Congregation Beth Torah E-News
November 2, 2018 - November 15, 2018
24 Cheshvan - 7 Kislev 5779
6100 West 127th Street • Overland Park, Kansas 66209
 Phone: 913-498-2212
#ShowUpForShabbat, Erev Shabbat, Friday, November 2nd
Nosh 6:00 p.m.
Worship 6:30 p.m.

#ShowUpForShabbat, Shabbat, Saturday, November 3rd
Sichat Shabbat Group 9  :00 a.m
Shabbat Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.

Sunday, November 4th
Family T'filah 9:30 a.m.
Mourner's Kaddish 10:00 a.m.
Erev Shabbat, Friday, November 9th
Nosh 6:00 p.m.
Worship 6:30 p.m.

Shabbat, Saturday, November 10th
Sichat Shabbat Group 9:00 a.m
Shabbat Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.
Bar Mitzvah of Raymond Antoniewicz

Sunday, November 11th
Family T'filah 9:30 a.m.
Mourner's Kaddish 10:00 a.m.
Lunch and Learn
Come have lunch with Rabbi Cattapan and share a thought or two at the November Lunch and Learn held in our Library on Thursday, November 8th at 12:00 p.m. You can either call the office on Wednesday the 7 th to order a sandwich or bring your own lunch.
Have some fun while you give back to the Beth Torah community. Join this year’s 100 Days of Giving campaign to raise $10,000. This campaign supports Excellence in Programming: our music program, membership events, adult education, weekly nosh, oneg, Sunday breakfast and more.

Buy a day for $100 and let us know what you are celebrating, or commemorating. Once the day is purchased, it’s gone. You’ll have to look for another date. The campaign opens this year on November 23, 2018, the day after Thanksgiving (affectionately known as Black Friday), and runs for 100 days, with the last day on March 2, 2019. Take a look at your calendars, and see what personal or family milestones you’d like to celebrate during those days. Or why not pick a random, fun day:
December 2 nd - National Mutt Day
January 15 th -National Bagel Day
February 17th - Random Act of Kindness Day
March 2 nd - Dr. Seuss Day

Email Sharon Altman at  and let her know which days is YOURS!
Did You Miss Our Initial Pick-a-Party Sign-Ups?
The variety of activities and creativity of our members who are hosting the Pick-a-Party events are amazing. You won’t want to MISS OUT! So, go to the following link: to sign up TODAY. You’ll enjoy meeting congregational members, involving a fun activity and FOOD, and have the opportunity to donate to Congregation Beth Torah. All parties are underwritten by our fabulous hosts. As a party participant, a portion of your ticket price will be considered a donation to CBT.
Here are some upcoming parties that you won’t want to miss:

November 10 th - Linda and Barry Katz invite you to be enlivened and inspired at this hands-on workshop event that focuses on creative collaboration. This is an innovative and structured art workshop facilitated by two Hallmark Master Artists, Lynn Giunta and Craig Lueck. Prompted and instructed by these experts, you will learn and explore with tools and techniques that make creating fast and fun! Come join us for dinner, drinks, the workshop and a chance to win one of the two pieces of framed artwork that you helped to create. No artistic skill or talent is required. That will emerge as you work with your dinner companions and the talented and charming consulting artists. No supplies needed.

January 20 th - Join Laura & Boyd Bolter as they celebrate the holiday of Tu B'Shevat with a festive seder right here at Beth Torah.
Amazon Smile
The first night of Hanukkah is Sunday, December 2 nd
Support Congregation Beth Torah every time you make a purchase from Amazon. It’s easy!
·          Go to and sign up choosing “Congregation Beth Torah”
·          After you sign up, your future purchases (minus shipping, gift wrapping, etc.) automatically contribute .05 percent to CBT.
·          Just bookmark the site and start all of your purchases from there. You don’t have to do anything special and there is no cost to you.
Thank you for your support. Happy shopping. 
Welcome to Our House: Beit Kenesset
Join us for the second of these Shabbat experiences in our Welcome to Our House series.  Friday night, November 16 th   we will enjoy nosh together at 6:15 and then worship at 6:30. At 7:00 we will head into the ulam for dinner together and a living room style discussion on grass roots organizing with a representative of Moms Demand Action. Say, “yes” to creating community.
Chavurah Formation Meeting
On Sunday, November 18 th   at 12:30 pm in the library there will be a meeting for those curious about Chavurot here at Beth Torah. Attendance is not a commitment to join. If you are unable to attend, you can email Chavurah Coordinators Jerry and Susie Klinock at
Shalom Espaniya: Sephardic Culture then and Now
The community is invited to be guests at this program led by Rabbi Cattapan. The program, which is sponsored by the Ohev Sholom Sisterhood, will take place on Sunday, November 18th at 2:30 p.m. at the Atriums (7300 W. 107th Street Overland Park, KS 66212)  RSVPs are requested to Carol Offenbach at 913-492-9192 or . While there is no charge, attendees are requested to bring diary or parve dessert, fruit, veggies or chips and dips.  
Sing Hanukkah Music with the Men’s Group
Hanukkah season is right around the corner. E-mail Emily Tummons ( ) to sign up to sing with the Men’s Group. We’ll have two performances this season. One will be a community service project, and the date and time will be determined by participants’ schedules. The other will be this year’s Hanukkah moment for our congregation: 

           Shabbat Chanukah
           Friday evening, December 7th
           6:30 p.m. 
On that night, the call time for the Men’s Group will be 5:30 p.m.
Here are the rehearsal dates, all of them Sunday mornings, 11:10 a.m.—12:00 p.m.: October 28, November 4, November 11, November 18, December 2, December 9
World AIDS Day 2018
Help Beth Torah shed light on this 30 th  anniversary of World AIDS Day (which will be celebrated on December 1, 2018) by joining us on Erev Shabbat, November 30 th . Not only will we have the latest information for you, but we will take a moment to reflect on Beth Torah’s tireless work for local AIDS sufferers for the past 30 years. Our member Lauren Aaronson will be honored that evening for her work to create a CBT volunteer system that made sure that every Sunday, there were homemade meals for residents of SAVEhome, which housed AIDS patients. Nosh will be at 6:00 p.m. followed by worship at 6:30 p.m. 
From Strength to Strength
Thank you to Drs. Karen & Steve Arkin for being our
Honorary 30th Anniversary Chair People
Here are some upcoming festivities as we continue to celebrate 30 years of Congregation Beth Torah in 5779!
December 7, 2018: We will have Dr. Ron Wolfson, inspirational author and motivational teacher, bring his warmth, insight and humor to Beth Torah and fill our weekend with stories and best practices based on the principles of Relational Judaism. Save the date for that Erev Shabbat, December 7th for some Hanukkah lights and music, connecting with Dr. Wolfson and some latkes!
February 10, 2019: For all of Beth Torah’s 30 years, our Social Justice programs have been a cornerstone of our activities. Save the date of Sunday, February 10, 2019, to honor our past and explore new ways to bring some of our projects into the future. Join us for Social Action Panim el
Panim where we explore how to make these programs and projects even more relative in our lives and in the lives of the people we help. AND there will be a free lunch! How can you say “no”?
April 13, 2019: Our yearlong 30th Anniversary celebration will be drawing to a close, but not without one last big celebration:
An Adult-Only evening of FUN! FUN! FUN!
Great Food and Drinks
Dance to the live music of the Jewbee Brothers
A Silent Auction
PLUS! There are still Parties to be Picked . Check out the Pick a Party table in the foyer and plan to have some fun and meet new people in 5779
Scholar in Residence
Dr. Ron Wolfson to join us at our Shabbat Hanukkah celebration. Check out this month’s Tekiah or visit our web site to see the full Scholar in Residence schedule .

Friday night, December 7 th  grab your menorah and your candles and plan on spending the 6 th  night of Hanukkah with your Beth Torah community:
6:00 p.m. Light your menorahs while you nosh on delicious latkes.
6:30 p.m. Worship with amazing music from our Men’s Group and Hanukkah Chorus.
7:15 p.m. Get ready to be amazed as Dr. Wolfson presents: “Envisioning the Relational Synagogue of the 21 st  Century.”
Click here to get a taste of how Dr. Wolfson makes Relational Judaism relevant as he reflects on the 2 victims of the Pittsburgh tragedy.
Religious School Calendars Available on Facebook
Sunday and Wednesday calendars are live! Go to the WRS Facebook page (follow us while you’re there!) to import the WRS and/or TAG calendars to your phone or calendar app!
Summer Camp Scholarship Information Meeting
Congregation Beth Torah wants to invest in your child’s future by making a Jewish summer camper experience affordable for everyone. We would like you to consider sending your child to camp this summer by taking advantage of our generous scholarship program here at CBT. Please note that our scholarship funds are NOT limited to first time campers. All scholarship applications are strictly confidential. While the deadline for scholarship applications is in the spring, we will be having a camp scholarship informational meeting on Sunday, October 28 th at 10:30 a.m. in the Bride’s Room. It’s never too early to start thinking about your summer plans!
A Campaign to Sustain Chai (Life) at CBT and in Our
Jewish Community through Education: Three Years Strong and Running
WE need your dedication and your dollars again for the 2018/2019 school year.
Our Accomplishments so far:
Thanks to a challenge grant and some generous donors, we came very close to our $53,000.00 goal for the 2017-2018 school year and are already well on our way to our 2018-2019 goal. Religious School is considered a benefit of membership to CBT members. 

The future of our children and the community depends on you.

The ABCDs to keep the momentum strong!
  • Advocate the school to people you know are looking for a religious school
  • Become a volunteer to help with a fundraising event
  • Call the office at 913-498-2212 or go to the website to donate to Educating Our Future
  • Donate your time and expertise to secure grant funds

You will be performing a Mitzvah that can help a lot of children. Donate Today! 
Special thanks to Molly Levinson, a sterling result of the religious school and confirmation student at CBT, for designing the beautiful logo for the Educating our Future campaign.
Feel free to contact the Beth Torah office for any questions you may have about Educating Our Future.
Shalom Squad
Your welcoming face is needed on Friday nights. Sign up to be part of our Shalom Squad and personify the warm and welcoming feel that Beth Torah creates. Since two people are needed every week, why not sign up with a friend? Thank you to our member Jeff Antoniewicz for saying "Yes" to CBT and coordinating the Squad. You can choose your dates by clicking  here  or heading to our web site and clicking on the Shalom Squad link. 

Do You Want to Get Involved?
Visit our website to view all volunteer opportunities at Beth Torah.

Congregation Beth Torah and the Sader/Shimkin Library invite you
to read: 
Stop in our library and visit our new Little Free Jewish Book Store. We have added two, clearly marked, wooden book shelves stocked with YOUR donations. Stop by and take a book that someone else donated. It's yours. You don't have to bring it back. Have a Jewish themed book to donate? As long as there is room on the shelves, leave a book. Someone else may want to read it. If you enjoy one of the books you read from our new Little Free Jewish Book Store, why not leave a review on our Facebook page? Happy reading!

Ray Davidson Yiddish Group
Come study Yiddish! This group meets at Beth Torah at noon on Fridays and all are welcome.

Sichat Shabbat Group 
Join the community in discussion ( sicha ) on Shabbat morning, 9:00 to 10:15 a.m. in the library.
Beth Torah is on YouTube 
Have you heard music performed at Beth Torah that has stirred your emotions? Do you wish you could listen to it again? There is a way to do that! Beth Torah has a YouTube channel at where videos are available to view over and over again. Music from Hanukkah Program, Shabbat Shirah, Spring Session, Purim, Beth Torah's Got Talent, and more!

Mi Shebeirach List
Prayers for loved ones in need of healing are beneficial for those who are ill and those who love them. If you have someone in your family who is currently ill, whose name you would like to appear on our Mi Shebeirach list, please send an email to Alyssa  and put in the message line:
Mi Shebeirach list, or call the Beth Torah office and let us know. Thank you.
The Mitzvah Garden
The Kansas City Mitzvah Garden has opportunities blooming for volunteering by any groups/chavurahs or individuals. The garden provides produce to local food pantries. Volunteers are needed for planting, weeding, harvesting, and deliveries. Our usual work day is Sunday, but are needed Monday–Friday as well. For teens looking to accumulate community service hours, the garden is perfect.

Email the Mitzvah Garden Volunteer Coordinator, Gabrielle Rhodes Handler or
call 913-345-1118.
JFS Volunteer Opportunities
Looking for ways to get involved in the community? When you volunteer at JFS, you are helping strengthen and improve the lives of thousands of people throughout Kansas City. Volunteers play a vital role in our programs, providing a helping hand, compassionate smile or meaningful connection. There are many ways to use your time and talents as a volunteer with JFS: