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#73 - Week ending May 13th, 2022

Welcome to this weeks 'Take 5', your 5 minute weekly Optinet roundup. If you need clarification on any points or have questions drop an email to or raise a ticket in the portal.

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NHS Voucher Values

We are still coming across practices in England that have not increased their voucher values yet - please check now and if you need any help contact the support team.

Knowledgebase Links 

FLEX: Update Voucher Amounts
V5: Update Voucher Amounts 
PCS: Update Voucher Amounts

Downloadable PDF Help Guides

In addition to the online help system, link below, we also have PDF guides that can be downloaded and read offline - the following guides are available:

  • The FLEX Basics
  • Contact Lens
  • Sight Test Records
  • Clinical Records
  • Processing Recalls
  • Appointment Diary
  • Online Booking
  • Diary: Building ahead
  • Stock
  • Stocktaking
  • Schemes
  • Dispense
  • Till
  • Corporate Clients
  • Voucher setup, use & reporting
  • Till Buttons Setup
Access the Guides
Visit the Help System
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email to open a ticket automatically

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Track Stock with Barcode Labels

Printing barcode labels for frames is simple in FLEX and the content and layout of the label can be easily altered to include extra information (loyalty price, colour, size, description, model).

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FLEX will work with specific Zebra label printers, the most current model is the ZD410 (pictured right).

They are thermal printers meaning there are no costly inks to replace, simply drop in your labels and start printing

Printing from FLEX is as simple as finding your frame and clicking the print button!

Better still, once you have all of your frame stock labelled you can save even more time by using the stock take app, that runs on your phone, to scan frame barcodes and reconcile with FLEX!

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Post-Collection Email / SMS

Did you know it's possible to send an automatic email or SMS to a patient after they collect their order.

Idea: Why not make your service stand out by offering a 'Free Clean & Adjustment' 14 days after the patient picks up their glasses.

You will first need to create your templates, once that's done you need to setup the automated sending - here's how to do that:

  • Navigate to Menu -> Setup -> Orders -> General
  • Make sure 'Order Type' is set to 'Spectacle'
  • Scroll to the order status that you use when a patient has collected, in this example we are using 'SPEC - Collected'
  • In the 'Delay Days' column enter how long to wait (in days) before sending the message
  • Select the template you wish to use in the relevant column (SMS, Email)

Now every time you change the status of an order to the one you have chosen, the relevant communication will be sent to the patient.

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FLEX: How to Setup Templates

Latest Patches

  • HPP indicates high priority patches that are downloaded and installed automatically
  •  MTS indicates patches that have been deployed to the 'Hosted FLEX' servers
  • REQ indicates a patch that will be loaded on request or when an issue is highlighted


*** If you would like any other patches applied, please raise a support ticket ***


  • #046 - eGOS England (#FS3236 / HPP)
  • Resolves an issue with duplicate claim ID's reported by PCSE and causing 'stuck' claims

  • #047 - Multi Branch Timeline Rebuild
  • Resolves an intermittent problem with some branches not displaying and/or displaying with incorrect dates against the branch in the multi-branch rebuild.

  • #048 - eGOS England Signing
  • The signature time for recorded (auto-populated) staff signatures for the day (Optom) is now set upon creation of a GOS form. This allows submission of forms containing the auto-populated signatures again during BST (British Summer Time). This behaviour will be superseded in 1.5.7 by recording both date and time of the original signature, and then using this value instead.

  • #049 - eGOS England
  • Fix for GOS6 & other forms that intermittently report a compilation error during the creation process

How are we doing?

We want to hear from you!

Send us your ideas for enhancements to FLEX, service improvements and general feedback - click the link below...

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