Saint Luke's

Lutheran Church

308 West 46th Street

New York, NY 10036


The Lutheran Church

of Times Square

. . . in the city for good!

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for the week of

June 28

to July 4, 2023

A Message from Pastor Strasser

"Our Obsession with the Titan"

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

We were all captivated last week by the round-the-clock drama around the disappearance of the small sub Titan with five people on board aiming to see the wreck of the Titanic deep in the North Atlantic Ocean. The private, vanity excursion was very expensive. Drones, ships and planes were sent to look for the five. Even nations deployed significant resources to find the tiny, lost sub. The five men who died have since been lionized as intrepid explorers.

Just the week before, on June 14, a boat carrying over 700 migrants, including women and children, capsized and sank off the coast of Greece in what the U.N now calls one of the biggest tragedies in the Mediterranean. The asylum seekers came from Pakistan, Egypt, Syria, Afghanistan and Palestine. This elicited a markedly different level of response. The media coverage was far less. The Greek Navy had undertaken an inadequate and bungled response to the distressed vessel before it eventually sank. Hundreds of migrants remain missing. We will likely never learn about their dreams and hopes.

This jarring comparison between the responses to the two tragedies is uncomfortable. Yes, there are reasons why we were obsessed with the submersible. The submersible story is very unusual and connected to the iconic Titanic ocean liner. Sure, perhaps we needed the Titan story to distract us from the distressing tragedy in the Mediterranean, wherein we feel hopeless. Still, the reality remains that our concern for other people in distress is distorted. Not all lives are equal. In study after study, people show more compassion for the individual victim who can be seen in vivid detail than for a comparatively faceless mass of people.


It wasn't wrong to make every effort to save the Titan. What if we similarly spared no expense to rescue the unnamed people drowning in the Mediterranean? Can we not do two things at once?

It is a dark reflection that the deaths of a few rich men is a tragedy. The deaths of hundreds of poor people is a statistic.

Rev. Arden C. Strasser, Pastor

The cross makes peace with our past;

and the resurrection recreates our future.

Please Note:

There will be no Noon Communion service today, Wednesday, June 28.

You are invited to worship with us this Sunday.

If you know anyone you think might appreciate some comfort and hope,

please invite them to tune-in for the livestream

or watch on our Facebook page anytime afterwards.

On Sunday, July 2, 2023 we celebrate

The 5th Sunday after Pentecost

Gospel Lesson: Matthew 10:40-42

Welcome Christ in those he sends

9:30 am Service of the Word

  • Preaching: Pastor Arden Strasser
  • Lector: Rosemary Lebron
  • Greeters: Volunteer
  • Videographer: Volunteer
  • Postlude: Richard Sterne

11:00 am Sung Eucharist

  • Presiding and Preaching: Pastor Arden Strasser
  • Assisting Minister: TBD
  • Organist/Cantor: Pedro d'Aquino
  • Summer Soloist: Richard Sterne
  • Lector: Mike Brouwer
  • Ushers: Richard Sterne, Volunteers
  • Videographer: Volunteer
  • Fellowship Host: Kim Laughton

The services will also be Live Streamed on Facebook


Pastor Schmiege!

Pastor Paul Schmiege received a special tribute to celebrate his 50th Ordination Anniversary this past Sunday during the 11:00 am worship service. Congratulatory messages and prayers were offered, and our Fellowship Hour featured a champagne toast, cake and treats in his honor. He sends his heartfelt gratitude to Saint Luke's congregation for marking this milestone in his life with such kindness and love.

Brooklyn Heights

Walking Tour

Saturday, July 8


Join member and licensed sightseeing guide Tony Rohling for a tour of one of our city's most beautiful and historic brownstone neighborhoods. We'll get an inside view of Zion German Evangelical Lutheran Church, and see sites loaded with his historical, architectural and cultural significance. The tour lasts approximately 90 minutes. An optional visit to a local restaurant will follow. Highlights of the Tour will include will Plymouth Church - Henry Ward Beecher's "Grand Central Depot of the Underground Railroad", Our Lady of Lebanon Marinite Catholic Church, and a few synagogues.

To RSVP, please contact Tony at

Summer Soloists Program - Share Your Musical Gifts with Us.

It’s time for you to volunteer and share your talents with us while our Choir enjoys their summer break. If you are interested in singing at our 11:00 am worship service any Sunday until Sunday, September 3, either solo, duet, family groups, or playing an instrument, please speak to Pastor Strasser. A sign-up sheet is posted on the Narthex Bulletin Board for you when worshiping in person. You may also email us to reserve your Sunday.

Sunday, July 16

1:00 - 2:00 pm

Our Church Council Officers have coordinated free CPR training for us with the help of the FDNY.

Did you know that starting CPR before the EMT arrives can drastically improve a person’s survival rate in the event of a cardiac arrest, heart attack, breathing and/or medical emergency?

Take advantage of this opportunity following the 11:00 am worship on July 16.

A Diakonia Appetizer

You are invited to a three session course about "The Universal Christ" by Father Richard Rohr and to get a taste of Growing in Faith: The diakonia Program. Come and see how this experience can grow your faith and enrich your everyday life. Ask Pastor for more details.

You may click here to review the information covered in each session.

6:00 – 9:00 pm Thursdays:

July 6, 13, 20 via Zoom

Instructor: Rev. Kenn Storck.

Sign up by contacting Doug Wood:

Summer Retreat

at Camp Koinonia 

July 28-30, 2023

Camp Koinonia, in the Delaware River Valley, is where we'll spend our Summer Retreat. The cost is $165 per adult inclusive of rafting, all meals and accommodations, from dinner Friday through Sunday lunch. Detailed logistics will follow, regarding what to bring, transportation options and our activity schedule. Transportation will be coordinated and priced separately.

We're staying in the Family Center consisting of two adjoining cabins. Each cabin has eight bunk beds, kitchen, bathroom and living room. Conference Center hotel style accommodations are available for an extra $125 per single or per couple.

I hope you will consider joining us. To reserve your spot email Pastor. You can speak with him about a payment plan or financial assistance if necessary.

Morning Prayer

Weekdays at 8:00 am,

live-streamed on 

our Facebook page.

A short 20 minutes with prayer, scripture and reflection to start your day right and strengthen your faith. You're invited!

Wednesday Noon

Holy Communion

If you can't attend a regular Sunday service, or would like to celebrate Communion during the week, join us for this intimate worship experience in our Narthex chapel.

Birthdays and

Special Occasions

for this week

6/28 to 7/4/2023

Hirity Tedla 6/28

Brett Hunter 6/29

Alyssa Erb 7/1

Dianna Blaylock 7/4

Did we miss 

your important date?

Please email it to us.

God is still writing your story. Quit trying to

steal the pen.

E-giving is easy.

Try our online Offerings and Donations feature which you can easily initiate from our website.

Or aim your phone camera at this graphic which takes you directly to the Vanco giving website for our church.

Keep up to date by visiting our website's full monthly calendar.

Schedule for

June 28 to July 4, 2023


Office Closed

8:00 am Morning Prayer on FB Live

12:00 No Noon Holy Communion today



8:00 am Morning Prayer on FB Live

12:30 to 2:00 pm Showers of Blessings mobile shower van available

1:00 to 2:00 pm Soup Kitchen

FRIDAY June 30

8:00 am Morning Prayer on FB Live


5th Sunday after Pentecost

9:30 am Service of the Word

11:00 am Sung Eucharist

12:15 pm Fellowship Hour


8:00 am Morning Prayer on FB Live


Independance Day

8:00 am Morning Prayer on FB Live

Soup Kitchen Closed today

The Holy Spirit calls us together as the people of God.

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