Astrology & Channeled Guidance in Every Issue
Wisdom Path Newsletter
The Official Newsletter of Wisdom Path, by Judi Thomases
~Readings now available on Zoom or Skype, recorded~
The times we’re living through are certainly strange. Surreal might be a better word. We don’t know what’s true or not. Is Biden our President, or will election fraud oust him? Is Trump still President, or is he in the rear-view mirror? Is the vaccine curative, or is it dangerous? Is the economy doing well, or is it about to tank with high prices and short supplies? Are we in a digital war with the Deep State, or just going about our daily “normal” lives?
Under current conditions, it’s hard for many people to maintain a level emotional state. There are so many ups and downs just staying abreast of the news… and if you’re not aware of this, you’re living in a cocoon! My husband admonishes me to “look at the bright side” and “don’t dwell in negative thoughts” (my own slogans played back at me!). But as a sensitive/empath/intuitive, all the waves of feelings that others may sense are to me like a soup to swim through constantly. And so, I have good days and not-so-good days. I’m affected by my own world, my friends’ and family’s world, and the Big World. When I write my Astro Tidbits column in here, I’m certainly looking at all the clues and hints of any energy patterns that need interpreting. Final analysis? Everything’s very confused and uncertain right now.
This month will be particularly turbulent!
Thus, the only viable direction to gaze now is upwards. The higher plane is much more whole and serene than we are “down here”. The Guides, Angels, and Elders stand ready to give guidance or answer prayers as long as we partake in shifting our consciousness in an ascending arc. I think that’s exactly why we’re going through such current chaos: to accelerate our spiritual evolution.
So, here’s to awakening! It’s just about the only sure choice we can all make nowadays.
BTW, I came across an entire Astrology course on CDs that I taught over the years. Beginners to Advanced. There are 75 discs (40 hours). ). If anyone reading this is interested in purchasing all or part, please let me know by email so I can give you a sale price.
Smiles and love as always,
Judi from Del-Aware
P.S. Check out my various articles from the now-defunct Dell Horoscope magazine, now archived on my website.
You can purchase my latest book by clicking...
Contact info is: Wisdom Path/Judi Thomases, 99 Cherry Hill Rd., Magnolia DE 19962. Phone is 302-697-3630.
Also, if you're on Facebook, please Become a Follower of Wisdom Path page, and post your thoughts about playing the soul's wisdom game of life.
Don't forget... previous issues (along with channelings, reviews, and astro news) are archived on
The World sees a relatively low-key period. Much frustration is noted on the 1st (Mars opposite Saturn). Disruption abounds between the 3rd-5th (Mars square Uranus). People remain confused by lies or fake news on the 7th (Mercury square Neptune). But on the 13th, we may all see some good news (Mercury sextile Jupiter). Fortunately, we have been, and are continuing to be, in a long era of raised consciousness (Pluto sextile Neptune).
Week 1 for the U.S. shows exciting liberation (Uranus sextile U.S. Sun). July 4th is very highlighted – we can experience an emotional shock regarding news, but still question what is real, with patterns that are very lucky and productive but also very challenging (U.S. Solar Return shows a Kite with a Grand Fire Trine, a Mystic Rectangle, and a Fixed T-square; including Moon/Uranus in H3, and Mercury square Neptune). As we resolve our challenges, the greater world must benefit (i.e., the real meaning of a Mystic Rectangle). The path is spiritual (Neptune trine U.S. p2 PF, opposite U.S. Neptune in H9). Many have named this period in world history as biblical in nature, with a battle between good and evil. The nation is energized on the 10th (Mars sextile U.S. p2 Mars), and again on the 16th-17th (Mars sextile U.S. Mars), possibly involving the military. The 24th brings a peak event regarding a heavy-duty economic matter, possibly a financial reset (Full Moon conjunct U.S. p2 Pluto in H2). Lots of arguing and anger ensues on the 26th (Mars opposite U.S. Moon in H3).
President Trump is bold and energized on the 1st (Mars conjunct his p2 Pluto, sextile his p2 Mars). From the 4th-5th he practices smart pacing despite many frustrating obstacles (Saturn trine his p2 Mars, opposite his p2 Pluto). Between the 9th-10th, financial matters are intensely pressured but he is inventive and feeling invincible (Pluto opposite his Venus; Mars sextile his Uranus, sextile his Jupiter). From the 14th-15th, he is popular, assertive, on track, and impatient (Mars sextile his p2 Venus, sextile his NN, trine his Moon, sextile his Uranus). He feels at his best from the 21st-23rd (Mars sextile his Jupiter; Jupiter trine his p2 ASC). A new 2-year cycle regarding government begins on the 24th (Mars return in H9). A lull on the 27th (Neptune square his Sun) is quickly followed by his very strong leadership on the 29th (Mars conjunct his ASC, sextile his p2 ASC).
Obama is off in a dream between July 1st-Aug 12th (his p2 Moon square his Neptune). Week 1 finds him quite blocked (Saturn opposite his Sun), and Week 4, feeling weak and drained (Neptune opposite his Mars).
Joe Biden is being controlled and censored, and feels stymied (Pluto conjunct his p2 Mercury, opposite his Jupiter; Saturn square his Mars). The D.N.C. (11/1/1828) is also held back by Week 4 (Saturn conjunct its Mars in H1).
New mom Duchess Meghan Markle had her baby daughter, Lilibet, under spacey and exhausting conditions (Neptune opposite her Neptune in H5 exact; Saturn opposite her Sun). Duke Harry is in not much better shape now, feeling confused, troubled, and limited (Neptune square his Sun; Saturn square his Saturn). Probably neither of this couple know who they are now, or where they’re headed.
(c) 2021 by Judi Thomases.
Check out Current and Past Events! Here are a few:
- What's ahead for 2021?
- The changing of an Age (from Age of Pisces to Age of Aquarius)
- Chaos and transformation
- Making right choices ➡ empowerment!
- My two books
- How the channeling began, and what it offers
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META MEET - Teachings from my book The Wisdom Keys, and from over four decades on The Path - 3rd Mondays of the month
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"Saturn's Vanishing Rings" - a look at NASA's findings against vast cosmic cycles, and what they mean to us today.
Check out WisdomPath.com for more Recent Articles or Podcasts.
Book Review: “Reincarnation as a Scientific Concept: Scholarly Evidence for Past Lives," - by Dr. K.S. Rawat and Titus Rivas, (White Crow Books, 2021)
I will say from the beginning that the authors are heavily biased toward the truth of reincarnation.
The book for me has different tones or, you could say, different voices in its segments, some easy to read, others too technical. The initial part, called Praise for Reincarnation as a Scientific Concept, gives quotes by many people in the sciences and other disciplines who acknowledge and favor the existence or truth of reincarnation. The book then moves to a portion, called Investigations Past & Present, and then Classical Cases of Spontaneous Recall by Children, and later, More Recent Cases of Spontaneous Recall by Children, in which the details of many case studies done by the authors or previous researchers or investigators are spelled out. These portions are fascinating.
A large amount is documented by Dr. Rawat who, being Indian, has done research mostly in that part of the world – mostly India, some in the Mideast, and in a few other areas. The Dutch author, Rivas, gives case studies of Westerners, mostly Europeans, with details thereof. In these case studies, some very interesting details were noted, such as a young child who could speak a language other than her own culture or region, and who remembered songs and dance moves from a culture geographically and religiously different from her own, having had no such exposure. There were also a number of cases where the child displayed birthmarks in accordance with its previous life’s violent death, as well as phobias from that. There were many cases cited in which the child was insistent about its previous identity, the town it lived in, the names of its relatives or mistress, its occupation, and surprising details such as where in its former life as an adult it had hidden money! In instances where the reincarnatee was then taken there, proofs were found. Sometimes the parents’ superstitions about past life recall being connected to early death caused the child to suffer punishment or stifling by its family – a deterrent to revealing these memories, and a support against the child's mere fantasizing.
The reportage of these many cases helps to define the reincarnation process and to explain the varied nature of it with very convincing details. This was enjoyable to read, and somewhat awe-inspiring. It was said that only rarely did a subject recall what was happening during the period between death and the next birth, although there was at least one exception.
This section also gives information such as the ages at which a child typically begins to talk about previous lives (3 or 4), and the ages at which these memories start to typically dissolve (7-8), and also some conversation about the impact that retained memories can have on the “new” adult life.
The next part of the book veers away from case histories with their fascinating details and conclusions so that author Rivas can tackle philosophical questions such as the nature of consciousness, whether consciousness from one life changes when it becomes a new life, or if there is a continuum of the notion of self. Here, in quite esoteric language, he confronts difficult issues such as where memory is stored, whether physically in the brain or in some sort of non-materialistic field, using some rather deep and technical terms such as “cryptomnesia”, “qualia”, “parallelism”, “metasubjective”, “materialistic reductionism”, “survivalist hypothesis”, “impersonalism”, “metaphenomenal”, and “epiphenomenalism”. Both authors wrestle with the concept that the self, as it travels or metamorphosizes from one incarnation to another, must therefore be immortal, and debate if we are real or only have an illusion of realness. And they even tackle the Buddhist notion that the individualized self does not really exist, that it’s only temporary in the field that is God. Several scientific theories are addressed only to be discarded.
Some conclusions are drawn that the spirit retains its individuality and actually evolves with each incarnation, that the body is not essential for personal identity, that what survives death and reincarnation is “not the entire personality but an individuality of which the personality is a manifestation” (Dr. Ian Stevenson). The reincarnated person is not the same as the previous personality or body but can retain skills from those incarnations such as child prodigies do, but can lead to gender identity confusion. Some attention was given to the notion of choosing a good match for your next incarnation in regards to evolution of skills or psychological traits.
I found the book satisfactory in that a scientific inquiry confirmed what I and my psychic colleagues have known intuitively and experienced paranormally, where science and philosophy can uphold the truth of our journey, but I also found the book difficult in the later Appendices as the scientific inquiry became very obtuse for the lay reader. It would not be fair to negatively judge a book that titled itself a scientific inquiry on such grounds but it would be fair to tell a reader the nature of what they might be getting into if they try to follow such inquiry in its most scientific chapters. 3 stars.
~ Letters to the Editor ~
Your feedback is welcome
“Hello Judi, Thank you so much for the download and look forward to receiving my paperback. Thank you, also, for being the channel of your newest book, The Wisdom Keys. I recently finished reading it and will start reading it again as a reference point. It is so insightful and such a valuable tool for navigating through this wondrous place called Earth. So much more for us to learn - thank you for being a teacher/healer/spiritual guide and, of course, a Master Astrologer! Blessings to you and the work you do!" - Tanya, CA
“I just Love talking to You. Your light shines brighter than you can imagine.“- JH, NY
Spirit's Words:
Monthly Channeling - July '21
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
By Judi Thomases
The following segment has been received, word for word through a psychic process known as channeling. It is an invited procedure. The teachings always serve to guide us through the journey of life. Compilations of many such messages are available in book, PDF and audio formats:Compilation of BoLW's Messages
We see ahead that there are happier days.
It comes about because much order is restored. Order – which is an aspect of harmony – aligns daily doings and people’s feelings with the larger universe and the desired Great Plan that is unfolding. When there is chaos and disorder, this Plan (that is always behind everything) cannot be felt. It may be intuited but it is not actively perceived by people going about their lives.
However, when there is order and harmony, there is a marked reduction of stress that is merely a reflection of the disconnection between the Great Plan and what seems to be going on. And there is also a sense of joy, in that the alignment is felt, perceived, so that forward movement or progress can unfold energetically and helpfully.
When such a revivified sense of smooth flow and restored purpose is perceived, people no longer feel draped in sadness, anxiety, or depression. People begin to look forward to the new days ahead, and to the creative new possibilities in their individual lives, and in that of their society, their country, and yes, even world.
We give this message to empower and ground the coming shift. A shift occurs when many people see a new hope, hold a good belief, and dismiss or reject fear. This means that a song is in the coming, a joyous cry, a happy lift, and a new day.
We thank you. We are complete and we withdraw.
© 2021 by Judi Thomases
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“All children, not just those who actively remember past lives, are reincarnated souls…. We reincarnate as a kind of natural rejuvenation process.”
– Reincarnation as a Scientific Concept, by Kawat and Rivas
A Quote From:
The Brotherhood of Light Workers
“Try your best to gain clarity and insight right here, right now! Birth your Self while still alive.”
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SAAGAR ENJETI: EPSTEIN GUARDS ADMIT FAKING RECORDS AS BILL GATES REVELATIONS CONTINUE – THE HILL, 5/24/21 (Prediction: “Bill Gates is stressed out, finding that others limit him” – May ’21 SW)
WHITE HOUSE ANSWERS QUESTIONS ABOUT FAUCI’S FUTURE, SAYS BIDEN DOES NOT ANTICIPATE FIRING HIM – conservativebrief.com, 6/5/21 (Prediction: “Fauci, somewhat slowed down or blocked, might deceive or be victimized but basically skates for now.” – June ’21 SW)
MACRON SLAPPED IN THE FACE DURING PUBLIC APPEARANCE - RUPTLY, 6/9/21 – (Prediction: “French President Emmanuel Macron …is greatly challenged.” – June ’21 SW)
Every month we look at your patterns, including a new Lunar Return, progressions and transits for each month... we talk about what are the best choices... decisions, challenges, best times to launch projects, meet people, take care of yourself, and much more.
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For instance, one client got her publicity photo done on the EXACT best date - she says it's the best photo she's ever had taken!
The session combines astrology (dates, energy, patterns), Tarot and AstroDice (oracles, psychic info). We'll see the energy patterns unfold,
and determine how best to navigate them with awareness; your wisdom and empowerment will deepen.
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Unsolicited Testimonials:
Judy, I am just in awe at how insightful your reading tonight was for me. Just wow is all I can muster right now. Thank you again for your help. You are a godsend. Surrounding you in white light and love ....Michelle C, Wisconsin
"Your book ‘The Wisdom Keys’ has gone through a strict evaluation and earned exceptionally favorable remarks from our board of editors.” – Dina Harrison, Film Hatch Media Productions
"Judy, Thank you SO much for your kind words of wisdom and help. I’m so thankful and grateful to you for your help and messages. Thank you again and I will be in touch to schedule another meeting soon. Take care,” - Michelle C., Wisconsin"
"Blessings to you, and thank you. I love your newsletter." - Tanya M., by email
"Your book was given good reviews and a high rating from Literary agents.” – Mike Knut, Writers Marketing Hub
"Your wisdom and guidance landed me a big beautiful home. I am so happy and everything you said came true for me. I love and admire you so much. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” – L.D., Colorado
"Loved the reading, you are and always will be the best spiritual advisor!!!" – Laura D., by email
"It is our pleasure to inform you that Wisdom Path has been selected for the Best of Garnerville Awards in the category of Spiritualists & Mediums." - Best Regards, Garnerville Business Recognition
"I've been a fan of Judi for many years. Her spiritual work, insights and wisdom are unique and useful for anyone on a spiritual path of discovery. Thank you, Judi!" - Boyd Martin from Pure Energy Rx
"Thank you for the reading. Your insight is so valuable." - Beth, by email
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"Spirit's Words" Newsletter is written by Judi Thomases at
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Thanks and enjoy!
Judi Thomases
Wisdom Path