Struck-by incidents are defined as “any incident when a worker comes into contact with a moving object, tool, or piece of equipment”, so it’s important to remember that struck-by hazards exist in every workplace.
Supervisors and workers can help prevent these incidents and reduce risks to workers by working together to identify struck-by hazards and determine how to control each hazard. Examples of hazard controls include:
- Use good housekeeping practices to eliminate struck-by hazards, such as never storing heavy items and equipment at heights.
- Switch a piece of equipment or task for one that has lower risk, such as using a scissor lift rather than a ladder that could be knocked over.
- Use engineering controls such as tethers to secure tools when working at heights.
- Implement administrative controls such as a training policy that ensures workers know how to inspect and maintain tools and equipment at the worksite.
- Provide personal protective equipment (PPE) for workers who are at risk for struck-by incidents, such as high-visibility vests at busy worksites with moving vehicles or equipment.
For more information about preventing struck-by incidents at your workplace, visit the Struck-By Safety Spotlight page.