"Our Republic and its press will rise or fall together. An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery. A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself. The power to mould the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalists of future generations."    Joseph Pulitzer

Media Notice

December 7, 2023

Archived HERE

Et tu, Brute? We have been Betrayed

The Shift is About to Hit the Fan


Danny Sheehan has been pulled into the ongoing battle over the UAP Disclosure Act, the fate of which is not quite sealed. He will NOT be joining me tonight on the 8 pm EST podcast. I will be laying out a plan of attack to overcome what is a betrayal of the American people. For those who are not going to be watching tonight, the aforementioned plan can be found below.

Today is December 7. The older one is the more likely one might appreciate the irony of that.

First, to view an easy-to-read with highlighting 2024 UAP Disclosure Act as it was submitted with the Senate FY2024 NDAA for reconciliation click HERE.

The UAP Disclosure Act has been gutted. Keeping in mind the reconciliation process is happening behind closed doors and there is much speculation and confusion. This article in the Daily Caller was published one hour ago. Below is one summary that has come to my attention:

From other sources it is my understanding the new and quite small section devoted to UAP Disclosure wants all information, files and documents from the classified world to go to the Senate Intel Committee, which at some future time would decide what, if any, to release to the public. If true, this is of some help for the plan of action I am putting forth. Here we go.

Enough is enough (good title for a book). It's time to take off the gloves and begin manifesting what the great Congressman John Lewis called "good trouble." But first I want to state this: Senators Chuck Schumer, Mark Warner and Marco Rubio and Representatives Tim Burchett, Anna Paulin Luna and Nancy Mace are not the bad guys in this saga. They are the heroes.

With that said, if you would like to see Disclosure early next year, there is a clear activist path. There are only three targets: Senators Schumer, Warner and Rubio. Why?

They are three people with the most power to call a hearing before the Senate Intel Committee.

There are dozens of witnesses ready to testify before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Sen. Warner is the Chairman. Sen. Marco Rubio is the Ranking Member. The testimony of most will equal or surpass that of Major David Grusch (USAF, ret.). One week of morning and afternoon sessions with these witnesses under oath will the blow the Truth Embargo wide open.

That sets the stage for the President to formally end the Truth Embargo immediately - Disclosure. After that the UAP Disclosure Act could be easily reconsidered and passed.

It's called a "Tweet Storm." This is broader, so we shall call it a "Shift Storm."

In 2014 a team on behalf of PRG pounded the entire Congress with 2 million plus tweets regarding the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure. Many accounts were blocked. This time there are only the three members below.

Rules of Engagement keeping in mind they are the good guys.

  • timing is now until January 1. Then we will reassess.
  • do not lose focus by lobbying to change the language back in the bill. It's too late.
  • no epithets, attacks, threats, rudeness - particularly on calls
  • do not convey the same message over and over (boiler plate). Change the wording.
  • on calls don't try to get to the chief of staff, aides, etc. Just give the message to the nice intern manning the phone. Don't take too long.
  • with respect to Twitter tagging and emails, be relentless. Send as many as you can generate as many days you can, but change the message.
  • the tone should be strong, firm, serious, determined, committed, reasoned, insistent.

Twitter Tagging: Example: @senschumer I am disappointed with the final UAP language in the FY2024 NDAA. It is more in important than ever the Senate Intel Committee hold hearings for the powerful witnesses ready to testify and no later than early January.

All such tagged Tweets end up in the member's notification box and read by staffers. We want to put at least 100,000 such tagged messages in all three boxes. But let's not slight the power of social media. We can do 1 million.

Emails: All three members use email forms that result in an email turning up in the appropriate staffer's email box. I do not think residence in the appropriate state is required, but if it is, make up an address. The goal is 100,000 emails in all three boxes, but one million is doable. It's up to you. Share, retweet, hit up your email lists, move this over to TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, et al.


Lastly. They are not part of the Shift Storm, but feel free to send messages of thanks and support to Representatives Burchett, Luna, and Mace for their efforts.

Rep. Time Burchett @timburchett (202) 225-5435

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna @realannapaulina (202) 225-6551

Rep. Nancy Mace @RepNancyMace (202) 225-3176

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Steve Bassett

Washington, DC

Senator Chuck Schumer


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Senator Mark Warner


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