Astrology & Channeled Guidance in Every Issue
Wisdom Path Newsletter
The Official Newsletter of Wisdom Path, by Judi Thomases
~ Please note: having kept my fees the same for many years, circumstances necessitate a price increase in certain types of readings after January 1st ’23. Thanks for your understanding. ~
In the spiritual field, we’ve all heard exhortations to “do the inner work” or “change your narrative, change your reality”, right? But what does that really mean, and how do you know you’ve done it?
The validation appears in different ways. It could be symbolic; it could be when the timing of daily events flows easily; it could be when you hear from a certain individual, etc.
I can offer a few recent personal examples: the behavior of my adult kids over Thanksgiving was irritating, so I deliberately let go of my emotional attachment to the situation, and made a conscious decision to have a nice time away from them with other family members at a lovely restaurant on the C&D canal in Maryland. Along came a tug boat pulling a huge cargo ship literally only yards from our window seats, and as the ship’s name came into sight, I saw it was called WISDOM LINE. Wow, what a confirmation! Next, my aging car required work at the dealer’s, but the need for a part delayed its repair and completion for a few days, so after juggling some appointments and relaxing into the altered timetable, my husband and I went shopping the following day with the intention of stopping by the Service Department in the hopes it might be ready. As I met the assigned Service Manager, she said, “What good timing! The tech just dropped off your key fob.” Going with the flow!
It's hard to describe the feeling of exhilaration you get upon receiving these tiny corroborations of your hard work… deep inside, where no one might know what effort you made and how the universe just validated it. You have to be tuned into the meaningful cause and effect or you may not even realize it.
Has stuff like this happened to you?
Everything boils down to alignment. Emotions are our static. They scramble us up. Alignment is centering. Being Zen. Finding ways to accommodate yourself internally to what’s happening in YOUR life (not the exterior world), and reaching a peaceful, allowing state. The tiny validations are your reward for continually achieving this, and the ease with which your day goes by is the higher estate you reach incrementally throughout your life.
Blessings to all.
BTW, I came across an entire Astrology course on CDs that I taught over the years. Beginners to Advanced. There are 75 discs (40 hours). (CD player required.) If anyone reading this is interested in purchasing all or part, please let me know by email so I can give you a GREAT sale price.
Smiles and love as always,
Judi from Del-Aware
P.S. Check out my various articles from the defunct Dell Horoscope magazine, now archived on my website.
You can purchase my book by clicking...
Contact info is: Wisdom Path/Judi Thomases, 99 Cherry Hill Rd., Magnolia DE 19962. Phone is 302-697-3630.
Also, if you're on Facebook, please Become a Follower of Wisdom Path page, and post your thoughts about playing the soul's wisdom game of life.
Don't forget... previous issues (along with channelings, reviews, and astro news) are archived on
The World begins December with caution regarding financial matters, continuing on the 8th and 11th (Saturn sextile Venus; Mercury and Venus into Capricorn). However, everyone is over-idealistic and drained (Neptune station direct conjunct Jupiter, sextile Pluto, but t-square Mars, and Venus/Mercury). The 8th can see friction over the airwaves (Full Moon in Gemini conjunct Mars, square Venus). The 22nd-23rd brings opportunity for fresh starts, maybe war, with over-extension and the focus on corporations and business (Jupiter into Aries, square Sun; New Moon in Capricorn).
The U.S. starts the month with belligerence (Mars square U.S. Sun) but also developing compassion (p2 Moon into Pisces). Week 1 is a mixture of confusion from fake news but inspiration from good economic reports (Neptune SD opposite U.S. Neptune exact, trine U.S. Mercury/p2 NN). Week 2 continues economic growth (Jupiter sextile U.S. p2 Pluto). Good pacing and support for the military is shown (Saturn trine U.S. Mars). From the 27th-30th, serious information is released affecting the continuing transformation of big institutions such as banks, corporations and government (Saturn conjunct U.S. p2 Mercury; Pluto return in Capricorn H2). Old matters related to financial entities bring good fortune to the job market and real estate (Mercury SR in Capricorn conjunct U.S. p2 SN exact, opposite U.S. Mercury; Uranus sextile U.S. p2 Jupiter; Jupiter conjunct U.S. IC).
Trump is patient and innovative, taking stock and gaining much support all month (Saturn sextile his Moon, trine his NN/p2 Uranus/Sun). He remains on uncertain ground until the second half of January (Neptune square his Sun) but can make a surprise move on the 4th-5th (Mars conjunct his Uranus/p2 NN, sextile his Jupiter). The 8th shows an important event via technology (Full Moon conjunct his Uranus/p2 NN in H10). He is very strong in Week 3 (Mars trine his p2 Mars, sextile his p2 Pluto), and grows tougher in Week 4 (Mars sextile his Pluto).
Putin feels triumphant by mid-month (Mars trine his Sun) but faces difficulties or obstacles by month’s end (Saturn conjunct his IC, opposite his Pluto).
DeSantis deals with the importance of partners and groups now (his p2 Moon into his Libra H11). His powerful drive is challenged by the unexpected all month (Pluto sextiles his p2 Mars; Uranus opposes his p2 Uranus). He can rely on his intuition in Week 1 (Neptune trine his ASC) and look forward to leadership success by Week 4 (Jupiter trines his Jupiter in Leo).
The Republican Party has aspects for positive growth, inspiration, and success (Pluto trine its Saturn; Neptune sextile its Jupiter; Jupiter conjunct its Sun).
(c) 2022 by Judi Thomases.
Upcoming Events
META MEET - Teachings from my book The Wisdom Keys, and from over four decades on The Path - 3rd Mondays of the month
* * * * *
Book Review: “Many Lives, Many Masters: The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist, His Young Patient and The Past-Life Therapy That Changed Both Their Lives” – by Dr. Brian Weiss, (Piatkus, 1988, updated 2020)
This is the classic in the niche of past-life regressionists and the mind-changing perspective gained from these case studies in regards to the reality of reincarnation, and how that affects their present life and its predicaments.
As is the case in many of these true accounts, Dr. Weiss began with a full medical background in biological psychiatry, substance abuse, and the use of medications, and with a self-acknowledged narrow-minded and conservative viewpoint. The patient who changed all this for him was a young woman who was able “to act as a conduit for information from ‘highly evolved spirit entities’” but who seemingly had no personal interest in past lives, metaphysics, and anything paranormal. After a certain amount of skepticism and resistance, Dr. Weiss began his journey via his patient, Catherine, into the amazing notion that our current mental health and sometimes physical health issues are intertwined with our previous lives’ experiences even when we have no recollection of them.
Eastern philosophy, of course, includes reincarnation and karma in its precepts but Western science is only now coming into acceptance, and a book like this that became a best-seller was instrumental in furthering our society’s adoption of, and research into, this entire idea. Dr. Weiss explains that after eighteen months of intensive psychotherapy and despite standard treatments including tranquilizers and antidepressants to deal with Catherine’s piercing fears and peculiar coping mechanisms, her symptoms didn’t abate. Her panic attacks and anxiety, including fear of flying and refusal to take pills for fear of choking, were increasing in frequency and duration.
When she finally agreed to the use of hypnosis, she was able to go into a deep trance, and began remembering things from her earliest childhood but also amazingly from a life as a female in 1863 B.C. In this first regression, specific details of her appearance, the landscape, and her painful experiences came through which identified and resolved one of her continuing fears. This began a long and successful journey through Catherine’s regressions into her complete healing, and during these entire episodes (which lasted over a period of years), an even more amazing thing happened when different voices and different levels of higher consciousness began to come though her with the purpose of sharing knowledge with others and helping the world. These other voices identified themselves as spiritual figures, teachers, elders, and it became apparent that there was not one but several with different characteristics.
These entities are described as someone who “controls things”. These figures are referred to as the Masters. And the feeling was that of “detached loving-kindness”. Their purpose is to heal, explain the afterlife passage, reduce or eliminate the fear of dying, and give us information that can lift our spirits, guide our physical lives, and even explain the purpose of some of our more traumatic experiences carried from one life to another. Some of the truths imparted were: “Everything comes from the light! Energy comes from this light! Our soul immediately goes there. It’s like a power source.” “You must eradicate the fears from their minds. It is a waste of energy.” Also, “To be in the physical state is abnormal; when you are in the spiritual state, that is natural to you.” “There is a state of renewal. It’s a dimension.”
The fear of death dissolves when people realize that “life is endless, we never die, we were never really born, and we had lived countless times before and we will live countless times again.” We are also told that “it is when we are in the physical state that we can experience relationships”, and also that in order to learn, “we must learn some of our lessons in the flesh, and feel the pain” – that is where growth can occur.
More and more guidance and wisdom came through during these sessions with Catherine – the idea of no longer needing the physical form, of attaining mind-to-mind contact (i.e., telepathy), of evolving until reaching a state somehow merging with God – a divine union – and more. Their messages, they said, were as much for him as for her. Dr. Weiss has realized that “therapists need to consider the possibility of life after death, and integrate it into their counseling.”
There is little in this book that is new or foreign at this point in time but it is still enlightening, and a joy to read about the lady’s past-life connections to her current life, and how this unusual treatment progressed. It’s a must-read for those of us whose quest is spiritual and whose mission is to help others. 5 stars.
~ Letters to the Editor ~
Your feedback is welcome
"Hi Ms.Judi! I want to thank you for a wonderful, thought-provoking consultation last week. You gave me much to ponder. I learned so much about astrology this time as well." - Diana K., Oxnard
Spirit's Words:
Monthly Channeling - Dec. '22
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
By Judi Thomases
The following segment has been received, word for word through a psychic process known as channeling. It is an invited procedure. The teachings always serve to guide us through the journey of life. Compilations of many such messages are available in book, PDF and audio formats:Compilation of BoLW's Messages
We see you. We see that, you, like many, are confused by the events and information of the times, as though everything is shaky or not stable, as though one does not know where to turn for truth, pondering what is real, and how to proceed along unfirm ground.
This is not so different as previous messages we gave regarding changes and uncertainty. But we say again: to remain in your center – that is, yourself, who you know yourself to be, and how you have constructed your own personal reality. Stay in that and continue to move forward, as though everyday your world is all that matters.
It is tempting to be affected by the larger world, by the news, by events that seem of a grand magnitude, and that seem ready to impact your lives. However, the essential truth is just this: you make your world via your choices, your perspective, your values, your beliefs, and your actions. All of these compound to create around you a sense of wellbeing or a sense of uncalm.
We cannot emphasize enough how important personal choice is. There is, to be sure, planetary destiny. There is, to be sure, ebbs and flows of high drama, challenges, and a whole variety of upsets or changes on the world stage, as is seen throughout history. But these exterior events do not need to sway your personal decisions. Free will is always operative on the physical plane. Free will boils down to how you choose to frame your story, your narrative, during whatever times you are living through. If you see it as hopeful and optimistic, it is said you have faith. If you see it as dark, gloomy, or hopeless, you have lost faith.
What is faith? It is not religion. It is the belief that the universe is benign and that you are partaking of this beneficence as you play out your life. Faith is also that quality that enables the universe to shower you with grace or blessings, and bring to you, even unexpectedly, happy surprises. And so, we emphasize: the trick now is not to be influenced by external events or other people’s realities but to remain in yours, comfortable, secure, wise, cautious and yet optimistic. Quite a perfect blend, eh?
We thank you. We are complete and we withdraw.
© 2022 by Judi Thomases
by Judi Thomases
Holidays '22 - for your gift list or yourself!
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An Astrology Consultation
by Judi Thomases
All sessions include full astrological interpretation (including transits, lunations, and progressions) with specific dates of energy patterns, plus Tarot and AstroDice. Upon request, I-Ching or channeling is also available.
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For more info, or to BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT(S) NOW, email Judi@WisdomPath.com
“Yes, we choose when we will come into our physical state and when we will leave... You are allowed to choose your re-entry back into the physical state.”
– Many Lives, Many Masters, Brian Weiss, M.D.
Philosophical Quote
“Learning to be calm when you’re disrespected is power.”
– Phil Godlewski, on Rumble
A Quote From:
The Brotherhood of Light Workers
“If The Second Worldview teaches the usage of creative potential and the access to The M Field, the next Worldview, The Third Worldview, brings you to Global Identity.”
Consultations for Tough Times...
*Know when to take action, and when to hold off
*Find Joy and Success by handling relationships well and weighing choices wisely
*Improve creative efforts, financial investments, and career decisions!
*Become the BEST you!
Neptune stations direct in good aspect to Pluto, Jupiter, and Uranus, but Mercury goes retrograde...
*** Do you know what that means to you? ***
For more information:
(302) 697-3630
MUSK OUSTS TWITTER’S CENSORSHIP-LOVING BOARD OF DIRECTORS, BECOMES SOLE DIRECTOR IN GAME CHANGING MOVE, DC ENQUIRER, OCTOBER 31, 2022 – (Prediction: “Elon Musk is still dealing with obstacles. His power and wealth will only grow and grow.” – Sept. ’22 SW)
WITH MAJORITY SECURED, HOUSE REPUBLICANS ANNOUNCE INVESTIGATION INTO JOE BIDEN – mediaright.com, 11/17/22 (Prediction: “The Republican Party (3/20/1854, Ripon WI, noon) is undergoing rapid changes regarding financial matters, and is becoming much stronger and more popular”. – Dec. ’21 SW)
NANCY PELOSI WILL NO LONGER BE THE LEADER OF THE DEMOCRATS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, TELLERREPORT.COM, 11/18/22 (Prediction: “Nancy Pelosi is thrown for a loop now. By March she suffers a big loss.” – Oct. ’22 SW)
Every month we look at your patterns, including a new Lunar Return, progressions and transits for each month... we talk about what are the best choices... decisions, challenges, best times to launch projects, meet people, take care of yourself, and much more.
You can ask the important questions -- business or personal or anything else -- for insight...
For instance, one client got her publicity photo done on the EXACT best date - she says it's the best photo she's ever had taken!
The session combines astrology (dates, energy, patterns), Tarot and AstroDice (oracles, psychic info). We'll see the energy patterns unfold,
and determine how best to navigate them with awareness; your wisdom and empowerment will deepen.
Email me at
for details and appointments
Unsolicited Testimonials:
"We are happy to announce that Wisdom Path has been selected as the Winner for the 2022 Best of Garnerville Awards in the category of Spiritualists & Mediums.” – Garnerville Award Program
"Good morning Ms. Judi! Thank you for the outstanding lesson via Zoom! That night, I dreamed of the teachings and for several days had actually had a shift in consciousness!" - D.K., CA
"I came across your online learning content and found it to be useful for a lot of people." - Vivek Puri, LearnDesk Marketplace
"Hi Ms. Judi! Thank you so much for the enlightening reading and for the file download. You really are a force for good.” – D.K., CA
"Your book 'The Wisdom Keys' has gone through a strict evaluation and earned exceptionally favorable remarks from our Board of Editors." - C. Carter, FilmhatchMedia
"Judy, I am just in awe at how insightful your reading tonight was for me. Just wow is all I can muster right now. Thank you again for your help. You are a godsend. Surrounding you in white light and love." - Michelle C, Wisconsin
"Judy, Thank you SO much for your kind words of wisdom and help. I’m so thankful and grateful to you for your help and messages. Thank you again and I will be in touch to schedule another meeting soon. Take care,” - Michelle C., Wisconsin"
"Blessings to you, and thank you. I love your newsletter." - Tanya M., by email
"Your wisdom and guidance landed me a big beautiful home. I am so happy and everything you said came true for me. I love and admire you so much. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” – L.D., Colorado
"Loved the reading, you are and always will be the best spiritual advisor!!!" – Laura D., by email
"I've been a fan of Judi for many years. Her spiritual work, insights and wisdom are unique and useful for anyone on a spiritual path of discovery. Thank you, Judi!" - Boyd Martin from Pure Energy Rx
(main: articles, podcasts, more)
(By appointment only)
(books, CDs, reports, podcasts, more)
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9:00 AM to 9:00 PM (Eastern)
"Spirit's Words" Newsletter is written by Judi Thomases at
If you have any questions or comments, please send them to:
Judi@WisdomPath.com. © 2022 Judi Thomases. All Rights Reserved.
You may absolutely share this newsletter with people you think may enjoy it.
When doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including our contact and copyright information.
Thanks and enjoy!
Judi Thomases
Wisdom Path