Anyone else feel like they've been living in a blender? No? Just me? Cool!
I swear the calendar pages are turning as quickly as a dog chasing it's tail. The warmer months bring increased activity, a schedule lacking routine [remind me why kids can't go to school year round?], and a fairy-tale notion that one can do it all! The reality of summer is that there are countless activities pulling families in various directions, i.e. sports, bbqs, festivals, fireworks, camps, 4-H projects, gardening, sleepovers, family reunions, weddings, park dates...need I go on? Oh, yeah, don't forget the summer hit list which includes beach days, water parks, zoos, mini golf, and perfecting the roasted 'mallow.
So. Many. Things.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I love summer. Tan lines and a never ending menu of grilled protein makes me giddy! It's just that, it all goes too quickly. The summer breeze blows in and then back out and leaves my head spinning. And it makes me sad when it all comes to end. Exhausted...and sad. So while it might sound like I'm grumbling, I guess what I really want to say is, "thank you, summer". Thank you for the amazing events and activities that keep us on the move, visiting new cities and enjoying the very one we live in. Thank you for boat rides and bike rides. Thank you for green grass and blooming gardens. Thank you for long hikes and cool lakes. Thank you for bug spray and late night campfires. Thank you for time with friends and family and being outdoors. Thank you for making the past three months so fun and so exquisitely memorable that I'm ready to hibernate and sleep through winter!
Thank you, to each of our business partners and community supporters, for another great season. Thank you for the hanging out on hot busy days and sticking around to enjoy the cool dewy nights. Thank you for 90+ days of chasing schedules and a dream that one can do it all. You continue to remind us how great our community is and how fun the work can be when we do it together.
And of course, let's not forget to say, "thank you", for the tan lines.
The Elkhorn Chamber
Submitted by Kate Abbe