Paid for by your OCWM Contributions| March 23, 2022
Message to the Conference
Dear Friends and Members of Penn Central Conference,

"Only in the act of praise and worship can a person learn to believe in the goodness and greatness of God." - C. S. Lewis

The most basic mission for any church congregation is the joyful and meaningful worship of our Lord. Yet, making that worship service as meaningful and relevant for each congregant is one of the most challenging aspects of what we do as clergy, church musicians, and worship planners. How we worship defines our congregations and says so much about any church's vitality and forward direction.

So, where do we go to find ways to revitalize and enhance our worship? I'm glad you asked. That's why I am writing today.

The United Church of Christ Musicians Association (UCCMA) mission is for "inspiring, educating and nurturing those who minister through music and the arts."

The UCCMA is a vibrant national grassroots organization of musicians and pastors who continually seek new ways to worship, connect and uplift people through music and the arts. Since the organization came into being in 1993, it has been committed to increasing its footprint in the lives of our UCC congregations throughout the denomination.
Every two years, we host a national conference in the summer, each time in a different area of the U.S.  Filled with outstanding directors, clinicians, and performers, the three-day gathering holds seminars, readings sessions, arts explorations, and worship experiences. It is a time for church musicians and pastors to learn, experiment, connect and grow. Our 2021 conference was held virtually, and our next summer conference will be held in 2023.

We Offer to Our UCCMA Members:
  • Worship, Music & Ministry, a professional journal issued digitally three times per year
  • Six digital newsletters per year
  • Access to the membership directory and job listings
  • Regional workshops and webinars
  • Discount on national conferences
  • Support from the Board of Directors
  • Active social media

Our most exciting current project is "Royalties for Spirituals." You can read about it on our website In addition, we did a webinar a couple of weeks back with a panel of folks talking about how we can repay the black community for the unfettered use of traditional spirituals for the last hundred or so years. The webinar is still viewable on the webpage.

As the Editor of the UCCMA Journal, I can honestly say that being a member of this organization has made my worship and personal life richer and more meaningful. We strive to give our members helpful information and resources using the written word, links to artwork, musical examples, dance, videos, webinars, and webpages that can enhance our worship experience. Our Summer 2022 issue (to be posted to the website on May 1st) is entitled "Serving Smaller Congregations" and will address smaller churches' issues, especially in worship.

I cannot encourage you strongly enough to go onto our webpage and explore the possibilities. The UCCMA offers a free 90-day membership to view all the newsletters and the journals. Also, I would ask that you spread the word to others in your congregation or other churches in the Penn Central Conference so that they can use what we offer to enrich our worship life to the greater glory of our Lord.

Many Blessings,
Eric Dundore
Minister of Music
St. Paul's UCC
Mechanicsburg, PA
Ways to Support the People of Ukraine
Dear Colleagues and friends – please see the two links below for some specific information about ways we can assist those in Ukraine. The Global Ministries staff at the national UCC setting has worked diligently to make connections with mission partners in the area and there are several opportunities for giving as well as joining in prayer.
The PCC Virtual Choir has recorded a Ukrainian Kyrie for use in worship. It is just over a minute long and makes an excellent break between different parts of worship, or during communion, etc. Please feel free to use this piece as a witness to our hope for peace in Ukraine.
Scheduling notes:
March 26 - April 4 - Rev. Dr. Marisa Laviola on vacation
April 3 - Maytown Reformed UCC, Mayrown - Rev. Dr. Carrie Call preaching
Save the Dates:
PCC's 60th Annual Meeting
Opening Plenary: 6:30PM, June 6, 2022
Workshops: 6:30PM, June 7-9, 2022
Business & Worship: 9:30AM, June 11, 2022
Prayers for Penn Central Conference
Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. Ephesians 6:18 (NLT)

This week, we pray for each other as we continue to live into God's calling...

St. Luke's UCC, Dalmatia
St. Paul's UCC, Manheim
Canoe Camp UCC, Mansfield
Zion UCC, Marietta
Printable eNews are available. Pastors and secretaries, please feel free to share with your congregation members that don't get this weekly email. Download and print this PDF with the weekly message to the conference, prayers for Penn Central and brief list of events.
Creation Justice

Webinar: Third Act Faith: Freedom From Pharaohs, Faith-Based Elders Organizing Against Fossil Fuel Financing

Mar 28, 2022 07:30 PM

Featuring Molly Brown, Bill McKibben (Third Act), Rabbi Arthur Waskow (Exodus Alliance), and more!
Third Act Faith Working Group, GreenFaith, and Exodus Alliance invite you to a national call, hearing elders' perspectives on why stabilizing the climate and democracy is a religious and moral imperative on March 28 from 7:30 to 8:30 pm (Eastern). Learn how you can get involved with these institutions and bring your voice and sacred action to the doorsteps of today’s “Corporate Carbon Pharaohs.” Register here
Outdoor Ministries Winter Events

* Summer Open House (April 10 from 2-4:30 p.m. at Kirchenwald & Nawakwa)

Confirmation and Youth Retreat has been postponed, watch for new date and registration soon.

Check out a full slate of winter and spring Outdoor Ministries events here!
HC Spirit Week - What's in a Name?
"Naming and Claiming Who God Made Us to Be"
Saturday, August 6 through Friday, August 12
Camp Mt. Luther
New this year: help design a T-Shirt for our HC Spirit Week!! Learn more in the brochure. (Deadline for entries is May 1, 2022.)

See the full brochure here for all the details! Brochure is printable, please share with your congregations or anyone interested in camp.

Register online here or mail your registration form to the PCC offices.
Have you always wanted to work at camp?
The Lutheran Camping Corporation is hiring a motivated, faithful, independent worker to join our community as the Maintenance Manager for Kirchenwald and the Wittel Farm. This person will be responsible for the care and appearance of grounds and facilities on both sites. This is a year round position with an estimated 30 hours per week from September through April and 40 hours per week May through August. Interested applicants should contact Zach Weiss at Start date- immediately. Watch the ad here or read the full job description here.
Local Church
Salem UCC Rohrerstown in Lancaster has 25 gently used green choir robes they no longer has need for.They would like to see them go to a good home. Call Eileen Shipe at 717-575-9966 and leave a message if you're interested.
Northern Cluster of Churches – Lenten Concert at Salem UCC
The Northern Cluster of UCC Churches will host a special Lenten Concert on Sunday, March 27, 3pm, at Salem UCC. Jeremy Goodling, a Christian singer from McAlisterville, will share wonderful gospel music with us. Please join us for a wonderful afternoon of music and fellowship. Read more here.
St. Paul United Church of Christ Presents
 Troy D. Winemiller
“A Concert for Ukraine”
Soprano, Jeannine Webb
Hand Bell Soloist, Ron Bellamy
April 3, 2022 @ 3 P.M.
St. Paul United Church of Christ
161 S Main St, Shrewsbury, PA 17361
Love Offering to benefit the
people of Ukraine
Association Spring Meetings:
March 27 - 3:00PM - Lancaster Association - St. John's UCC, Denver
April 24 - 2:00PM - Northern Association
May 1 - 2:00PM - Central Association
May 1 - 2:30PM - Gettysburg Association
May 7 - 9:30AM - Harrisburg Association - St. Paul's UCC, Sacramento
May 15 - 3:00PM - Mercersburg Association
Clergy Events
Take a Prayer Break
Every Thursday at noon during Lent join colleagues from the four PA UCC conferences for a short time of prayer on zoom. Each gathering will be led by a conference staff member and will include readings, reflection, and a time for intercessory prayer. All are welcome to join. Zoom information is below and is the same for every week. We begin March 3rd and will end on April 14th.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 841 7677 4603
Passcode: 260414
Small Churches in Penn Central Conference: Workshops in April and May
Rev. Dr. Marisa Laviola, ACM for Congregational Transitions, continues to offer Small
Church Vitality Workshops that will be offered on Saturdays in April and May for Lebanon/Lancaster, Central/Northern, and Gettysburg Associations. If you are in the Harrisburg/York Associations and missed the March 12 workshop, feel free to register for one of these.
These workshops are for any church that self-identifies as “small.” Small refers to size and not importance or robustness! Click here for more information and a list of dates
Ministerial Excellence Forums
There are monthly MEFs specific Tuesdays that will be offered at both 10am and 6pm via zoom. (Some morning sessions may become in-person later in the spring, depending on virus status).

April: Our Facilitator for Clergy Care will present his article Planning for Developing Effective Self-Care and talk about the importance of ongoing self-care in this particular season of ministry on April 26th. (Qualifies as Boundary Training)

See the rest of the winter/spring educational opportunities here.
Return of the Lectionary Discussion Group!

Join other clergy to discuss the upcoming Sunday's lectionary text each week. Zoom Meeting link Meeting ID: 858 1593 0557 Passcode: LECTIONARY
Clergy Convocation 2022

Clergy are invited to register for the upcoming Clergy Convocation happening May 3rd-5th at the DoubleTree Hilton in Willow Street.

Our own Rev. Cindy Garis August will be leading the program! Her focus will be "Phoenix Faith: Catching up with the Spirit of God". We know the saying “like a phoenix rising from its ashes” - and we know that from the burn out of recent years, we are ready for an image of life anew. Our Christian faith recognizes the cycle of life, death, and new life. It is the transformation of the Holy Spirit. At least, that’s what we say. How do we encounter the Spirit of God? Is it elusive? Tangible? Nourishing? Challenging?

Come and join with colleagues from Penn Southeast and Penn Northeast and have your spirit refreshed! More information on the attached flyer. To register, go here.
Special Event: What is the Status of Pennsylvania UCC churches?
A presentation with Dr. Erica Dollhopf, Director of the UCC Center of Analytics, Research, Data and Development (CARDD)

Date: March 24, 2022

Time: 10:00 AM via Zoom

In this time together with other PA colleagues we will examine the statistical trends of our churches in Pennsylvania as a whole, as well as within individual Conferences. Dr. Dollhopf will discuss changes in membership over time and engagement with Christian education. We will also consider where growth is happening in the UCC and what correlates with that growth. Bring you curiosity and your questions!

UCC Webinars

These webinars are designed to help you enhance your local church ministries. Most are free to attend. Check out the calendar here.

Preparing for Youth & Young Adult Summers - March 24, 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

A Conversation with Calvin Synod UCC - March 31, 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Holy Joe's Cafe Sees Greater Need Due to Russia–Ukraine Conflict

Holy Joe's Café is seeing an urgent increase in the need for coffee and support for U.S. military chaplains in response to the Russia–Ukraine conflict.

Holy Joe's Café has supported U.S. military chaplains since its origin at a UCC church in Wallingford, CT in 2006. The organization provides coffee to military chaplains to help them make connections with active-duty military personnel. The simple act of providing coffee to soldiers gives chaplains a comforting way to reach out to troops and often initiates conversations that might not have occurred in the regular daily routine, giving these troops a place to talk, share concerns, and get guidance that can help keep them mentally and spiritually healthier in their work. Learn more here.
From our friends and partners
Hope Rising: A Time of Healing & Inspiration
MA-AUCE Hybrid Conference 2022
When: March 28-30, 2022
Where: Tuscarora Inn & Conference Center
Mt. Bethel, PA
Cost:     In-Person - $300 (single room, meals & programming included)
AUCE/APCE Member Discounted Rate - $275
Commuter (Tuesday Only) - $75
Online Only - $50 (Monday & Tuesday evenings, & Wednesday morning)
The Mid-Atlantic Association for United Church Educators (MA-AUCE) is inviting all Pastors, Faith Formers, and Ministry Leaders to share in a time of healing and inspiration. Ministry and faith formation can take a lot out of us during “normal” years, and the past 2 years have been anything BUT “normal.”
Come join ministry leaders and faith formers from New York to Virginia as we gather to share stories, reflect on what has been working for us in ministry, brainstorm what could work in the future, and take some time to refresh ourselves as we prepare to lead our ministries into new areas. Learn more here.
Clergy Wellness Boundaries Training
Lexington Theological Seminary (IB 582)
April 18-30, 2022
Register by March 9, 2022

This half-credit, two-week online course will help equip clergy for pastoral leadership across ministry settings by addressing issues pertaining to boundaries in the Church. The goal of the course is to facilitate authentic and healthy fellowship and communication with God’s people in congregational and denominational life. Students will grow in their identification and development of healthy boundaries. Contact admissions here.

Instructor: Dr. Yvonne Martinez Thorne 
Costs: $25 Registration Fee / $30 Tuition / $30 Tech Fee
Parish Resource Center presents: Housing Panel
Tuesday, March 29
7:00 - 8:30 pm
Free, registration required
This first informational panel kicks off a year of PRC events focused on the topic of Housing. It will introduce the local nonprofits and organizations doing work in housing as a way of informing and educating Lancaster County-based congregations and individuals about this topic. The goal is to give organizations the stage to explain what they already do and what still needs to be done. Topics covered include a Local Overview, Affordable Housing, Homelessness, and Housing Insecurity.
To register for this free event or learn about more events in this series, visit or call 717-299-1113.
Pennsylvania Academy of Ministry (PAM)

The Future of Multivocational Ministries, April 21–May 17, instructor Darryl W. Stephens. For lay and clergy leaders seeking to understand the benefits and challenges of bivocational and multivocational ministry. Participants will receive a copy of the forthcoming ebook, Bivocational and Beyond. $125* (supported by a grant from the Walters Trust). Register by April 18.
Personal and Spiritual Development, May 24–June 28, Tuesdays, 7–8:30pm. This Ministerial Institute class is taught by PCC Conference Minister Carrie Call. Participants will learn about spiritual disciplines, congregational systems, and vocational discernment. Appropriate for lay leaders, clergy, and MIDs. $325. Register by May 18.
Short Term Disaster Response Virtual Coordinator – You Are Needed Now
Do you have 4-5 extra hours a week to organize (virtually) disaster rebuild volunteers? Are you interested in working with people helping people? Do you want to help people whose lives have been dramatically changed because of natural disasters?
Southeast PA Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster, Eastwick United and many other supporting groups need your help. We are rebuilding the Eastwick neighborhood of Philadelphia which was so badly damaged after Tropical Storm Isaias right at the beginning of the pandemic. We have registered about 45 homes needing repair, have installed air handler systems in 22 homes and have housing for volunteers at the Salt and Light Church in Philly. 
We have had 50+ teams (over 160 volunteers) come to Eastwick. We have welcomed church groups, college groups, disaster recovery groups as well as unaffiliated folks.  
You would work from home, attend two zoom team meetings a week and communicate with current and prospective rebuild volunteer groups. You would recruit volunteers, manage volunteer mission groups (from afar), as well as create monthly records, forms and literature. 
You would be replacing our current Volunteer Coordinator who is retiring April 1. She is available to train you and assist as necessary. There is a small stipend with this position. Learn more about this opportunity at this link.
Please get in touch for more info: Judy Moore at 802-299-8290 or
Employment Opportunities
Position:     Music Director
Effective:   Immediately
As a part of the United Church of Christ denomination, we at Hamilton Park UCC seek to provide a welcoming, inclusive, and caring environment where people of all backgrounds and from all walks of life can experience the support of a community where they are valued and loved and where they can experience the love of God given by Christ.
General Responsibilities:
In support of the Pastor and the vision of Hamilton Park United Church of Christ, this year-round, part time, salaried position will coordinate the total music ministry program of HPUCC, to include playing instruments, such as piano, organ, guitar, etc. in a manner that enhances the spirit of worship and enriches the congregation's appreciation of music.
Primary Responsibilities:
The Music Director plans and oversees a diverse musical program that enhances the total worship programming of the church that includes worship services and special events.
If interested, please mail or email resume to: Hamilton Park United Church of Christ, Attn: Search, 1210 Maple Ave., Lancaster, PA 17603.
The Schuylkill Association of the PA Southeast Conference, UCC, has a ministry opportunity for a part-time chaplain at Locust Lake State Park near Tamaqua, PA. If you are a Christian (Clergy or lay) who can function in an unstructured situation and who has a love of God, God’s creation, and God’s people, then this might be the opportunity for you.

The chaplain represents the church as a Christian presence and quiet witness among those who camp at this beautiful state park. The responsibilities of the chaplain include:
·        Conduct campsite visitation weekly.
·        Provide informal, inspirational weekly worship services.
·        Provide availability to park/campground staff and campers for crisis situations.
·        Provide informal programs such as campfires, hymn sings, special musical events, and activities for children, as needed.

Training and ministry support and resources will be provided by the PA Council of Churches Chaplains in the Park program and the Locust Lake Committee.
You can learn more about this ministry opportunity, including compensation, at Or you can contact the Locust Lake Ministry chair, the Rev. Maureen Duffy-Guy at or cell (570) 952-5474. To apply for this position go to Make sure that you click the box for Locust Lake on the application. The application will be open until the position is filled.
St. Matthew’s UCC (Carlisle) is seeking a part-time
church administrative assistant. Starting pay 15.00 or higher
based on experience/credentials. 10-15hrs/week. Read full description here.
If interested, please contact Pastor Tim Dugan
Preferred contact phone number: 570-428-4290.
Preferred contact email:
Rev. Dr. Carrie Call, Ph.D.
Conference Minister
Phone: 717-433-3196

Rev. Nora Driver Foust
Associate Conference Minister 
Phone: 717-433-2587

Rev. Dr. Marisa Laviola, Ph.D.
Associate Conference Minister
Phone: 717-433-3564

Rev. Rick Luciotti
Coordinator of Care to Clergy & Clergy Families
Phone: 717-433-6306
Anne Rankin
Outdoor Ministries Liaison
phone: 717-945-4585
C. Paul Keller
Office Manager
Phone: 717-652-1560
If you have future eNews stories, please send them to C. Paul Keller
Contact information: C. Paul Keller | email: | phone: 717-652-1560