Volume XIII, Issue XXXXV November 18, 2024


Your Weekly Catechetical News from the

Office of Christian Formation

 Dear Erin,            

OCIA Implementation Update

December 1, 2024 New OCIA Ritual may begin to be used.

March 5, 2025 (Ash Wednesday) New OCIA Ritual must be used.

However, the mandatory use date for the revised Statutes is December 1, 2024. The former statutes are abrogated on that day.

National Statutes 2024 The Statutes as promulgated.

What's new in these norms? a quick look at changes to be implemented.

General information about the Statutes.


The 1983 Code of Canon law directs, "It is for the conference of bishops to issue statutes which regulate the catechumenate by determining what things must be expected of the catechumens and by defining what prerogatives are be recognized as theirs" (Canon 788 §3). Statutes are defined as "ordinances which are established according to the norm of law in aggregates of persons or of things and which define their purpose, constitution, government, and methods of operation" (Canon 94 §1).


While a Spanish translation of the statutes is provided in ritual editions, the English text is the definitive legal text.

There were 37 statutes in the 1988 edition, there are 18 in 2024. This is due to the USCCB not wanting to repeat what is already established by Canon Law or in the OCIA itself. So, in order to fully understanding and appreciate these statutes, other works must be consulted like the Code of Canon Law and the OCIA itself since the revised statutes do not repeat what is written elsewhere.

An example of this would be the need for a pastor to seek delegation to confirm someone baptized Catholic (uncatechized) who is in their OCIA process. This exists now in OCIA 409 and not in the statutes as it was previously.

Diocese of St. Augustine

Catechetical Leaders and other Parish Ministers

Advent Day of Reflection

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

9:30 am - 2;00 pm

Mass will be celebrated mid-morning

Rescheduled~ Catechetical and Parish Ministers Beginning of the Catechetical Year Day of Reflection

Now ~ Advent Day of Reflection

We know many of you registered in August and either paid or selected bill the parish. Please let us know whether you are going to attend (but do not pay twice). If you paid and cannot attend the reschedule, let us know. Cformation Email

Jotform to register

Advent Resources 2024

For Children and Families

Sadlier Advent Resources Sadlier Advent Calendar, prayers, St. Nicholas Activity, Spanish and English

Celebrating Advent as a Family: For Your Marriage Celebrating Advent as a family

Diocese of Erie Jesse Tree Resources  Diocese of Erie, Jesse Tree symbols and prayers for each of the Jesse Tree Symbols

Catholic Icing Advent and Christmas Advent and Christmas crafts, etc

Loyola Press Advent a myriad of Advent activities for classroom or home

Free Downloadable 3d nativity for coloring McGrath Institute


USCCB Advent Resources Advent calendars, the O Antiphons, Blessing of an Advent Wreath… Spanish and English

Catholic Apostolate Center Advent Resources variety of resources, youtubes, etc

Maryknoll Advent Reflection Guide 2024

CRS Advent Calendar  Online advent calendar, reflections

Busted Halo (Paulists) Advent Calendar Busted Halo (young adults) interactive Advent calendar

Busted Halo 10 meaningful Advent traditions 10 meaningful Advent traditions to start this year

Bishop Barron Three Comings of Christ (Youtube) 

Bishop Barron Three Comings at Advent. 8 minutes....this one is my favorite of many he has done on Advent.

Hallow Advent Interesting write up on Advent calendars from Hallow, which is a free app, lots of sutff here.

Praying the O Antiphons~ free downloadable booklet from ND Praying the O Antiphons, sign up and receive free reflections.

DOSA Welcomes the OCIA

Training dates and site locations for Pastors, OCIA Coordinators, and members of the Parish OCIA Team.

Outline for Training:

The Vision of the OCIA

The Liturgical Components of the OCIA (new, different, suggestions on enacting)

Nuts and Bolts of the implementation in DOSA

Saturday, December 14, 2024 St. Madeleine, High Springs 9:30 am - 3:30 pm

Sunday, December 15, 2024 Blessed Trinity, Jacksonville 1:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Deadline for the above sessions is December 5, 2024

Saturday, January 4, 2025 Corpus Christi, St. Augustine 9:30 am - 3:30 pm

Sunday, January 5, 2025 Sacred Heart, Fleming Island 12:30 pm - 6:00 pm

Thank you to our host sites for your generosity

Bring your OCIA Ritual Study Guide.

$10 per person

3/$25 from the same parish at one location

6 or more from same parish $50. at one location

Fee includes a meal and materials, but not the ritual study guide. Those will be on sale at location for $25 on a limited basis.

Register for your chosen location

If you ordered OCIA materials, the majority of them have come in. We are still awaiting the bilingual edition and the LP editions.

Adult Confirmation

Bishop Pohlmeier will confer the Sacrament of Confirmation on adults, those 18 and up who have been baptized and have already received First Holy Communion in the Catholic Church on two occasions in 2025:

Saturday, February 8, 2025 at the 5:00 pm Mass at St. Patrick Parish in Gainesville.

Sunday, June 8, 2025 at a 2:00 pm Mass in the Cathedral Basilica.

Parishes need to complete the registration forms and submit to the office 6 weeks prior to the celebration to have their people included. Incomplete forms cannot be accepted.

Adult Confirmation Registration Form

Adult Confirmation Check List for Parishes

Discernment Evening~ Ministry Formation Program

Any vocation within the Church, including the call to lay ecclesial ministry, involves a discernment process. The term "lay ecclesial minister" is a term used for the last 30 years by the U.S. Bishops to describe those lay people who answer a call to serve the Catholic Church publicly alongside Bishops, priests and deacons.

This call begins with a discernment and it is followed by a systematic program of formation in the areas of: spirituality, academics, human development, and pastoral skills. Our diocesan Ministry Formation Program fulfills this mandate of the U.S. Bishops' found in the document: Coworkers in the Vineyard. Coworkers in the Vineyard (document)

In order to assist those who might be thinking about this call to recognized lay ecclesial ministry, the Office of Ministry Formation is hosting a discernment night on the Monday, November 18 from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm. All are welcome to attend to explore the possibility. The session will be held at the Catholic Center, 11625 Old St. Augustine Road in the Hurley Auditorium. An RSVP to Lauren would be helpful for those who wish to attend.

Certificate in the Practice of Catechesis

Along with our grant program, we have 10 catechetical leaders taking part in the pilot of the Certificate in the Practice of Catechesis program through NCCL.

While studying practical applications, these 10 are being treated to some find presentations by experts from across the U.S. on specific topics of formation. Each of these vimeos are 1.5 hours.

Adult Faith Formation for Mature and Older Adults Sr. Janet Schaeffler, O.P. shares some of the best resources out there for Adult Faith Formation on this Vimeo.

Formation with Young Children Dr. Kathie Amidei shares ideas for working with pre-school children.

Basic Certification (Level I)

The prereads for each class are now on the Dosaformation Website

St. Luke, Middleburg

November 23 and 24 Deadline for this coming weekend is Tuesday by 4:00 pm

Jotform to register

St. Matthew, Jacksonville

January 11 and 12

January 25 and 26

Jotform to register

Continuing Formation (Level III) Opportunities

Journeying through Advent 2024: Hope Is Near

Wednesday, November 20, 2024 at 5 p.m. EST

Experience an Advent retreat with Steve Botsford. Through prayer and reflection, explore your own spiritual journey, gain deeper insights into the scriptural passages of Advent, and discover practical ways to live out the messages of the season in your everyday life.

Steve Botsford is Vice President, Catechetical Learning for William H. Sadlier, Inc. He is a master catechist in the Archdiocese of Atlanta. After converting to the Catholic faith in 1992, he became a catechist to help others learn about God’s love—the same love he experienced during his conversion. He served over ten years in parish ministries as a youth minister and DRE.

Register here

La Esperanza de Adviento a través de los Santos

Martes, 19 de noviembre de 2024 a las 5 p.m. EST

Este retiro especial de Adviento te invita a profundizar en la esperanza que caracteriza el Adviento, un tiempo sagrado de preparación para la venida de Cristo. A través de las enseñanzas y reflexiones de los santos, descubrirás cómo ellos vivieron este tiempo litúrgico con fe, amor y confianza en la promesa del Salvador.

Gerardo Salazar es Consultor Nacional de Catequesis Bilingüe para William H. Sadlier, Inc., es mexicano-americano, casado con Nancy y padre de 10 hijos. Con estudios en Periodismo, una maestría en Teología, y un doctorado en Ministerio, ha servido como Director Asociado en la Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston y profesor de Teología en la Universidad de Santo Tomás.

Registrarse ahora

Free webinar

Creating a Sustainable Youth Ministry with Katie Gray of Life Teen

Katie Gray, director of Parish Outreach for Life Teen

December 10th 3:00 PM

Discover the keys to a thriving and sustainable youth ministry with Katie Gray, director of parish outreach for Life Teen. In this webinar, Gray will share proven strategies for intentional outreach, building strong support networks, and empowering teens to take an active role in their parish community. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to revitalize your existing ministry, you’ll leave with a concrete plan to engage the next generation and create a lasting impact.

Go To Webinar

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