Our experience of life is what we bring to it.
The only thing any of us have control over is our attitude and the meaning we give the events of our lives. We cannot control other people, the economy, the weather, our boss or our significant other; we can't even control how fast our own fingernails grow. We have INFLUENCE over parts of our lives, but when we take a realistic look at our lives we being to see how little we have control over.
So the question is, how do we frame life so that we can live and thrive knowing this?
The answer is simple, but not easy - create an empowering interpretation to everything that happens.
Your significant other left you unexpectedly - is this is a disaster that you didn't see coming or an opportunity to grow, to learn more about yourself and to attract greater love?
You lost your job. Are you a victim of "the economy" or do you see this as an opportunity to bring forth your own unique offering to the world?
You relapsed on your addiction of your choice. Are you helpless or are you a Seeker looking for Love in the wrong place? Are you held captive by your addiction or is your addiction helping guide you to a better choice through not fulfilling you?
We have the opportunity and choice to bring meaning to the events of our lives. Now, I know what some of you are thinking, cuz I am thinking it too.
This is BULL-ISH.
Well, if you agree with the opinion of the world, I would agree with you. The world at large wants us to buy into negativity. In fact, we have been trained to believe that negative is realistic and positive is unrealistic. The collective heart of the world is broken and scared to love again. The collective fear of the world is that there is not enough to go around, so we much hoard and compete.
So, if you are coming from this worldly perspective, then yes, what I'm saying can and does sound like total bull. But I'm inviting us to re-train our minds and not let the world dictate our thoughts. This invitation means reversing our thoughts. From letting the thoughts of the world dictate our lives to instead let our thoughts dictate and create our world.
You see, what's going on in the world at large and in our lives individually is simply the outward projection of our thoughts. The thought patterns of the world are so concrete, so set and so hard that if we want to change and transform our lives, we can no longer buy into the collective fear. We must go within, get still and let our inner worlds dictate and create our outer worlds.
This requires training; this requires rewiring our brains (literally) to think a different way. The reason why giving meaning to our lives seems unrealistic is because we haven't experienced life from an empowered point of view. So we cannot imagine it. But, just like changing dials on the radio, tuning to the empowering frequency will bring about a new kind of music into our lives. But we must cultivate this inside-out thinking daily, knowing the world at large will think we are crazy.
But, the great promise of Love is this: if you change your thoughts from outside-in to inside-out, pretty soon you will be a living example of freedom and success. Then, from a place of being, rather than "preaching" you can be the living example that we can indeed live an empowered life.
This is a daily practice.
So, what is going on in your life that is crazy, traumatic, sad, unexpected or unbelievable? What meaning are you giving these events? And, after reading this blog, what EMPOWERING meaning can you give these events? Let me know: WhatImGoingThru@TheDailyLove.com
Is this a tragedy or is this Grace?
You decide.
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If you're ready for change, serious about investing in yourself and ready to work with a mentor send us an email.