Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful
Donna Kaehler * * 401-724-2200 x 209
Results & facts, as we talk about litter
Out with Mrs. McKee doing our part for the #RIMillionPieces challenge. Picking up not just one piece of litter.

Once we got started, it was so easy to keep going. One piece quickly turned into 35 or so pieces, and left this area looking great.

Cleaning at the Cumberland/ Central Falls line
Burrillville Lions Club took action in their community.

Finds at the entrance to the bike path in Lincoln off Rt.116
Audubon taking part along the Bristol shoreline.
Strange finds... nails &
aluminum foil?
A pile of nails on a storm drain -- luckily we were able to remove them before they fell into the drain.
and who throws aluminum foil out as litter? I guess someone does.

Clean aluminum foil is a great recyclable.
But don't leave it flat. Crunch it into a ball and toss in your recycle bin. This shape allows the recycling equipment to properly separate this material from the rest of the recyclables.

Make sure you Recycle Right in RI
Here's how you do it:

From the parking lot in
Central Falls before work
Getting the litter off the storm drains is so important. Once in the drain, it goes right into our waterways and ultimately the ocean where it becomes very difficult to ever remove.

80% of litter found on our beaches comes from litter that was discarded inland; then traveled via rivers or coastlines to our beaches & oceans.
Thanks Audubon for sharing
our challenge.

Tell your friends & family about litter. If it is important to you to end litter, tell others! We need everyone to be aware and make changes to really solve this problem.

Learn more @

Lincoln Clean Up Crew
So awesome to tackle these tough spots - on ramps.
Wow this looks so much better.
Some bags from Lincoln Community Clean Up Crew taking part on the MLK Day of Service.

The winter weather didn't stop them.

NOW is the time to get that litter off YOUR property. We see a lot of litter right on roads in front of our homes.

Can we get EVERYONE to just pick up right where they live? When you see litter by your mailbox or along your property frontage, please clean it up. I hate to tell you, but most times this will not be picked up by anyone else.

This small action would clean most of our roads and give YOU a nice clean yard and area to come home to.
Fast food wrappers are everywhere.

PLEASE keep your trash in your car and dispose when you get home. It's super easy and is your responsibility. Let's show we take pride in our communities.
Paper, plastic, glass & metal containers and packaging -

The sad part is most of this waste could have gone in our recycling. When it's picked up as litter, it's too dirty and contaminated and must go in the trash instead. We then miss keeping this waste out of OUR landfill.
Lots and lots of nips are
always collected during cleanups.

Nips, being small and made of plastic, easily fit down storm drains and are the #1 item found during cleanups along streams & waterways.
Do you realize how long litter stays in our environment?
These materials last for a very long time, many items
longer than our lifetime.
What are we doing?
We cannot, and should not keep leaving all this waste on our roads; at our community areas; by our streams, ponds and waterways; and in parking lots.

We know better and should do better.
Make sure you, and all your friends, never litter.