A Bi-Monthly News Roundup from the Kentucky Department of Agriculture
Vol. 15 | No. 20
Friday, October 21, 2022
'Porktober': Commissioner Quarles proclaims
October as Pork Month in Kentucky
Joining Commissioner of Agriculture Dr. Ryan Quarles, seated, at the signing of a proclamation declaring October as Pork Month in Kentucky were, from left, John Chism, director of Kentucky Department of Agriculture's Livestock Division; Niki Ellis, executive director of the Kentucky Pork Producers Association (KPPA); Luke Millay, a swine producer and student at Morehead State University; and Emma Heimlich, KPPA director of program management.
Ky. farmer claims his grass-fed pork is tastier and healthier

Sam and Shelley Larrabee raise grass-fed, heritage hogs on their Mercer County farm, Palisades Point Pasture Pork.
91-year-old Cecilia man spends
life farming, impacting ag

Kenneth Hayden "spent countless hours ... to help increase production, establish new markets," state Sen. Dennis Parrett said.
Female farmers recognized on
Ky. Women in Agriculture Day

Commissioner Quarles signed a proclamation naming Oct. 11 as Kentucky Women in Agriculture Day.
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Kentucky farm fact

With more than 860,000 pigs produced annually on more than 1,800 operations, Kentucky ranks 17th in the nation in total swine production.
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