June 17, 2016 |

In just over two weeks, Texas Law Shield will begin offering special events called "Surviving an Active Shooter Encounter." Click to see the dates and details:
Gun-control groups and the media are using the Orlando shootings to demonize AR-15 rifles and other items they deem too scary to be owned by the common citizen. Michele Byington, an attorney at the law firm of Walker & Byington and a Texas Law Shield Independent Program Attorney, points out where they are wrong.
If you have a License to Carry, then it's time to get informed about the state's new gun laws. Texas Gun Law: Armed And Educated is a must-read for any Texan who owns a gun. Click the photo to see what folks are saying about the 2016 Edition:
Our Texas Law Shield mascot, Mason the Bear, certainly gets around. Click the photo to see a few places he's been spotted in Texas recently:

Does a recent Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that citizens do not have the right to carry a concealed firearm outside the home affect the average gun owner? We asked three Independent Program Attorneys in Texas, Pennsylvania, and Oklahoma to give us a range of analysis about what the ruling means for broader 2nd Amendment rights.
In Katie Couric's debunked documentary "Under the Gun," some folks have questioned how the firearms transactions were conducted. But were laws broken? We asked Michele Byington, an attorney at the law firm of Walker & Byington and a Texas Law Shield Independent Program Attorney, to help us separate crime from movie magic.
More and more, apartment complexes have been putting up 30.06 and 30.07 signs without any explanation to residents. Understandably, gun owners can get confused about their rights to possess and carry handguns. We sort through the legal fine points of this tricky issue. 
The 3rd Circuit has just issued a decision upholding the exclusion of certain weapons from the protection of the 2nd Amendment. Click the M16's photo to see what attorney Edwin Walker thinks this decision means:
How could a law-enforcement officer mistake a handgun for a Taser and accidentally shoot and kill someone? Here are some factors to consider for both officers and the public.