St. Paul Church

485 Alling Street

Kensington CT 06037


The Epistle Online:  September 8, 2016

In This Issue
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A New Year Begins!

Wishing you many blessings as St. Paul Church begins a

As the kids head back to school for a new year,  our parish also begins a  new year  of  devotion to Our Lord and service to the community.

While our ministries are
always happy to welcome new members,
a special invitation  is extended at this time of the year
with a  renewed sense of purpose.
Please prayerfully consider joining one (or more) of our Ministries .
ALL are welcome and everyone is encouraged to get involved!
Click for info about  Saint Teresa.
THANK YOU to all who have donated
 time, talent and treasure to our parish.
St. Paul Church is vibrant and active
thanks to YOU!
We hope you'll continue to serve and help
"build up our church".
Our Ministries
For it is in giving that we receive...
  There are many opportunities to get involved, to help others, to meet inspiring people, to grow in faith,  and to be an active member of St. Paul Church!
From  serving onion rings at the Berlin Fair to collecting canned goods for the Food Pantry,  
from  teaching Religion to learning something new in a Scripture Study group,
from having breakfast with the Men's Group  to praying the Rosary with the Ladies' Guild... 
we are all called to serve God and one another.
Take a look at the list below and find a Ministry that's right for you!
While some ministries involve attending meetings & events, others can be done from home.
 to learn more about any of these Ministries on our website.

Faith Formation (Bible Study/Book Club)
Altar Servers Mass of Remembrance Reception
Bakers Men's Group
Baptismal Instruction Missalette Organizers
Baptismal Robe Makers Music Ministry
Bereavement Support Group NB Council of Catholic Women
Berlin Fair Parish Finance Council
Cashiers Parish Nurse Ministry
Census Update Parish Office Volunteers
College Student Outreach Parish Picnic
Daughters of Jairus *Pastoral Council
Decorating Committee Prayer Shawl Committee
Eucharistic Ministers Prayerful Yoga
Family Life Committee Pro-Life Committee
Finance Council Religious Education
Garden Club Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
Helping Hands Rosary Group
Home Front Volunteer Rosary Makers
Italian Night Committee Social Action Committee
KGS Committee Ushers
Knights of Columbus Women's Retreat League
Ladies' Guild Youth Ministry

*The Pastoral Council is a very important part of our parish life; it  assists in establishing the goals for our parish each year.  This weekend, the bulletin will include a brief  SURVEY  for parishioners to indicate their interest  in assisting with this important leadership committee. 

Please take a few moments to complete the Pastoral Council survey this weekend!
It can also be found HERE  on our website. Thank you.
Ministry of the Month
(Berlin Catholic Youth Ministry)
Our new Youth Minister, John Imbimbo, and members of the Youth Ministry 'Core Team' will be officially introduced to the parish this weekend. John and his team have been working throughout the summer to prepare a new program for our young people, and they will share information about the program d uring all masses this weekend ( Sept. 10th & 11th). Coffee and bagels will be available after each Mass as well. 
This is a great opportunity for everyone to meet John and the Core Team and to learn more about the team's ideas on leading the youth of Berlin closer to Christ. Don't miss it!

The new youth program, Berlin Catholic Youth Ministrywill incorporate elements of the EDGE program - see video! - along with aspects that will be unique to our parish. 

BCYM  will hold a Kick-Off event for middle school students on Sunday, Oct. 16th! 
High school activities will start in the near future as well, and we are planning to incorporate some high school students as leaders for the middle school events.  We hope all of our young people will get involved in this exciting new program. 
Like our BCYM page on Facebook & follow us on Twitter @BCYM_edge!

Contact John with any questions:  or 860-828-0331, Ext 114.

Don't forget to visit the Youth Ministry 
page on our website
 Linda Garrity    Nancy Kennure    Michael Lauria-Errico    Kate Lawson    Rosina Marquis 
  Zach Maura    Jamie Paldino    Lindsey Volz 
Mercy Mondays
Have you made the most of the Year of Mercy?
T he  Holy Year of Mercy  will come to a close on November 20, 2016.
Throughout this year, our friars have "opened the doors of mercy" with Mercy Mondays.
These special evenings have been held every single week since January 2106. 
All are welcome to visit the church on Monday evenings from 7-8pm to pray before the Eucharist, to go to Confession, or to talk with a priest.  People from all over the region have come to St. Paul to take advantage of this beautiful opportunity. 
If you haven't participated in this special time, it's not too late. 
Mercy Mondays will continue through the end of November.
Come experience God's love and forgiveness.

If you're not sure why it's important to go to Confession, this video will interest you...

...and if you haven't been to Eucharistic Adoration or don't know what it's all about, watch this video today!

Religious Education
Raising World Changers!
With over 70 parishioners who volunteer to teach religion classes,  roughly 800 children in our classes, this is one of the most important ministries in our parish.

Our Religious Ed program helps parents raise  World Changers !
<<< Watch this video.
Religion classes start the week of Sept. 18th! Due to late enrollment, a few additional teachers in select grades are needed. Also, substitute teachers are always needed, especially in middle school grades. Please c all  860-828-1934  for info.
Our Church Community
Get to Know the Staff
This section of the newsletter aims to help you put names with faces and allow everyone in our parish family get to know each other better.
Since we're officially introducing our new Yo uth Minister, John Imbimbo, to  the parish this weekend, it only makes sense to put him in the spotlight here...
John grew up in Newtown CT and attended St. Joseph High School in Trumbull CT. He graduated from Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio, in 2016, with a degree in theology and history. 
John played NCAA Division 3 soccer during college (all four years), and he also spent a semester abroad, where he had 'the time of his life' living in Austria and traveling all over Europe. John has a special devotion to Saint Pio and loves to tell jokes (the cheesy ones which he refers to as "dad jokes"). He also speaks Italian and loves Italian cooking!

Benvenuto John!
September 2016 Calendar
Sept. 9 Jazz Night at 7:30pm on the school grounds! Join us!
Sept. 10/11 John Imbimbo (New Youth Minister) and his Core Team will speak at all Mass.  Coffee after all Masses
Sept. 12 7 pm, Registration Night, church hall
Sept. 12 Eucharistic Adoration and Confession, 7 - 8 pm       Mercy Monday
Sept. 13 Noon, 13th of the Month Rosary Group, church
Sept. 15 Saint Paul School Annual Golf Open, Stanley Golf Course
Sept. 15 7:00pm RCIA
Sept. 17 Annual Parish Picnic after the 4 pm Mass
Sept. 18 Religious Education Classes begin this week
Sept. 19 Eucharistic Adoration and Confession, 7 - 8 pm       Mercy Monday
Sept. 20 7:00pm Parish Council Meeting
Sept. 21 7:00pm Adult Faith Formation:  Connecting with God's Word
Sept. 22 7:00pm RCIA
Sept. 26 Eucharistic Adoration and Confession, 7 - 8 pm       Mercy Monday
Sept. 29 HOPES Dinner
Sept. 30 Berlin Fair

Check our web calendar for details on all our events!
The Epistle
We hope this newsletter will be a helpful resource for you, providing information about what's  going on in our parish and sharing content on both spiritual and practical matters related to our Catholic faith.  The Epistle  is so named as a tribute to our patron, Saint Paul, whose letters to the earliest Christians still guide and inform us today.
As always, w e value you and your opinions. Feel free to share your thoughts with us.

Please forward this Newsletter to a family member or friend so they too will have an opportunity to learn something new and to see all the great things that are happening at 
Saint Paul Church.
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"For it is in giving that we receive."
-Saint Francis of Assisi

A Ministry of the Conventual Franciscan Friars,  Our Lady of the Angels Province