Sloan Research Network 
April 27, 2017
In This Issue

IAGG 2017 Pre-Conference July 22-23

The IAGG 2017 Pre-Conference "Translating Research on Aging & Work into Practice: Effective Strategies for Communicating with Employers," is scheduled for July 22-23, in San Francisco, California, at the IAGG 2017 World Congress.  The program is now finalized with very exciting sessions. If you have not yet registered you can do so here.

We received numerous applications for early career scholar travel a wards, each in the amount of $1,200 plus complimentary registration to the pre-conference workshop.  We are happy to announce the 10 recipients of the awards posted in this link.

Symposium on Ageing and Old-Age October 11-12
3rd Annual International Symposium on Ageing and Old-Age in Asia-Pacific be held in Melbourne, Australia, on October 11-12.  Click here for more info.
Opportunity to Sign Letter of Support for Paid Family Leave Legislation in U.S.

In collaboration with the Social Work Productive Aging Grand Challenge, the Network developed a letter in support of paid family leave to be sent to the U.S. Congress. We have 15 signatures from prominent academic researchers. If you would like to add your signature please email  me your name, degree, title(s), affiliation, city, and state.
Please note that signatories to this letter are expressing their personal views and not representing the views of the institutions with which they are affiliated.
The following is the introductory paragraph of the letter; the full letter can be found  here. 

"We, the undersigned researchers of aging, work and family issues from multiple disciplinary perspectives and institutions across the country, write this letter in support of making paid family and medical leave available to all working families. [1]  After a careful review of the evidence, we strongly urge the adoption of a United States national paid family and medical leave policy, specifically, the elements of the FAMILY Act (S.337 / HR 947) and similar legislative proposals.  We ask that you cosponsor the bill in your respective legislative body."

As always, I like to remind you that this is your Network!  Please let me know if there are additional ways that we can support you in your work .

In appreciation for the work you do,

Jacquelyn James
Director, Sloan Research Network on Aging & Work
Boston College

Network Steering Committee: Ruth Kanfer, Christina Matz-Costa, Phyllis Moen, Alicia Munnell, Marcie Pitt-Catsouphes, Sara Rix, Ursula Staudinger, Harvey Sterns, Philip Taylor, Julie Zissimopoulos