This Holiday Season, we invite you to partner with us in taking healing action by supporting our programs with a tax-deductible donation by December 31st. Your gift will help us reach our 2022 annual fundraising goal and move us closer to an equitable Boston where youth of color thrive as leaders.

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In last week's episode of Community Conversations, Nate Harris, director of Trinity Boston Counseling Center (TBCC), introduced us to TBCC's work and provided some insight into some of their achievements and challenges over the last couple of years. This week, Asha Ragin, director of clinical services for TBCC, offers us a deeper dive into the program and how it supports Boston’s youth workers. She shares some of TBCC’s recent outcomes as well as her hopes and plans for 2023 and beyond.

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TBCC is a program of our Clinical Care pathway. This pathway works in conjunction with our Youth Development and Leadership and Organizational Change pathways to heal the traumatic impact of systemic racism for youth of color and the adults who support them.


Community Conversations (podcast) is a special presentation series sharing year-end reflections about TBC’s programs and activities from our staff and extended community.


Thank you for tuning in and supporting TBC's mission this Holiday Season! 

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