Our beloved monks continuously throughout the year sing such beautiful hymns, psalms, and prayers. We thought it fitting for us to sing for them "O Come, All Ye Faithful" during our Christmas Party.
Rita Sarmiento will coordinate and get us organized for the singing at the party.
I truly believe they would enjoy and appreciate it whole heartedly.
What is needed to make this possible?
YOU -- each and everyone of YOU.
What if I can't sing?
If you have a voice you can sing. Some better then others, but we all have a voice.
For certain I know all of you will be singing from the heart and our monks will be listening with the ears of their hearts.
Let's not forget the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. We will all sound like a choir of angels.
"O Come All Ye Faithful" Let us share together in "Joy" the birth of Lord in our hearts.