CCIRA September Newsletter 2023

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CCIRA Conference News

Cost to Attend the 2024 CCIRA Conference

Full Conference

Early Bird Registration Beginning October 1 - $345

Registration After November 1 - $395

Friday & Saturday - $315

One Day Only - $275

Student - $95

Retired - $180

The Three Branches

The vision for the 2024 conference, Branching Out, Staying Rooted, is to help teachers explore, grapple with, and maybe reconcile their literacy roots with all of the changes that are happening in education today. We are offering a balance of sessions that will encourage teachers to explore their beliefs, but also challenge them to branch out - try new things, explore a new perspective, or reach their audiences just that much better. There are three main branches that we are exploring at the conference, and the speakers will each be connected to a branch. In this Communicator, we'd like to share with you the Diverse Texts & Topics branch:

To learn more about the branches, go to!

Look Who's Coming!

Meenoo Rami

Meenoo Rami is returning to CCIRA to leave us inspired and encourage us to nurture the human element - even in a time of great technological advances in education and the world. She is a Principal Product Manager at Microsoft and has great ideas about using technology in the classroom. Her breakout session will focus on using AI as a tool in the classroom. Meenoo has a decade of dedicated teaching in Philadelphia's public schools and is a national board-certified educator who brings unparalleled expertise to the table. She has empowered fellow educators to enhance their methods and enrich the classroom environment. Meenoo is the incredible author behind Thrive: 5 Ways to (Re)Invigorate Your Teaching and is poised to bring a wealth of tech-savvy insights and innovation to our conference's technology branch.

Jarrett Learner

Come to the 2024 CCIRA conference to hear the amazing Jarrett Learner and take home tools, techniques, exercises and more that you can immediately implement! He will be discussing how we can help every kid turn into a lifelong reader by tapping into creativity and joy as well as how to inspire your students to write using poetry. Jarrett is the author of several series including Geeger the Robot, Nat the Cat, Hunger Heros, and EngiNerds. Jarrett also recently wrote A Work in Progress for middle grade students. He delights readers with his hilarious illustrations and fun topics. His sessions are sure to help us laugh and learn about the ways to keep children engaged with a love of reading. We can't wait to see him in person!

Peg Grafwallner

Peg Graffwallner is returning to CCIRA to share her ideas about embedding essential literacy skills in all contents. Peg is an exceptional coach and reading specialist with nearly 3 decades of education experience! Her focus on seamlessly integrating literacy across all subjects has transformed classrooms. Peg's unique educational perspective, as a parent to both a gifted son and a daughter who received education services, fuels her dedication to empowering all students. She is a blogger, author, and national presenter whose topics include coaching, engagement, and inclusion. She is the author of Lessons Learned from the Special Education Classroom: Creating Opportunities for All Students to Listen, Ready to Learn: The FRAME Model for Optimizing Student Success, Not Yet … And That’s Ok: How Productive Struggle Fosters Student Learning, and Clearing the Path for Developing Learners: Essential Literacy Skills to Support Achievement in Every Content Area. Peg is a great thinker and a fantastic speaker - we look forward to welcoming her back to Colorado!

Dr. Jan Burkins

We are delighted to announce that Dr. Jan Burkins, a distinguished educator, writer, and speaker with over 30 years of experience in education, will be a speaker at the 2024 CCIRA Conference. Dr. Burkins is the co-author of influential works like Shifting the Balance: 6 Ways to Bring the Science of Reading into the Balanced Literacy Classroom and Shifting the Balance, Grades 3–5: 6 Ways to Bring the Science of Reading into the Upper Elementary Classroom. Additionally, Jan is a host on the podcast "The Six Shifts," and a full-time writer, speaker, and staff developer. Alongside Kari Yates, she will share their transformative journey into the science of reading research, exploring both the technical and emotional aspects of rethinking classroom practices. This promises to be an enlightening and impactful session for all attendees. Don't miss the opportunity to learn from Dr. Jan Burkins at CCIRA 2024!

Kari Yates

Kari Yates, a distinguished author, speaker, and literacy consultant, will be presenting at the 2024 CCIRA Conference and we couldn't be more excited! Kari, known for her significant contributions to literacy education, is the co-author of influential books such as Shifting the Balance: 6 Ways to Bring the Science of Reading into the Balanced Literacy Classroom and Shifting the Balance, Grades 3–5: 6 Ways to Bring the Science of Reading into the Upper Elementary Classroom. She is also the author, in collaboration with Christina Nosek, of To Know and Nurture a Reader and Simple Starts: Making the Move to a Reader-Centered Classroom. As a co-host on the podcast "The Six Shifts," Kari passionately explores critical topics in education, providing invaluable insights. With her mission to empower educators one step at a time, Kari inspires teachers, coaches, and administrators to foster joyful and research-aligned literacy learning. Be sure to seize the chance to glean insights from Kari Yates and find inspiration at CCIRA 2024!

Kate & Maggie Roberts

Kate and Maggie Roberts, two exceptional literacy consultants, are returning to the CCIRA Conference! They will focus our learning on what we need as professionals to do our best work - professional learning focused on the people! They have written great books with practical ideas to use in our classrooms, and are sure to be a joy to learn with. Maggie will share valuable insights about effective writing interventions while Kate will delve into conditions and strategies for true reading independence in grades 5-12. With over fifteen years of experience working across elementary, middle school, and high school grades, Kate and Maggie have honed their expertise in skill and strategy-based literacy instruction, content-area literacy, differentiated teaching methods, and optimizing teaching schedules and structures. Their many strengths shine through during their presentations and social media presence, such as on their blog, Instagram and TikTok accounts, and their video series for their latest book together, DIY Literacy: Teaching Tools for Differentiation, Rigor, and Independence. We are thrilled to welcome them back as we know their knowledge and insights will undoubtedly enrich our learning experience.

Exhibitors, Sponsors, & Advertising

Would you like to exhibit, sponsor, or advertise

during the 2024 CCIRA Conference?

The layout at the Westin Hotel ensures vendors' exposure to hundreds of conference attendees throughout the three days. Booths will line the spacious hallways where attendees will have easy access. Based on feedback, the sessions will be staggered to give attendees more access to your booth. As in the past, we will make announcements throughout the day, encouraging attendees to visit our vendors. 

Additional details for our 2024 Exhibits:

  • Costs for renting a space will be based on exhibit location. Tier One is $800 in the main hallway. Tier Two is $600 in the hallway leading to the Westminster Ballroom’s main entrance. 

  • Everyone will have a tablecloth, Wifi, and electricity included in the cost of the registration, along with free parking.

  • The Exhibit Hall will only be open on Thursday and Friday from 7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. In the past some vendors have also chosen to stay open during Saturday sessions.

  • We will have drawings for prizes based on attendee visitation to vendor booths throughout the conference. We would appreciate any donations you may be willing to give for those prizes. There will be two levels of prizes for attendees visiting vendor booths: hourly drawings throughout the day and a grand prize given by the conference chair. 

  • There will be a vendor happy hour on Thursday night allowing exhibitors the opportunity to converse with attendees in a more relaxed atmosphere. Vendors can purchase drink tickets to promote their exhibit and encourage attendees to visit.

  • Please consider sponsoring an event during the conference - something as small as cookies for the attendees to as big as a hosted Happy Hour. Contact Lisa Kahn, Executive Director, to discuss opportunities and sponsorship details.

  • Advertisements in the conference program can be purchased at the time of registration.

  • We remain committed to making the Exhibits a part of the conference experience that is relevant and valuable for both attendees and exhibitors.

We have limited exhibit space this year so please book early! Registration is open now!! Just click the button below!

Vendor & Sponsor Registration

CCIRA Grants


Nancy Fox Family Literacy Grant - Due September 30th

The purpose of this grant is to encourage and support CCIRA participants’ efforts to involve families in a community celebration that incorporates practices that support literacy in children’s lives. Applicants may receive up to $500!

CCIRA Grants

CCIRA Awards


Model Literacy Award - Due October 10th

CCIRA sponsors a Model Literacy Award to recognize outstanding language arts programs in schools. The awards will showcase effective literacy instruction in schools. The exemplary reading programs will also serve as models for other schools. State recognition will be given to schools that meet the established criteria. The award of a plaque and $1,000 will be presented at the CCIRA Conference. The schools receiving this award could expect on-site visitations from interested people.

Fannie Stabenow Award - Due November 1st

Do you know someone who has significantly contributed to CCIRA and the mission of the organization? If so, nominate them for the Fannie Stabenow Award! The award is presented to the winner at the 2024 CCIRA Conference.

CCIRA Futures Award - Due November 1st

To honor past presidents, who are now deceased, CCIRA annually recognizes a teacher in their first five years of teaching reading. One successful applicant each year will receive a certificate and a $300 cash reward. There are no restrictions on how the recipient may use the cash award.

CCIRA Awards
CCIRA Upcoming Professional Learning Offerings

CCIRA Literacy Conversations

Learn from some of our 2023 conference speakers and more in our library of podcasts! There are episodes from Cornelius Minor, Charles R. Smith

Whitney La RoccaKrista GriffinMelanie ConklinPernille Ripp,

Gordan Korman, and more! Click the button below and listen in!

Listen Now

CCIRA Professional Development Blog

All Things Literacy

The CCIRA blog features a wide variety of nationally renowned literacy experts, as well as talented practitioners from across Colorado. Check out the posts on  

📢New Blog Alert!!📢

Check out the newest addition to the blog: Making the Case for Slow Reading by Maria Nichols. You can also find Reflection is Where the Learning Sticks: A Conversation and Resources for Sustainable Movement-Making in Schools by Kass Minor? Carl Anderson's Teach Writing With Mentor Texts! and Look After Your Twisted Ankles: Professional Development in Troubled Times by Kate and Maggie Roberts are also there for your reading enjoyment. There are several other great posts as well, including Re-Imagining RtI / MTSS: Putting Students Back at the Center of Instructional Designs by Julie Wright and Mark Bazata and Nawal Qarooni's Breathing Life Into the Syllabus: How Teaching Preservice Educators Hones My Practice.

📃If you are interested in submitting a guest post to the CCIRA blog, please contact Hollyanna Bates.📃

Take a look at these two new books from our blog contributors!

Local Council News

Attend PPIRA's Coaching Consortium!

Connect with coaches from around the Pikes Peak Region as they share specific ideas and examples that have led to effective teacher development and student learning. Learn innovative coaching techniques and leave with coaching tools that can be immediately implemented.

Our Keynote Speaker this year is Rebecca Frazier, PhD, author of Joy of Coaching.

We welcome all educators, especially

  • Instructional Coaches
  • Building Leaders
  • Educators interested in becoming instructional coaches

Topics for this event include:

  • Characteristics of Effective Coaches
  • Coaching Cycles and Roles
  • Tips for Implementing New Programs
  • Classroom Management
  • Coaching Teachers to Differentiate Instruction Using ELA Data

A light lunch buffet will be served.

CDE Licensure Credit: 4 hours

For questions, email

Register Here

Board of Directors

The CCIRA Board of Directors meeting was a collaborative gathering where various local councils and committees came together to share crucial information, engage in substantive discussions, and make decisions that are integral to CCIRA's mission and vision. It was a time of unity, innovation, and dedication to advancing the goals and values that CCIRA holds dear.

Please read CCIRA's very important statement regarding membership linked below. It outlines an important change that our community needs to be aware of.

Membership Statement
Support CCIRA

CCIRA is a non-profit organization that works to empower literacy educators. As a non-profit organization, we appreciate support in a variety of ways:

  • Donate
  • Support a Conference Scholarship Opportunity
  • Leverage fundraising programs to earn CCIRA money
  • Volunteer with CCIRA
Click Here to Learn How to Donate to Educators

This Month's Featured Fundraiser

Click Here for More Ways to Support CCIRA
Help Us Share CCIRA

Partner With CCIRA

As an organization, we are always looking for great partnerships. We have a fantastic community and love new opportunities to provide educators with more professional learning options! Please reach out to someone on our Executive Committee below for more information on how we can work together for educators!

CCIRA Partners in Empowering Literacy Educators


  • Over 2000 conference attendees will learn about your partnership with CCIRA.
  • Our educator community will see your support on our webpage.
  • Visitors to the CCIRA website will learn about your organization and its events.
  • Our combined support of literacy will impact students across our state and neighboring states.
See the Full List of Partners Here

Opportunity for Authors From One of Our Partners

The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators

Are you an author or someone who hopes to become one? If so, the SCBWI Letters & Lines Conference is for you! This annual fall conference for the SCBWI Rocky Mountain Chapter will be held September 9-10 in Golden, Colorado. 

Click below to find the schedule, cost, and other important registration information! We are so excited to have SCBWI as one of our newest CCIRA partners!

SCBWI Fall Conference

Meet the Executive Committee

Lisa Kahn, Executive Director, CCIRA

This fall marks Lisa’s 8th year with CCIRA. Lisa works closely with CCIRA’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee to manage and support all aspects of hosting the annual CCIRA conference on literacy for 700+ attendees and vendors. Additionally, she works in cooperation with local councils, state committees, and community educators to support the mission and vision of CCIRA to promote literacy education across the state. She is the only paid staff member for a volunteer run organization.

Prior to CCIRA Lisa worked for 18 years for the American Diabetes Association as Operations Manager for the Western Division of the US. In that capacity, she planned and executed staff and volunteer meetings, supported a division Vice President and traveled extensively to support the organization's mission to prevent and cure diabetes.

Lisa is a Denver native who graduated from Wheat Ridge High School and the University of Iowa. She is a volunteer teacher at St Francis Cabrini Catholic Church and loves to travel with her family. She is an avid Colorado Rockies and Denver Bronco fan and can be found most days at her local library searching for the next great read!

Lisa resides in Highlands Ranch, Colorado with her husband Kevin, two children Haley and Kyle and her golden retriever Gus.

CCIRA is here to empower literacy educators!

CCIRA collaboratively encourages, supports, and advances literacy through research-based instructional practices to increase literacy access to all.

All people will be empowered to critically engage in our changing world by developing and utilizing literacy skills throughout life.

We want to hear from you!

Contact Us!

CCIRA Executive Committee

Michele Warner, President:

Lisa Kahn, Executive Director:

Anne Folsom, Conference Chair 2024:

Rebecca Hoover, Secretary:

Lori ConradCouncil Development Chair:

Amy Vermeulen, Marketing Chair:

Molly Rauh, Treasurer:

Tanisha Lee, Member at Large:

Corina Strickland, Member at Large:

Is your local council, state committee, school, or community doing something extraordinary for literacy in Colorado? Do you have a great idea to share with other educators on how to enhance literacy in the classroom? Do you know of a conference or event that CCIRA members might be interested in attending? If so, please contact Amy Vermeulen ( to submit information for publication.

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Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for? (Audience) Why should they care? (Benefit) What do I want them to do here? (Call-to-Action)

Create a great offer by adding words like "free" "personalized" "complimentary" or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take an action, so think about inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining"!