Good News: Pre-Conference Accepted at GSA
I am happy to report that our proposal for a pre-conference for the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America has been accepted! Our day-long conference, Research that Matters: Overcoming Constraints to Later Life Employment, will be held on November 14, from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. As you know, GSA will be in Boston this year, so please make your plans now to arrive by November 13; hotels will fill up so please make your reservations as soon as you can.
Also, registration for the pre-conference is not included in registration for GSA, so please register for our session (and GSA) as soon as you can. It will be important to publicize the session among your colleagues and friends and encourage them to attend. We need to have a good audience.
One extra surprise is that Kerry Hannon, has agreed to be our keynote speaker. As many of you know, Kerry is a nationally recognized expert and strategist on career transitions, personal finance and retirement. I am sure having her join us will add to an already very exciting program!
It's important to add that this will be our 4th conference during which we represent a new and emerging focus at GSA on aging and work. Until recently, GSA included very little content about this important challenge of our time--the need for so many older adults to work a little longer in order to have a secure retirement in the context of increasing longevity. The fact that GSA keeps accepting our proposals is evidence of their realization of the urgency of the current challenge, and, of course, the quality of work that all of you have been doing. I for one so appreciate your work and am proud to be part of this incredible Network. Soon, I will send out a program so that all of you may see the details of plans for the day.
I have seen a great up-tick in media and popular press coverage of the changing context of aging and work. I believe this is happening because of all the work that you and many others have been doing over the last 2 decades. I also believe that the time is right for embracing and building on this growing momentum. People (employers) are starting to listen!