like those you read about in our newsletters, website and social media pages, you can know that whether it be through your dollars, volunteering or just spreading the word about us, that lives are being saved and changed, both human and canine, because of you! There is much wisdom and truth in these timeless quotes:

As the purse is emptied the heart is filled - Victor Hugo
If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help someone else. - Confucius

If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else - Booker T. Washington

You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” - St. Paul
Our Thanks
It is impossible for us to thank all of you who supported us this year, so please forgive us if for some reason we have not thanked you personally. We do want to give a shout out to Debbie M, Marcus L and Diana S for your ongoing monthly donations. Also to Tina P, Jean C, Kerri S, William W, Lauren F, Janet S, Marlene A, and Diane W for your support in November! Your donations helped us with microchip payments, vet bills, pet supplies and heartworm preventative meds in November. If you gave through a Facebook or Amazon page, to protect your privacy, we are not always given your name or contact information. However if you give through the website or write us a check (no processing fees with checks), we will know who you are.

If you are new to this Newsletter, please filter through all your email promotional emails and be sure to read ours. We try not to send you more than one or two emails a month. And you can always reach out to us for any reason. You can find all our contact information on the Contact Us page of the website.

We wish you safety, good health, and the peace that surpasses all understanding in 2021.