Father Abbot Isaac, O.S.B., at Saint Leo Abbey.
Photo posted by Saint Leo Abbey to its Facebook page on August 17, 2015.

Dear Oblates, Oblate Novices, and Friends of Saint Leo Abbey,
October 4 Oblate Sunday 
The oblate class reading assignment is linked on the Oblate Sunday page, but a direct link is here. The oblate class assignment is the 1994 letter from Dom Bernardo on the Eucharist. 

To RSVP and for reading assignments of the novice and oblate classes please go to the Oblate Sunday page. 

Please RSVP by the Wednesday before the Oblate Sunday.

October 30-November 1 retreat
Everyone is invited. The retreat will be led by Father Abbot Isaac, O.S.B.

You do not need to be a novice oblate or oblate to attend the Oblate Program Retreat.

$215 per person. $100 per person if you do not stay overnight.

Is your home address missing from the database?
Please check to see whether your home mailing address is included in the database for the oblate program.  Many are missing.   Please use the Update Profile/Email Address link at the bottom of this email.   

Abbot Isaac is updating the abbey's mailing list for the letters he sends in the U.S. Mail. His letters are beautiful communications about the abbey, the liturgical seasons, and our life of seeking God.

If you have any questions or problems, please reply to this email or watch this step-by-step video.
How to check & update your home address & phone number in the Saint Leo Abbey Oblate database
How to check & update your home address & phone number in the Saint Leo Abbey Oblate database
If you have any problems with checking  your address, please watch this video.  Everyone receiving this email should check their address unless you signed up for the email list using the online form after December 1, 2014. Thank you very much.

Excerpt from oblate class assignment - Dom Bernardo
Dom Bernardo's 1994 letter discusses several aspects of the Eucharist. The one on Prayer and Mysticism is quoted below.

"Prayer and Mysticism

"Thanks to the celebration of the Eucharist, the Church is a praying community. It is precisely in speaking of the Eucharist that Paul says to the Corinthians: "When you meet together as ekklêsia...(1Cor.11:18).

"If prayer is entering into communion with God, we can understand why the Eucharist fosters prayer. Even more, we can say that the Eucharist was instituted to make the ecclesial community a praying body.

"The eucharistic celebration reaches its height in the words of the Lord: "Take and eat, take and drink". To take is to receive, not only to receive, but also to be received. Eucharistic prayer is communion in mutual giving and mutual receiving. In this way, the word of Jesus is accomplished "You in me and I in you" (Jn.14:20).

"The eucharistic Christ is the glorified Christ who is in full communion with the Father and the Spirit. To eat Him is to partake of the Trinitarian communion. When we pray, eating and communing, we become a dwelling of God, dwelling in God. When any one of us approaches the Eucharist with a loving faith, Jesus says: "The Father and I are One" (Jn.10:30).

""And he is forthwith gathered up to God in love through the Holy Spirit and receives God coming to him and making his abode with him, not spiritually only but corporeally also, in the mystery of the holy and life-giving body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ." (William of St. Thierry, Meditations X:8, cf XIII:5)

"Is it too much to say that eucharistic communion is the true door by which to enter into the mystery and be mystically transformed? Can we maintain that the eucharistic mystery is the privileged place of the mystical experience? If Christ is a consuming fire, is it not normal that our hearts should burn in the obscurity of faith when the broken Bread has been shared and eaten?"

Abbey Contacts

Abbot Isaac, O.S.B., Oblate Director 
Abbey Reception Office
(352) 588 8624
Gift Shop, Brother James, O.S.B.
(352) 588 2606
Guest House & Retreat Center:(352) 588 8184 

Fall is Here! and Winter is Coming
October 30-November 1
Register for the annual Oblate-Program Spiritual Weekend Retreat. Everyone is invited. Live on monastic time, share prayer time and meals with the monks. Attend Abbot Isaac's conferences. 
Yes, we can begin to think about the cooler weather in December and the annual Christmas party with the monks.   
Everyone is invited.  Those attending are requested to bring a dessert and may, on a voluntary basis, give a gift to a monk.
Thank you to all those in the Saint Leo Abbey oblate program.

The abbey thanks you and daily prays for you.  


Saint Leo Abbey Oblates
33601 State Road 52
Town of Saint Leo, FL