Sea Hag Marina
OPEN: Mon-Thurs 6am-7pm
Fri.-Sun. 6am-8pm
N 29' 40.295  W 83' 23.636 
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This Week 08-05-20 at Sea Hag Marina
 Steinhatchee & Keaton Beach boat ramps are open to the public with limited parking.
Once the lots are full, boat trailers may NOT park along the roadside.
"Sea" What All the Scallop Fun is About!
Folks are getting their limit left & right for scallops! Limit is 2 gal per person with a max of 10 gal per boat.
Steinhatchee TUNA!
Graham Zipperer hooked up on a blackfin tuna in 89ft of water!
Nick George & Jeff Peters brought back massive cobia from their offshore fishing trip!
Ava & Colton Parrinello along with their dog, Kota, had so much fun scalloping in Steinhatchee!
Danielle Dimon caught a perfect redfish on the flats!
Marissa, Mica, Ben, Luke & Rylyn are holding up some of their scallops from the other day!

Never seen scallops cooked this way! What a delicious recipe! Click the link below to try!

Steinhatchee Boys getting it done!
Tripp Mitchell, Jadon Bray & Eli Bray collected bags full of scallops!
Nicole caught her very first redfish the other day! A 28in one at that! How awesome!
Susan & Norris Edge from Buckhead, GA, caught their limit of trout & redfish with Capt. Max Leatherwood!

The New seahag.comVISIT OUR WEBSITE! Click HERE!

The Miller Family had fun scalloping with Capt. Kyle Skipper!
Landon is holding up one of the many red snapper he caught the other day!
Have you seen a cuter scalloper than Clay Elze from Brunswick, GA!
Capt. Chase & Madison Norwood celebrated the last day of red snapper season for charter captains August 1st!
Harlie Williams caught this stunning trout on the flats the other day!
How precious is sweet Braelynn with Sea Hag kitty, Adventurer!
The Montgomery family enjoyed a wonderful day of red snapper fishing!

Jimmy Parrish & his band played at Sea Hag Marina this last Saturday! Island Mojo Music!
Seth Murphy from Satellite Beach, FL, was helping his family clean scallops the other afternoon!
Kaden, JB & their goldendoodle, Gypsy Rose, nailed it their first time scalloping!
They got their limit!
The Olsen family cleaned their scallops on their boat!
The Minshew & Hodges crew were also relaxing and cleaning their scallops at our NEW cleaning station at Sea Hag!
The Montgomery & Zipperer crew along with Capt. Charlie, slammed the board with red snapper, red grouper, mangrove snapper & more!
Kamryn and her boyfriend, Andrew, collected their limit of scallops this week!
Danielle & Dean Dimon caught matching redfish on the flats!
The Coyne family collected a bag full of scallops with Capt. Kyle Skipper!
The Stokes crew caught a board of fish the other day! Amberjack, red snapper, mangrove snapper & more!
Sarah Spurlock & Chad Nelson filled their bags with scallops on their charter with Capt. Leslie Hernandez!
Snapper season ended with a  BANG!
Lacey Montgomery caught this massive red snapper while fishing with her family!
Kenny Rees & his crew fished on the last day of snapper season with Capt. Chase Norwood! They slayed the red snapper, kingfish, vermillion snapper, red grouper & more!
Capt. Max Leatherwood has been on the trout lately!
Kyle Harris, Charlie Norwood, Shane Cormack, Eric Sellers "Bubba" & Steve Harris slammed the board full of HUGE red snapper & gag grouper!
The Kurowsky family (a few not pictured) got their limit of scallops!
Tanner Cole, Chester Stokes, Shel Motes & their crew caught a nice limit of red snapper & some mangrove snapper!
Jalie Montgomery is holding up an amberjack she reeled in!
Jesus, Denise, Drew, Ali & Lyla had the best day scalloping with Capt . Leslie Hernandez!
How cute is little Landry with his red snapper!
Heather & Leiann Bailey are holding up a huge gator trout they caught!
Presley Kate is quite the little fisher-lady! She caught a multi-spotted redfish the other day!
Luke Trimble spent his birthday fishing with Austin Trimble, Mark Trimble, Billy Hardwick, Matt Trimble & Rob Unger! They took a trip with Capt. Chase Norwood & firstmate, Zach Simpson, where they caught red snapper, gag grouper, Florida snapper & lane snapper!
Matthew Mangiocco & Tarin Tucker are showing off their bag of scallops!
A couple scallops queens! Kaitlyn Dix & Taylor Halsema are holding up their bags full of scallops!
 Sarah Spurlock & Chad Nelson enjoyed a day scalloping with Capt. Leslie Hernandez & deckhand, Chasity Griffin!
The Bennett family from Valdosta, GA, had a fun day scalloping in Steinhatchee!
Connie Walker had her hands full of scallops!
Chuck & Susan Lineberger, Whitt Stewart &  Chelsee Sims enjoyed a day on the water collecting scallops!
Chris & Grady Hodges from McClellany, FL, are too cute with their handfuls of scallops!
Capt. Chase Norwood & Capt. Shan Roper are our two offshore charter captains at Sea Hag! They are both 19 years old & have ran snapper trips every week this season. They work hard & are eager to put their clients on fish! Great season guys!
Click HERE to read their bios, along with our inshore captain info to find the guide that's best for you!
The Woodham crew has been coming to Sea Hag for years! 
They have a blast scalloping together! 
Submit your photos to to be featured on our newsletter.
2020 Tournament List:

July 1  - October 4 - CCA Star Fishing Tournament

September 12 - Lady Raiders Inshore Slam Fishing Tournament

September 19 - Sea Hag Marina Trash Tournament

October 3 - Hooked on Heroes - Taking Veterans Fishing

October 10 - Nauti-Girls Fishing Tournament

November 6 & 7 - Power-Pole Pro Fishing Tournament

December 12 - Eggnog Open Fishing Tournament
Available in kids & adults!

Click the link below to shop all the new Heart of Hatchee items!
Heart of Hatchee is an online clothing boutique started by two college women! They have their items online as well as in the front of Sea Hag Marina! 
Stop by & shop or order online!
DOWNLOAD the app, iANGLER on your smart phone and log your fishing trips!

Help us contribute helpful STEINHATCHEE information to Florida's fisheries scientists!

This information will help FWC scientists determine accurate regulations for our area!